The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#371 » Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:39 pm

The all cap pronunciation guidelines are meant to be just that ... the most obvious sounds in english that correspond to the names. Cobb was writing for a neophyte audience, so all the names are written out like hooked on phonics.

HEY ... like "hey you."

Dye ... like "did you just dye your hair"

Etc., etc, etc.

If english isn't your first language, then I could see having some issues. But, all of the spelling of the calls in NAP are designed to be the most obvious phonetic spelling. Don't look for trickiness, it isn't there.


Ars non Fortuna

Posts: 3

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#372 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:36 am

Is HAY pronounced different as HEY? Im sure that that author could have written it the same if both are pronounced the same.
HEY is explained in the book to sound as "hey".
but what about HAY which is part of the starting ritual?

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#373 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:22 pm

lightforce wrote:Is HAY pronounced different as HEY? Im sure that that author could have written it the same if both are pronounced the same.
HEY is explained in the book to sound as "hey".
but what about HAY which is part of the starting ritual?

Both the are the same sound.


Ars non Fortuna

Posts: 3

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#374 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:33 pm


Posts: 44

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#375 » Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:10 pm

I joined this site almost exclusively to be involved in this sub-forum hahaha. I absolutely loved reading all of the posts and have found it helpful while reading my own copy of NAP.

So far, I haven't had any results along what I want since it's been less than a week since I've started the rituals, but I have sometimes found the energy to be strangely... energizing. :p Well, hear me out. This is coming from someone who hasn't slept much in a few days now. I've only discovered this a few days ago and it has been going on for two days now but after doing the ritual (along with the CPR, the Bornless ritual, and the DEE-HAY-THOOTH evocation), I have found it impossible to fall asleep.

My body just feels like it just woke up from some kind of deep sleep and I just lie there in bed all night trying to sleep! Maybe I will just start doing this in the morning, it'll help me with waking up for classes!

On the other hand, I remember reading a post about someone dreaming of a little girl and a man after the Excite Love invocations.. funny thing, the night before reading that post, I had a dream of a little girl and a man talking to me about my wishes. After I read that post, I was fairly surprised.

That said, I'm definitely looking forward to further results!

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#376 » Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:34 pm

aloira.moon wrote:I joined this site almost exclusively to be involved in this sub-forum hahaha. I absolutely loved reading all of the posts and have found it helpful while reading my own copy of NAP.

So far, I haven't had any results along what I want since it's been less than a week since I've started the rituals, but I have sometimes found the energy to be strangely... energizing. :p Well, hear me out. This is coming from someone who hasn't slept much in a few days now. I've only discovered this a few days ago and it has been going on for two days now but after doing the ritual (along with the CPR, the Bornless ritual, and the DEE-HAY-THOOTH evocation), I have found it impossible to fall asleep.

My body just feels like it just woke up from some kind of deep sleep and I just lie there in bed all night trying to sleep! Maybe I will just start doing this in the morning, it'll help me with waking up for classes!

On the other hand, I remember reading a post about someone dreaming of a little girl and a man after the Excite Love invocations.. funny thing, the night before reading that post, I had a dream of a little girl and a man talking to me about my wishes. After I read that post, I was fairly surprised.

That said, I'm definitely looking forward to further results!

Interesting stuff here.

Usually for me, immediately after a chant I will be almost hyper-aware ... my body will tremble, I will have chills (which is strange, usually DURING my chant I become super hot...) But shortly after I ground myself, I sleep very soundly.

When I first began NAP, it WOULD keep me awake. I blame this on two things:
1 - Not doing proper banishing/grounding - the LBRP has stopped this
2 - Becoming "used" to experiencing currents

I know ppl say the LBRP is not needed with NAP. I have to disagree, at least for me - it was instrumental. Apparently I had accumulated some things astrally, because basic NAP or meditation would make me feel uneasy sometimes. When I first performed the LBRP, I actually "sensed" resistance, as if something around me didn't want me doing it. Afterwards I felt clean, relaxed and centered.

I suppose I'm rambling now, more about the sleep issue as I have sleep problems myself. Something like the LBRP seems to have balanced the elements in my own self to help with both magic and rest.

Keep on chugging at it. Some people don't get results right off the bat, it takes a while to get your technique down. But gaining energy from it, is very promising. Keep it up!

Posts: 44

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#377 » Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:49 pm

LBRP, eh?

Looks like i'll have to give that a try tonight when I do my ritual! Thank you!

Posts: 8

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#378 » Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:50 pm

aloira.moon wrote:I joined this site almost exclusively to be involved in this sub-forum hahaha. I absolutely loved reading all of the posts and have found it helpful while reading my own copy of NAP.

My body just feels like it just woke up from some kind of deep sleep and I just lie there in bed all night trying to sleep! Maybe I will just start doing this in the morning, it'll help me with waking up for classes!

That said, I'm definitely looking forward to further results!

Funny, I lurked for some time and joined up for this practice as well.

Great to be here...

I feel energized by the ritual too, I don't have sleeplessness but I feel juiced by the ritual. I'll do in this order:
point A
El Adon prayer (thank you Raum)
Central Pillar
Invocation ritual(s)
journal experience

I'll continue to tweak the experience as I keep reading and getting feedback with what feels good and effective.

Thanks to Elubatel, Anael and Jazar for their continued aid and guidance!

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#379 » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:47 pm

aloira.moon wrote:LBRP, eh?

Looks like i'll have to give that a try tonight when I do my ritual! Thank you!

Let us know how it goes :)

Make sure to read alot about it before you perform it the first time. Youll get better at it with time, but the first time you perform the LBRP, its quite the experience if you do it right :)

Posts: 3

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#380 » Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:37 pm

Hi all-

I am new here, but wanted to thank everyone for their feedback here- I have been going through NAP, the Miracle version, I don't have the Amazing Secrets version but have found the miracle version quite encouraging and enervating-

But I was wondering one thing if anybody would care to comment- I'm picking up from a few comments that all of the "stories"/ testimonies in the book are all, how shall I say it delicately, completely B.S.-

Is this true- Are all of the accounts that Mr. Cobb so graciously included in the book just mere fabrications? Are they really just one complete lie?

I can see the unquestionable, (and rather exciting) results that many here have gotten from the book, but can anybody verify whether the testimonials are complete fantasy? I'm just curious for my own personal knowledge-

Does anybody know? Thanks in advance-


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