Elubatel ride - how my life totally changed

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Elubatel ride - how my life totally changed

Post#1 » Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:15 am

For people that follow this NAP subforum, or have been using Elubatel's invocation to bring success, it comes as no big surprise when I say that you're in for a crazy ride.

When I did it last year, I was very frustrated with my life. I had been studying Law for quite a while, doing the degree slowly as I was not very motivated and was working full-time at the same time. I had a job in a call-center to pay my bills and normal needs. I've been wondering for the last years about what I was doing with my life and how could I achieve something better, more in tune with myself and my true potencial.

I had read some accounts about Elubatel, and how it started by destroying the old to make space for the new. I just couldn't imagine how precise those accounts were.

For those of you that care about the details, I use NAP in a very simple way. I relax a little bit with breathing, then read the ritual as you are supposed to, let it "come to the surface", read the invocation, let some minutes pass to "let it go" and that's it. I never felt any kind of issue, never needed banishings, never used any other part of NAP tools.

First thing that started happening is that my job became a huge burden. First, I could not stop thinking that I should be doing something else, that my time wasn't to be traded for money alone. We all have these thoughts when we work just for money, but I was suddenly having them every 5 minutes. Every day of work became so tiring. Then they changed my supervisor to a guy who made my life a living hell, bullying me even. After some months I couldn't take it anymore and asked to be fired which they ended up doing in the end of December 2014.

So I was without a job, and had decided to stop studying law as well. It was clear to me that I did not want to work in Law, and that I did not want to end the degree at this point in my life. So all of a sudden, no job, and no studies. So I slept for 3 months. I never realised how tired I was. It was like I've been dreaming all my life and was waking up slowly and painfully. Then in April, my money savings were very low. I had refused several jobs that concerned friends tried to get me stating very proudly that "I won't be getting back to the same vicious cycle". But now here I was, broke, depressed and with no ideas.

I remembered an idea I had before. That I should go play my flute on the streets for the experience. As many other ideas like that, I often had fantasies but never did anything. This time, I just did it. I had nothing else to do, nothing to lose. I got 3 simple tunes ready, and went the next day to Sintra to play. Sintra is a very romantic place so I thought it could be cool to play the flute there.

I had to fight against myself to even get into the train to Sintra. Then to start playing. After some minutes of nervousness I fled into a park to rehearse again as I couldn't remember any of the tunes. Then a guy passed and threw me 20 cents. I looked at that coin and realised "what the hell, let's just do it", and went back to the spot I was before and played the same tunes for hours. At the end of the day I had made almost 20 euros. It was nothing but it felt like pure gold. That money was really mine, I got it directly, no company, no wages, no taxes, no whatevers. Just pure direct money. So I decided to do it again. And again. And again.

What happened next can be described as getting a degree on myself and reality. Playing on the streets became a passion and a permanent lesson. There is not a day where I don't learn something new. My social skills improved dramatically, as did my perception of the world and people. Suddenly I realised I got the job I always dreamed off:
Working anywhere I want
Connected with people

For the first time in my life I had people daily telling me "you inspire me", and I could look at myself with dignity. Through all this process I had a lot of very hard moments that felt like necessary lessons to evolve fast enough to achieve this. It always felt like an invisible hand was manipulating events in order for me to become more aware of what I was and what I could achieve and how.

In one year, I changed from the depressed, frustrated chump, to a free, independent man. And it is only the beginning.

So in my humble opinion, Elubatel can be a great experience if you are willing to let go, and take obstacles as blessings in disguise.

So thank you Elubatel, NAP and all the people here that led me to this. Feel free to ask anything. And if you see a flutist on a rock, throw him your best coin.
vesper on the rocks.jpg
Doing is learning what you need to do

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Re: Elubatel ride - how my life totally changed

Post#2 » Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:42 pm

Nahash wrote:For people that follow this NAP subforum, or have been using Elubatel's invocation to bring success, it comes as no big surprise when I say that you're in for a crazy ride.

When I did it last year, I was very frustrated with my life. I had been studying Law for quite a while, doing the degree slowly as I was not very motivated and was working full-time at the same time. I had a job in a call-center to pay my bills and normal needs. I've been wondering for the last years about what I was doing with my life and how could I achieve something better, more in tune with myself and my true potencial.

I had read some accounts about Elubatel, and how it started by destroying the old to make space for the new. I just couldn't imagine how precise those accounts were.

For those of you that care about the details, I use NAP in a very simple way. I relax a little bit with breathing, then read the ritual as you are supposed to, let it "come to the surface", read the invocation, let some minutes pass to "let it go" and that's it. I never felt any kind of issue, never needed banishings, never used any other part of NAP tools.

First thing that started happening is that my job became a huge burden. First, I could not stop thinking that I should be doing something else, that my time wasn't to be traded for money alone. We all have these thoughts when we work just for money, but I was suddenly having them every 5 minutes. Every day of work became so tiring. Then they changed my supervisor to a guy who made my life a living hell, bullying me even. After some months I couldn't take it anymore and asked to be fired which they ended up doing in the end of December 2014.

So I was without a job, and had decided to stop studying law as well. It was clear to me that I did not want to work in Law, and that I did not want to end the degree at this point in my life. So all of a sudden, no job, and no studies. So I slept for 3 months. I never realised how tired I was. It was like I've been dreaming all my life and was waking up slowly and painfully. Then in April, my money savings were very low. I had refused several jobs that concerned friends tried to get me stating very proudly that "I won't be getting back to the same vicious cycle". But now here I was, broke, depressed and with no ideas.

I remembered an idea I had before. That I should go play my flute on the streets for the experience. As many other ideas like that, I often had fantasies but never did anything. This time, I just did it. I had nothing else to do, nothing to lose. I got 3 simple tunes ready, and went the next day to Sintra to play. Sintra is a very romantic place so I thought it could be cool to play the flute there.

I had to fight against myself to even get into the train to Sintra. Then to start playing. After some minutes of nervousness I fled into a park to rehearse again as I couldn't remember any of the tunes. Then a guy passed and threw me 20 cents. I looked at that coin and realised "what the hell, let's just do it", and went back to the spot I was before and played the same tunes for hours. At the end of the day I had made almost 20 euros. It was nothing but it felt like pure gold. That money was really mine, I got it directly, no company, no wages, no taxes, no whatevers. Just pure direct money. So I decided to do it again. And again. And again.

What happened next can be described as getting a degree on myself and reality. Playing on the streets became a passion and a permanent lesson. There is not a day where I don't learn something new. My social skills improved dramatically, as did my perception of the world and people. Suddenly I realised I got the job I always dreamed off:
Working anywhere I want
Connected with people

For the first time in my life I had people daily telling me "you inspire me", and I could look at myself with dignity. Through all this process I had a lot of very hard moments that felt like necessary lessons to evolve fast enough to achieve this. It always felt like an invisible hand was manipulating events in order for me to become more aware of what I was and what I could achieve and how.

In one year, I changed from the depressed, frustrated chump, to a free, independent man. And it is only the beginning.

So in my humble opinion, Elubatel can be a great experience if you are willing to let go, and take obstacles as blessings in disguise.

So thank you Elubatel, NAP and all the people here that led me to this. Feel free to ask anything. And if you see a flutist on a rock, throw him your best coin.

Love how your life changed for the better. Go for it man.
In that case, I want a turtle. \[T]/ Saigetsu. 歳 - Months 月 - Years

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2336

Re: Elubatel ride - how my life totally changed

Post#3 » Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:11 pm

I like that photo a lot. It reminds me of the depictions of pan.

So would you say that Elubatel aligns one with their true happiness and that the definition by NAP defining him with success is misleading? Because people tend to mistake happiness with success when in reality happiness can come in so many forms. For you, being a street performer is the perfect life, however had someone brought it up to you 5-10 years ago, you would have likely laughed at them. But here you are, happy as can be because of the experience of your life being stripped down to the bare bones for you to realize where your heart could lead you.
[Thoth] contrived...for Cronus the ensign of his royal power, having four eyes...and upon the shoulders four wings...But for the other gods there were two wings only to each upon his shoulders, to intimate that they flew under the control of Cronus.

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Re: Elubatel ride - how my life totally changed

Post#4 » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:51 am

WhiteRaven wrote:I like that photo a lot. It reminds me of the depictions of pan.

So would you say that Elubatel aligns one with their true happiness and that the definition by NAP defining him with success is misleading? Because people tend to mistake happiness with success when in reality happiness can come in so many forms. For you, being a street performer is the perfect life, however had someone brought it up to you 5-10 years ago, you would have likely laughed at them. But here you are, happy as can be because of the experience of your life being stripped down to the bare bones for you to realize where your heart could lead you.

Yes. In my own experience, Elubatel "carrying you to the pinnacle of success" is about carrying you to yourself and make you realise in a very Gnostic way that success is both the immense pleasure and responsability of "doing yourself". Elubatel forces you into doing so you can learn that doing is learning what you need to do. It feels like a tough father to whom you say "I want to be rich daddy, help me" and he reacts by taking away your pocket money and forcing you into Kung Fu lessons with a crazy master, "here you go son, no need to thank me", then proceeds in kicking you out of home when you ask for further assistance.
It is true that I would have laughed at it. And I know it is now just a small part of what is to come.
You ask Elubatel for help, he strips you and make you take a hard look at yourself. And he then makes you realise that "job" means the responsibility of giving what you are to the others, and I'm a child now, and I give childish things, just a small part of the beginning of myself.
Doing is learning what you need to do

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Elubatel ride - how my life totally changed

Post#5 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:25 pm

Nahash wrote:
WhiteRaven wrote:I like that photo a lot. It reminds me of the depictions of pan.

So would you say that Elubatel aligns one with their true happiness and that the definition by NAP defining him with success is misleading? Because people tend to mistake happiness with success when in reality happiness can come in so many forms. For you, being a street performer is the perfect life, however had someone brought it up to you 5-10 years ago, you would have likely laughed at them. But here you are, happy as can be because of the experience of your life being stripped down to the bare bones for you to realize where your heart could lead you.

Yes. In my own experience, Elubatel "carrying you to the pinnacle of success" is about carrying you to yourself and make you realise in a very Gnostic way that success is both the immense pleasure and responsability of "doing yourself". Elubatel forces you into doing so you can learn that doing is learning what you need to do. It feels like a tough father to whom you say "I want to be rich daddy, help me" and he reacts by taking away your pocket money and forcing you into Kung Fu lessons with a crazy master, "here you go son, no need to thank me", then proceeds in kicking you out of home when you ask for further assistance.
It is true that I would have laughed at it. And I know it is now just a small part of what is to come.
You ask Elubatel for help, he strips you and make you take a hard look at yourself. And he then makes you realise that "job" means the responsibility of giving what you are to the others, and I'm a child now, and I give childish things, just a small part of the beginning of myself.

Yep...... He will make you new. All the mess that you created he will take to great lengths to ensure you make it right. Theres no envoking him once (properly) and he does what you ask and goes away. As Magi said to me one time..." You havent finished yet" I asked for success but didnt know how to deal with this current....And when i say current thats exactly what it is.....Current to move you....Current to change you....Current......to make you successful. Theres no other way to describe Elubatel.

To know the true current (power) of him...All in one instant (And i mean instant) He could how you to your knees crying like a baby. You are up...down...east ...west...emotions within seconds have you spinning to no end of sad, happy, mad,and thankful.All in minutes. If you havent experienced these emotions with Elubatel....You truly have not connected with him
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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