Nitika, lesson and my stubbornes

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Nitika, lesson and my stubbornes

Post#1 » Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:05 pm


Im gonna start by saying that English is not my first language so I apoligize for my typos.

For the past 3 years, I've been using NAP when I most needed . I used with success the chant to excite love( when I had problems in my love life and things got on the right path ) , I worked with Elubatel ( however im not going to do this again because, although it helped me on my problems, I didn't felt right and got depressed ) and Nitika ( I used Nitika with success everytime ). I always thanked them for their help , I lighted a candle every time and it worked great until...

I am a freelance designer. As a freelance you really struggle to get money . I am also trying to start a business with my partner so I can't really get a job ( frankly, I don't really want to sit in a desk unless i am my own boss heh ). I love what I am doing and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. So far so good I have managed to pay my rent and have some money as well .

About 2 months ago,me and my partner decided that in order to get our business on the feet ( february 2014) we had to pump some more money. So , I tried doing that.... It didn't really work. Online contests are a pain in the ass because it's basically..lotery.

So, I decided to try NAP. Knowing that it worked everytime, I was pretty confident I would be okay in the next days.


I always meditate,chant,bornless, thank them. So I did that. Im gonna spare you the useless details but Im gonna say this. It didn't work. Somehow I always lost the contest.It was always and I mean always between me and the other designer and he always won. I was begining to wonder what was I doing wrong? I lost almost 2000$ in 2 weeks and I felt like I was in a bad sitecom.

The peak of the situation happened this morning. I was pretty sure I was going to win some money. I talked with the client 3 days ago, he was pleased, he said that im going in the right direction and everything was going to be ok .

It was 5 am and I woke up all of the sudden like someone would shake me. First I thought it was an earthquake and somehow I felt I needed to check my email. So I did and guess what? The client canceled the contract 1 min before I checked the email. Boy, was I pissed. So I started doing the NAP and I said I AM NOT GIVING UP ..I wasnt angry , I was really stuborn and I wasnt going to give up so easily.

10 min ago, I received a check, from a client who would like to work with me .

Patience is a hard lesson :) But it will eventually work.


Posts: 67

Re: Nitika, lesson and my stubbornes

Post#2 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:03 am

Interesting account. I have some thoughts if you don't mind.

1. Have you looked at your strategy with regards to freelancing? It may be that it could use some improvement. Successful freelancers struggle a lot less when they a) keep their skills sharp and up-to-date, b) have a great lead generation/pricing/marketing strategy, and c) when they go for clients with deeper pockets.

Are you keeping abreast of the latest in how to get (and keep) more business?

2. I don't know if you mean you have to compete with other prospective hires for a big client, or if you mean design contests like, or if you mean you go to places like eLancer, oDesk, etc to get more work? Within the industry, it's well known that places like eLancer or oDesk, and online contest websites (like 99designs) are major magnets for cheap-ass clients who are likely to be more difficult to work with.

3. Have you read Jason Miller's book about financial sorcery? IIRC he says that you're more likely to see greater success when you plan ahead and do the magic (and the mundane i.e. don't stop promoting and networking even if you have your hands full with work) well before you need the money to come through, particularly if it's an ongoing thing.

4. Why are you focusing your magic on winning a contest between you and other designers for winning contracts? There's too much room for failure due to free will and unpredictability. Have you thought about looking for another way to get what you want? I.e. think outside of the box instead of going for the seemingly obvious.

5. Sometimes things fall through when you're not expecting them too, but this makes room for something better to come along. So yes, patience is a must.

6. I experienced the depression after working with Elubatel, but personally I don't let that put me off as there are ways of dealing with depression, and it's short term.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Nitika, lesson and my stubbornes

Post#3 » Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:01 am

Good post! sometimes spirits want to know how dedicated you are. Normally if I dont see some kind of results on the 3rd day ill try again. Ironically I have seen where money would come to my gf when ive done rituals after 3 days or 3 weeks. The worst thing ive ever done was lust for results because I got the opposite. So now I just dont think about it. What will happen will.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

Posts: 67

Re: Nitika, lesson and my stubbornes

Post#4 » Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:54 am


Especially about lusting for results.

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