A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Magister Templi
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A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#1 » Mon May 14, 2012 1:20 am

First of all, let's set this straight. You should not imagine my views are in any ways reflecting that you need to change a thing. This is a history lesson and some Qabala, not me saying it will not work if you do it the way NAP says to. Geof Gray-Cobb did not know Hebrew, nor did he study direct Hebrew Sources, from what I have found out. But he was HEAVILY influenced by people who knew a good bit more, and worked with some. Some were ashkenazic and some were just mangled hebrew. Thus I can easily rationalize his pronunciations and mine are WAY different. In some cases, it is obvious, in some I have to question how much of what I know he might know.

What is Dee-Hay-Thooth to you? What if I I told you to me, based on his sigil, his words, his method and his use he reveals his source and his mistake in pronouncing it.

The word should be pronounced "de-hee-tee-ath" (Daleth Heh Ayin Teth Yod Tau) it means "You God, Have Covered". It is from the Psalm 89, and it means "thou God concealed." This is the Messianic "Psalm", that says the Messiah will be of the blood of David, as some of you may know. Furthermore here is the breakdown that tells me where his root is.

This Psalm is used to beg forgiveness for sins, known and unknown, that one may be "yasha" - i.e. delivered from evil. This is the psalm of Uriel. The Messiah is the bodily manifestation of the spirit of this Psalm. This psalm was written by Ethan, who was master of the brass symbols in David's band of musicians. He was known as the wisest man until Solomon. He is said to have been the man who created the name AGLA, as notarikon from the Gevurot, the second prayer of the Amidah. Part of this is because His own name means "Endure until the End" - a funny note for those who know a certain Frater Perdurabo.

So needless to say with AGLA, Uriel, and the grounding effect of it, we can easily see this as a way of doing the same thing as an invoking "Earth" Pentagram (overlaying an invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive) in the Northern Station of Water, the place of greatest symbolic Darkness.

Thus AGLA is the God of Ethan. He was instrumental to the temple in the time of David and in the time of Solomon, but he retired it is said, to his own solitude as he began to disprove of Solomon's interactions with the goeh, or gentiles (Gimel Vau Yod - Heh). This is the word Go-we-yeh, which means "impurities of nations", which KJV translates to "filthiness of the heathens". Solomon integrated these cultural practices in his many wives, and their Gods. Ethan was a figurehead of the messianic movement. It is a Maschil, not a Mizmowr. This means it has a element of deeper meaning and should serve as instruction. The use of this word as a chant or amulet is accompanied with the prayer of Azariah, son of Ethan, which was removed from the Protestant Bible.

This word is used in relation to the removal of sin and the deliverance of evil, which is supposed to lessen guilt, shame, and fear which can prevent success.

Now for the integration of the sigil. I have seen several views of this, but this is mine, and I can only tell you it will make sense if you do it. It seems, to me, to be attributed to Uriel, Archangel of Salvation.

Here is a simple set of directions far different than his, made easier:

Extend your right arm upward at approximately a 45 degree, keeping the elbow straight. Then rotate the pointing hand down even to shoulder level keeping the elbow straight, then move your pointing hand across STRAIGHT to your left shoulder, all the while keeping the elbow straight. Then, keeping the elbow straight, move your pointing finger diagonally back to the original position. This makes a Right Triangle, a sign of Light and Fire, and a proto-biblical vau in the center.

In the approximate center of the triangle, which is about a foot above your head, draw a semicircle from the left to the right, and then bring the pointing finger straight across to the midpoint between the two ends of the semi-circle.

Then draw the hand down to the waist level and draw a small circle counter-clockwise.

The more accurate pronunciation would be applied thus: (though it is not authentic to draw it in the air this way)

Put hand up
Dee (Down)
Hee (left)
Tee (right diagonal to finish the right triangle)
Ahh (semicircle and "stem" to waist")
Th (small counter-clockwise circle - which is in Western Magic to "close the symbol")

A vau in a triangle is STILL used as a magic sign of mainly because vau is 6, extended is 12, which is the key to the right Triangle. I believe this is why he is extending the OO sound so much in the drawing of the sigil. This sign of the nail (Vau) in the 12 of the right triangle, is the sign of the Messiah as the gathering of the Mezel Ha-Mazloth, i.e. "Zodiac" - and one of the reasons 12 tribes, 12 disciples, etc. The Vau (Nail) is 6, and the Triangle is the proto-Daleth, which is Door. The nail holds the door (i.e. tent flap). Daleth Vau is 446 extended (Aleph and the value of the 12 simple letters) as well as the word "destruction" . The value is 10 in simple, a number sacred to God praised by David, by his ten-strings of his kinnown. D and V are the letters of the name of David, with 2 daleths.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Posts: 11

Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#2 » Mon May 14, 2012 3:27 am


Posts: 46

Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#3 » Mon May 14, 2012 4:53 am

Raum, this is some astounding insight into the Dee-Hay-Thooth ritual Grey Cobb mentioned. I was actually thinking about this the other day, and your post hit the nail on the head so to speak.

I do wonder though, if as you said;

This word is used in relation to the removal of sin and the deliverance of evil, which is supposed to lessen guilt, shame, and fear which can prevent success.

If your speculation proves accurate than this explains entirely why the NAP recommended 'sealing with Dee-Hay-Thooth', as an almost ritualistic form of 'humbling ones self before god', and asking for redemption. However what confuses me is that most western magical systems encourage confession and adorations of god beforehand (Ex, the long daily prayers of the abramelin work, Crowley's bornless invocation, etc) and this is so far back in the book, it almost seems like an afterthought.

That said, as an experiment I did try doing some basic relaxation and performing your modified version of the Dee-Hay-Thooth, and it energetic 'signature' of sorts (if that makes sense?) feels nearly identical to Grey Cobb's. Nice work!

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#4 » Mon May 14, 2012 6:28 am

I looked through Cobb's book. I think he was ordering it in ten chapters for a reason, to work down from Kether to Malkuth.

Thus this work, of Uriel, upon the Ha-Aretz in Cheled is last. This is why toward the end of the book, he says that the current is now active, the whole time you are reading it, you are drawing down the influences through and to Malkuth. That is the only reason it would make sense to have it last, to me.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Son of Solomon
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Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#5 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:44 am


Is this the correct visualization? I never encountered this before NAP so I was wondering if I was doing it correctly. haven't really used it for anything results related (funny I know), I also know it doesn't have to be 100% accurate to work unless you are fully aware of the correct method.

still is this correct?

Posts: 9

Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#6 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:01 am

Sounds pretty good raum. Here's some more info about it. Gareth Knight mentions it on page 84 of occult exercises, apparently created by Olive Pixley and one of many exercises from her book armour of light. Knight only gives this Dee-Hay about a page and a half of text and two pics showing the sigils.

The first syllable DEAY (which represents equilibrium
in matter) is in the shape of a triangle of vivid
deep blue light. It is flashed down at the back of the
head on the right-hand side; starting just above it. It
runs along the nape of the neck and flashes back to
the point above the right side of the head. It is
brought down on a deep outbreath to the sound of
Deay-ay-ay, forming a right-angled triangle.
The next syllable THU (~hich represents perfect
receptivity) is also in vivid blue light but in the shape
of a chalice on the top of the head. Form it on a
deep inbreath, and know that you will receive all the
Light that you can.

and he says this about the name:
To resume, DEAY-AY-AY is on a strong outbreath.
THU on an inbreath. TH on a soft outbreath. Deaythu-
th is the Aramaic form of the name Jesus, Aramaic
being the language spoken by Our Lord and the

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#7 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:41 pm

I agree with all of this, except one thing. It is NOT the aramaic name of Jesus, but it is a title his disciples used for him. The aramaic of Jesus is pronounced Yah-esh-oo-ah. Dee-Hay-Thooth is variant hebrew, and is very close to the Aramaic for "De-hee-tee-ath". Any Messianic would use this title for their "messiah."


Guess I should go check these books out...
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Posts: 9

Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#8 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:12 pm

Interesting still on the name. I recall someone equating it with Tehuti once. As for the books, Knights book- Occult exercises is easy to get ahold of. But Armour of Light part one and two seem to be OOP and fairly pricey. I wonder how much of this book ended up inside of Cobbs system?
As for the exercise it is said to tune into the "Three aspects of perfection" for manifestation: equilibrium, transmission and receptivity. It's used as a protective shield from what I understand.The sources I have give scant description but Pixely's book is said to go into great detail. If I can find a copy I'll put more info up on it.

Posts: 9

Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#9 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:20 pm

Olive Pixely's group seems to have compiled most of her work and put it on their site titled "Light Prayers". It lists all of them here's the link http://www.spiritualdna.net/images/lightprayers.pdf . Light prayer 16 is about Deay-Thu-Th. Unfortunately, not as much detail as I hoped.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: A speculation about Dee-Hay-Thooth

Post#10 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:44 pm

I'll go out on a limb here and say if you're not adverse to using the Lords Prayer as part of the work...there is a similar effect in the practical sense due to some of the same intent in the prayer.

I have used a more prayer based oration, Solomonic (actually from the Armadel) approach to working with some of the spirits from the NAP and the same effect you're speaking of here, is achieved through the various prayers, esp the confessional aspects. I know that's not everyone's cup of tea though but I get more "ooomph" from it and to be honest, this breakdown of this last bit is, in my mind, very similar in effect and intent. To me it is anyway :-) (I follow the Solomonic orations with the lines from the book...it's mish-mash of sorts as an experiment but it does flow nicely)

Awesome post raum :goodpost

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