Questions on Intent

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Posts: 29

Questions on Intent

Post#1 » Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:23 am

Hi all,

Recently I had some results using the NAP Money Ritual. However, I didn't really specify anything in regards to where the money could come from.
My question is; how do we express our intent when working with NAP? For example, I have been doing the Success Ritual for 3 days, I am having excellent feelings of power and overwhelming energy at times when doing the rituals, however I have no intent as to where this success is, or what it relates to? Is that wrong? Could this limit my results? How should I approach this?

I am a musician; so if I was to create an intent, it would probably be something along the lines of helping me gain more contacts in music, or help in meeting somebody that can help push my music the right way, or just some more opportunities in the field of music or something... But how do I lay this intent down to Elubatel? Write it down?

Right now I have been working literally with no altar, candles or anything. Just me and my comfortable chair.

If an intent is required, then how did I manage to get a small result with the Money Ritual?

If somebody could shed light on this, I would be grateful.


Posts: 330

Re: Questions on Intent

Post#2 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:50 am

See Raum215's I.D.E.A theory

it's on the general magick forum.

Your will to summon the NAP was the intent

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