The first time I performed the Theurgic Booby-Trap, I was suffering with quite bad pain in my lower back which often had me squirming around several times a day (and I'd been putting up with this for a long time), but it was localised only to the lower right area.
To note, I suspected the pain was due to an entity that had taken up living in that area of my back.
A couple of days later I had absolutely no pain whatsoever in any part of my back, which was a first for years.
Then a few days later, the pain came back just as bad as before, but it had transferred to the left side of my lower back. Localised the same as before. The right side remained pain-free.
A couple of nights ago, I performed the Theurgic Booby-Trap again, and now I'm free from the pain in both sides. Not sure if it'll come back or not, but it proves that my back pain wasn't down to normal factors, and it proves this NAP stuff works fast, when done right.