NAP exciting love ritual adaptations

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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NAP exciting love ritual adaptations

Post#1 » Fri May 23, 2014 2:38 pm

Simply put, can I add a specific characteristic that I desire that she has? For example "I desire a suitable partner that is young and very skilled sexually"?
Doing is learning what you need to do

Posts: 58

Re: NAP exciting love ritual adaptations

Post#2 » Fri May 23, 2014 2:51 pm


Thanks Nahash, Good idea
I love the way NAP can be tweeked. But What I always do for all my intentions is write a long list of all the things my perfect in your case woman is/has and what you can bring to the relationship.
I then put the list away and for get about it until I have a date or if I want to refresh my list. e.g my future mother in-law is really nice, keeps out our relationship and we get on very well. ...Something I missed out before

You will get at least 90% of what you written down. Just mark my words
I have now learnt not to be greedy! I once ended up with a former porn star, no word of a lie, so be careful what you wish for! I would not put down if I were you that she is very skilled sexually because she may end me be a lady of the night. It would be better to say that she satisfies all your sexual needs. Or that you and your girlfriend are sexually compatible.

To at the above in NAP, I would just say that my girlfriend is all what I have asked for on my list. This would save you reading it out.

Thats just my 2 cents worth from my own experiences even if its not NAP

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