crazy ride with Elubatel

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#211 » Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:35 pm

MagiAwen wrote:Oh they can be dealt with. I think Elubatel is a good reminder...actually an easy to access reminder that this isn't child's play. There can be immediate and quite lasting effects on an operation.

I also feel that I have made a mistake working with Elubatel as long as I have ...bout 8 years with other entities as well but Elubatel being in the mix and maybe especially after working with Djinn... because when I stop now all "hell breaks loose". This is different than when I first started with it. Elubatel was the thing that broke the "hell" loose. Now...what... years later....if I don't do a working, life is pretty much "hell".

When several of us got into this we all noticed the 6 month pattern. It's gone on for years with me

This isn't really fair, I don't know for sure it's Elubatel interaction for so long as much as it's just me. I do a lot of things with different spirits and from different traditions but this is something I am examining now. My entire life has been magic focused but more about manifesting. I got that down...what seems to be the thing is that when I stop manifesting with spirits everything goes batshit crazy.....pretty much the opposite of before.

So I don't know if this is a magician peril, dilemma, par for the course or what. I do not follow a tradition because I feel that progress is the main and it's what I'm here's too early to really tell.

A few days ago I posted on a FB magic group that a magician should never become a slave to the spirits and I'm examining that as well. I'm not sure if I'm a slave to spirits in that I do not do their bidding but it sure seems like if I do not bid one or two to do MY shit's f'ed up.

Addon...the Mercury retrograde this time was messing up my life and it's not even in my sun sign but for the first time since I got out of over 25 years of Saturn influence I started having retrograde symptoms...UNTIL...I summoned a spirit (not Elubatel) and had it show me the future so I could prepare my way through the retrograde.

This is becoming tedious and it's something I did not expect.

Oh WOW....I forgot about this post.....All of this is making sense now....Its been hard to do any magick when you live with a bible thumper....So El ? Is it my time to get bitched slapped because ive neglected preforming any rituals or summoning you? Dont get me wrong I love my gf but dont agree with her views... Yeah... All hell has broke loose
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#212 » Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:40 pm

Wanderer wrote:
summerland wrote:No shes not connecting Wanderer.. I dont understand it!...This the first time Elubatel has come to me and not connect..

That’s exactly why I am asking you to try the meditation process instead. If you do go that route, please record your findings and experiences. That might be incredibly useful in determining what’s going on here.

To this end, are you experiencing this problem with other spirits? If so, who? What grimoires are you using?

Ok Wanderer... How do you go about just meditating with her? I think i know whats going on...
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#213 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:39 pm

NoxLumina wrote:^ agreed

Sometimes on some level we're attached to *how* we want it to happen. When I was doing love magic, my personal tutelary kept telling me to let go of *how* it was going to happen and all preconceived ideas of what the results would look like, and I feel that applies to a lot of magic. It actually manifested almost immediately (as in, the partner I now live with initiated our relationship within days) after I ripped all my lists up and decided to abandon my quest for the time. Sometimes attachment to "how" is the obstacle in and of itself, and sometimes the attachment to "how" also means that you're keeping your spellwork grounded in this reality rather than shooting it out into the... universe or to the spirits or however it is that stuff manifests.

Well said and I concur. Something might well be achievable if you're willing to change up the process behind getting what you're after. Some things are impossible, others are only impossible if you set conditions on how they are to arise. If the former is situationally true, pick another goal. If the latter applies, however, perhaps it would be wise not to set requirements on how it is to occur (or, alternatively, you can come up with equally acceptable paths).

summerland wrote:Ok Wanderer... How do you go about just meditating with her? I think i know whats going on...

My advice here would be to close your eyes, focus your thoughts, and sit with Elubatel as a concept and being in that right, then see what her image has to say to you or what you're inspired to think. You'll have to worry about signal noise for a little while as you get used to this process, but its a useful way to dissect the minutia and get to the more important stuffs.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#214 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:07 pm

Wanderer wrote:
NoxLumina wrote:^ agreed

Sometimes on some level we're attached to *how* we want it to happen. When I was doing love magic, my personal tutelary kept telling me to let go of *how* it was going to happen and all preconceived ideas of what the results would look like, and I feel that applies to a lot of magic. It actually manifested almost immediately (as in, the partner I now live with initiated our relationship within days) after I ripped all my lists up and decided to abandon my quest for the time. Sometimes attachment to "how" is the obstacle in and of itself, and sometimes the attachment to "how" also means that you're keeping your spellwork grounded in this reality rather than shooting it out into the... universe or to the spirits or however it is that stuff manifests.

Well said and I concur. Something might well be achievable if you're willing to change up the process behind getting what you're after. Some things are impossible, others are only impossible if you set conditions on how they are to arise. If the former is situationally true, pick another goal. If the latter applies, however, perhaps it would be wise not to set requirements on how it is to occur (or, alternatively, you can come up with equally acceptable paths).

summerland wrote:Ok Wanderer... How do you go about just meditating with her? I think i know whats going on...

My advice here would be to close your eyes, focus your thoughts, and sit with Elubatel as a concept and being in that right, then see what her image has to say to you or what you're inspired to think. You'll have to worry about signal noise for a little while as you get used to this process, but its a useful way to dissect the minutia and get to the more important stuffs.

Understand....Maybe i have put stipulations on what im asking. And time frames...I guess i need to refrain from. I just dont understand the daily mishaps like spilling shit rude drivers its an on going thing every day. Yes my world turning upside down is Elubatel...I cant say the depression is from El...Because of all the shit including the financial down fall the depression is coming from me.

The stagnation and blocks are internal...I really havent done any magical working in a long time (without having a bible tossed at me) Im sure a good cleansing is in order (have been doing salt baths) Just seems a black cloud follows me...
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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#215 » Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:06 am

Just curious, Summer, have you thought about cutting off what seems to be a toxic relationship?

Just tell Elubatel, "thanks for the memories" and calling it done?

Over the last few years I'm not seeing you reporting any good coming from this relationship.

Maybe it's time to cut it off and move on? :thinking


Ars non Fortuna

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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#216 » Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:05 am

Provenant wrote:Just curious, Summer, have you thought about cutting off what seems to be a toxic relationship?

Just tell Elubatel, "thanks for the memories" and calling it done?

Over the last few years I'm not seeing you reporting any good coming from this relationship.

Maybe it's time to cut it off and move on? :thinking

I agree.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#217 » Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:47 pm

Provenant wrote:Just curious, Summer, have you thought about cutting off what seems to be a toxic relationship?

Just tell Elubatel, "thanks for the memories" and calling it done?

Over the last few years I'm not seeing you reporting any good coming from this relationship.

Maybe it's time to cut it off and move on? :thinking

Provenant....Wish it was that easy...
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#218 » Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:15 pm

This is an entirely valid question, Provenant. At the very least, taking a break gives you the capacity to determine what is/what is not Elubatel's influence. Having worked with Elubatel, Atuesuel, and Ebhuhuel, there's a point at which their influence can be a little heavy, all without any actual intention of making us hurt.

We don't have an infinite amount of energy, and there are times where you have to take some "me time" away from these pursuits in order to have the strength necessary to ascend further. Dealing with success' overwhelming upsides can be almost as damning as handling its deficits and the accompanying troubles.

This might give you the ability to reorient through a more clinical distance.

You'd mentioned, Summerland, not doing much in the way of magical work lately. Well, why not? Speaking objectively, mustering up the goodwill necessary to bless yourself isn't a difficult thing on its own, so what is making it difficult here? Sometimes we can be our own black cloud, after all.

If you've not read this, I'd recommend doing so. Might give you some inspiration. Magic doesn't need to be insanely large or overpowering to create benefits, so being consistent can be equally beneficial. Especially if you're out here chasing your tail.

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Re: RE: Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#219 » Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:52 am

summerland wrote:
Provenant wrote:Just curious, Summer, have you thought about cutting off what seems to be a toxic relationship?

Just tell Elubatel, "thanks for the memories" and calling it done?

Over the last few years I'm not seeing you reporting any good coming from this relationship.

Maybe it's time to cut it off and move on? :thinking

Provenant....Wish it was that easy...
Why can't you banish it? Maybe that's the lesson? Are you working with Elubatel or is E riding you?

Maybe the lesson is to shut off the contact?


Ars non Fortuna

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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#220 » Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:02 pm

Summerland: Its worth considering what kind of baggage might be holding you back from this ascent you seek. Too much lead around your ankles will create torsion as you seek to rise, and that can lead to the kind of issues you're dealing with.

This has been a topic of some conversation between myself and Raziel, of late, so it seemed appropriate to mention this here.

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