Healing Miracles

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Healing Miracles

Post#1 » Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:54 pm

What are some of the healings that you have either experienced yourself or have seen happen through magic and/or prayer. Who was the spirit evoked or the diety prayed to that brought about the healing?

When I was younger I had asthma. I have been hospitalized for it multiple times. One time I was in the hospital having a particularly bad asthma attack, and the doctors said I would need to stay overnight. Well, my mother didn't want to stay there overnight. So being a Christian, after the doctor left she prayed with single minded devotion for my recovery. The room filled with some type of smoke or mist (which I think was only visible to her) and after the smoke cleared I was well again. The doctor of course was shocked at my sudden recovery and we went home that night.

It is really too bad that incidences like this are so few and far between. But I believe a day will come where these occurrences become the norm. Healing will be a perfected science.

I put this in the NAP section because today I did the Relaxation Ritual and the Bornless Invocation and was about to do an invocation to Elubatel for success in passing some tests but my abdomen was stinging and feeling painful. So I switched and did the invocation for health with Zoroel and Sabriel instead. I also added Heleleth (Elelelth) from Mystic Grimoire of Mighty Spells and Rituals to the invocation. Needless to say, the pain vanished a few minutes after I finished.

Not only that, but there was another health issue that i had brought up in the invocation which I had been worrying about for weeks due to not knowing what it was. Well I found out what it was online and my weeks of worrying are over (it was really disturbing my peace).

"I call thee Zoroel, Sabriel, and Heleleth, who hath dominion over physical and mental health...."

What are all of your miracle healing stories? I have already read some on here but I know that there must be more!

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Re: Healing Miracles

Post#2 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:01 pm

the power of concentration (control of only 1 thought and intention) is powerful beyond measure with any ritual.

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Re: Healing Miracles

Post#3 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:42 pm

RiverofThoughts wrote:the power of concentration (control of only 1 thought and intention) is powerful beyond measure with any ritual.

What do you mean by this? Please elaborate.

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