Landing a job with the help of Elubatel and Friends

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Landing a job with the help of Elubatel and Friends

Post#1 » Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:37 am

Back in August, I got a phonecall from my manager, telling me that my unit at work was “under review” for the next six months. In other words, we were being shut down early next year.

The prospect of losing the job didn't bother me – I had been looking for another job for ages. The trouble is, I had struggled with the job market for a long time. I didn't fancy my chances of finding something else before the department closed, and I found myself either kicked into a shitty call centre in the same company, or (more likely) unemployed.

Before then I had been applying for some admin positions here and there at a local hospital. I had a few interviews, but no luck. And vacancies were starting to dry up.

With nothing to lose, I started hammering that hospital with applications for every position I had a remote chance of getting. And this is where the NAP came in.

I began with a daily rite each morning, starting with the Solar Planetary Attracting chant, and followed by the General Purpose Invocation, with the intent of making sure that my applications make me stand out as a candidate to the Trust that runs the hospital.

In the weeks that followed, I got a surprising amount of interviews. Almost every job I applied for offered me an interview. And I was working on multiple applications daily.

I also threw magic at strategic points during this process. I made a hoodoo style sugar jar with the company logo, a petition and the names of my interviewers. Some chaos magic style sigils were also thrown in.

There was also a working with a couple of Goetic demons, via Gordon Winterfield's Demons of Magick, which I wrote about here. But the entities of the NAP were the ones I worked with daily for the general purpose of not only jumping the sinking ship that was my old job, but finding a better position in a better organisation.

After calling upon Seere (as I wrote about above in more detail), I received an interview offer from department in the Trust that I really wanted to work for. After blowing an interview with a different department, I decided to take things up a notch and get Elubatel involved, with the intent of getting the job that I really wanted.

I began the ritual on a Saturday night. I used the Success Chant three times before pausing to sense the spirits presence. I then asked aloud that I may pass the interview and get this specific job.

I then pledged that if I got what I wanted, I would offer public praise online, an offering of good bread, cheese and wine, and donate £100 from my first paycheque to the poor. (If this sounds familiar, yes, I was inspired by this thread. Credit where credit is due.)

The answer I got was a little vague, probably due to me not being that good at spirit communication. Some abstract messages about desires, pathways and trajectories. I closed the ritual.

The next day I performed a reading using the Rider-Waite tarot to see if Elubatel was open to working on this.

I got: The Sun. VI Wands. II Cups.

Pretty encouraging.

I prepped hard the following week, and on the morning of the interview I evoked Elubatel again, after my usual ritual of using the Solar attracting chant and calling upon the General Purpose crew.

Long story short, I passed the interview and got a phonecall from my new line manager, telling me that I would make a good fit for the team. I was immensely relieved.

What followed was a lot of wrangling with my old boss over notice, and dealing with pre-employment checks. But Elubatel, Iaot, Petahyah and Opiel (and all the other spirits involved) held up their end of the bargain, and I managed to secure a much better job than my old one and in record time.

I have been at the new job for just over a month now, and it looks like I'm the only one of my former colleagues who managed to escape my old place. I don't know if this would have happened if I hadn't thrown everything at the wall, magical and otherwise.

Petitioning Elubatel was a step I always wondered if I would ever take, as I have always shied away from him. Most reports on SA about working with this angel involve heavy amounts of depression and lives falling to pieces. My life was falling to pieces anway, and in the chaos, I was too stressed out to be depressed! So I'm glad I took that step.

And if you're wondering, yes, I gave the abovementioned food offerings and the £100 donation after my first pay. This public proclamation is the final part of my pledge.

Posts: 24

Re: Landing a job with the help of Elubatel and Friends

Post#2 » Thu Jan 23, 2025 2:18 am

Fascinating stuff.

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