Call your personal Magic Mentor

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#1 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:57 pm


I have days trying to call my personal Magic Mentor with the instructions of ''The Miracle of New Avatar Power'' Chapter 3.

But I could not get results.

I don't get feel the Tickling of the Ant, watch lights of different colors, feel his/her presence or any kind of exceptional things.

Did you get succes calling your personal Magic Mentor?

Can you see your personal Magic Mentor with your own physical eyes?

How is the aspect of your personal Magic Mentor?

Can you hear him/her?

What do you recommend me complementary with the steps of the book?

I mean technics not explained in the book.

Let me know please.

I had been searching but I didn't find answers for my questions then please will be nice that you share your experiences to get a successful invocation for your personal Magic Mentor.

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Re: Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#2 » Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:18 am

This, for me, is related to my ability to meditate and my sensory awareness. If you're not feeling anything at all like "the tickling of the ant", which doesn't have to be any kind of supernatural seeming thing, then maybe slow down and work on just meditating and getting in the right state of mind. Sometimes I tense up muscles to then relax them, progressively from foot to head. That helps with finding tension in my body that I can then relax. You also have to develop your breathing technique (which ever one you want to develop, there are more than one).

You should also make sure you're mind is quieting (It's never really quiet) and get used to letting your own thoughts go and not holding them. That's a big part of how you know the difference between your own self-distractions and something else.

I'm sure there are other things too that can help, and there are threads where people talk about exercising before the do this work. I find that helps, but also a lot of reciting helps me get there. One thing to watch for is when you get in the way of yourself. Very often we are our own obstacles. We even internalize the external obstacles we face sometimes. A lot of seemingly basic exercises that people use to develop will-- like picking up hundreds of safety matches one at a time-- or imagination-- Al Manning has in a book the idea that you take a simple object and study it, and then list 50 different uses for it and that will get you too some very uncommon uses for any object-- or eliminating negative language from our vocabularies, these are good. Recognizing when we're our own obstacle isn't always easy though. A book that shows how people adopt ways that hold themselves back or puts them in odd ways of interacting with people is Games People Play by Eric Berne. It's a good book.

Often I think people who just can't get past the first step-- or get a thousands steps in seemingly but find nothing with each supposed step-- are saying "Nope this isn't working what's going wrong?" without really troubleshooting themselves. I'm sure you've seen threads along those lines here. Read them carefully, however, and you might find that enough times they're playing helpless and basically wanting to say "see, look how hard I tried" or "gee, ain't it awful". Not always, obviously; but it's something to watch out for. I think anything that helps you develop your sensory awareness and your mediation and breath work will help uncover other obstacles. I know I'm always uncovering them in myself.

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Re: Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#3 » Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:16 am

lefty wrote:This, for me, is related to my ability to meditate and my sensory awareness. If you're not feeling anything at all like "the tickling of the ant", which doesn't have to be any kind of supernatural seeming thing, then maybe slow down and work on just meditating and getting in the right state of mind. Sometimes I tense up muscles to then relax them, progressively from foot to head. That helps with finding tension in my body that I can then relax. You also have to develop your breathing technique (which ever one you want to develop, there are more than one).

You should also make sure you're mind is quieting (It's never really quiet) and get used to letting your own thoughts go and not holding them. That's a big part of how you know the difference between your own self-distractions and something else.

I'm sure there are other things too that can help, and there are threads where people talk about exercising before the do this work. I find that helps, but also a lot of reciting helps me get there. One thing to watch for is when you get in the way of yourself. Very often we are our own obstacles. We even internalize the external obstacles we face sometimes. A lot of seemingly basic exercises that people use to develop will-- like picking up hundreds of safety matches one at a time-- or imagination-- Al Manning has in a book the idea that you take a simple object and study it, and then list 50 different uses for it and that will get you too some very uncommon uses for any object-- or eliminating negative language from our vocabularies, these are good. Recognizing when we're our own obstacle isn't always easy though. A book that shows how people adopt ways that hold themselves back or puts them in odd ways of interacting with people is Games People Play by Eric Berne. It's a good book.

Often I think people who just can't get past the first step-- or get a thousands steps in seemingly but find nothing with each supposed step-- are saying "Nope this isn't working what's going wrong?" without really troubleshooting themselves. I'm sure you've seen threads along those lines here. Read them carefully, however, and you might find that enough times they're playing helpless and basically wanting to say "see, look how hard I tried" or "gee, ain't it awful". Not always, obviously; but it's something to watch out for. I think anything that helps you develop your sensory awareness and your mediation and breath work will help uncover other obstacles. I know I'm always uncovering them in myself.

I understand lefty, you mean that it is necessary get a mental state almost self hypnotized to perceive the personal Magic Mentor.

It is necessary first get tension in all the body and after get relaxed and alson concentrate in breathing.

Yes get a 100% quiet mind is almost impossible because the subconscious mind always in thinking in anything that ourselves can not control, I mean is impossible control the subconscious thoughts.

I do recitations before try to invoke my personal Magic Mentor.

I do the Point A Relaxation with the power words Ankar Yod Hay Vaw Hay and Arzel Invocation 3 times.

After I do the use of ''Om'' Power Word to invoke my personal Magic Mentor.

How many ''Om'' Power Word it is recommendable?

How it is the aspect of the personal Magic Mentor?

What does it look like?

It is possible talk to him with a voice conversation and hear him/her?

Thank you for share your experience

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Re: Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#4 » Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:58 am

Anything I'm saying is only my very limited experience. What is true for me might not be for others.

How many ''Om'' Power Word it is recommendable?

3 seems to get it for me. I think there are traditions where it's said over and over, for different purposes though. Say as much as you need, you'll know. It's more important to get relaxed and a open your senses more fully to the smallest things.

How it is the aspect of the personal Magic Mentor?

I don't know what you're asking.

What does it look like?

I get very little visually when I've worked with the MM. So his TV screen exercise I didn't do.

It is possible talk to him with a voice conversation and hear him/her?

I hear my MM. The problem with the idea of a conversation is 2-fold. I'm not coming with questions or in a state where I'm questioning what my senses are picking up, I'm just a receiving antenna. If I'm broadcasting or sitting there looking to respond, I don't think I'd be in the right state of mine-- speaking strictly for me. I have no questions I'm looking for this kind of answer for anyway.

The other problem with conversations is that I don't know when my brain is doing the talking if I start really asking questions. I have ... I guess the word is ask but before the thought really fully forms an answer comes and it answers the question as it is forming, that's sort of when I know it's not by brain taking over and getting in the way. In such cases it usually goes like this: I'm fully receptive, a voice comes to me, if I'm unsure about something, a clarification comes in the same way and that usually ends any need from me for conversation. Ideas start to flow in often.

This is all only my experience, others will differ and probably are better at this stuff than I, and I don't doubt there are whole little tea parties going on. Right now I'm satisfied with where I'm at and how things are working for me on this stuff. Most times these are "the ball's in your court now" types of things where I either make good on my end or start over.

Also, I'd be very suspect if something came to me in an ritual that had me doing something that was bad in my mind or harmful or put me in a position where I'd be getting in trouble, but that's not been an issue to me. Read Josephine Macarthy's book on working alone or for beginners of which I'm definately one (I'm sure I'm spelling her name wrong, or the name of the book off the top of my head Magickal Knowledge? maybe ).

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Re: Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#5 » Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:00 am

lefty wrote:Anything I'm saying is only my very limited experience. What is true for me might not be for others.

How many ''Om'' Power Word it is recommendable?

3 seems to get it for me. I think there are traditions where it's said over and over, for different purposes though. Say as much as you need, you'll know. It's more important to get relaxed and a open your senses more fully to the smallest things.

How it is the aspect of the personal Magic Mentor?

I don't know what you're asking.

What does it look like?

I get very little visually when I've worked with the MM. So his TV screen exercise I didn't do.

It is possible talk to him with a voice conversation and hear him/her?

I hear my MM. The problem with the idea of a conversation is 2-fold. I'm not coming with questions or in a state where I'm questioning what my senses are picking up, I'm just a receiving antenna. If I'm broadcasting or sitting there looking to respond, I don't think I'd be in the right state of mine-- speaking strictly for me. I have no questions I'm looking for this kind of answer for anyway.

The other problem with conversations is that I don't know when my brain is doing the talking if I start really asking questions. I have ... I guess the word is ask but before the thought really fully forms an answer comes and it answers the question as it is forming, that's sort of when I know it's not by brain taking over and getting in the way. In such cases it usually goes like this: I'm fully receptive, a voice comes to me, if I'm unsure about something, a clarification comes in the same way and that usually ends any need from me for conversation. Ideas start to flow in often.

This is all only my experience, others will differ and probably are better at this stuff than I, and I don't doubt there are whole little tea parties going on. Right now I'm satisfied with where I'm at and how things are working for me on this stuff. Most times these are "the ball's in your court now" types of things where I either make good on my end or start over.

Also, I'd be very suspect if something came to me in an ritual that had me doing something that was bad in my mind or harmful or put me in a position where I'd be getting in trouble, but that's not been an issue to me. Read Josephine Macarthy's book on working alone or for beginners of which I'm definately one (I'm sure I'm spelling her name wrong, or the name of the book off the top of my head Magickal Knowledge? maybe ).

I work with 9 ''Om'' Power Word 3 normal, 3 covering my ears and 3 more normal always with my eyes closed.

Ok, then I will try to fully relax while a do the ''Om'' Power Word, I relax but I will try to get a higher level of relax but of course is very difficult because always the mind is thinking something.

About personal Magic Mentor aspect I mean if for example have long hair, beard, color of eyes, age appearance, if him levitate and all kind of details that give a description about the personal Magic Mentor.

About the conversation with your personal Magic Mentor I don't understand you well.

Because I understand that you get ideas sent by your personal Magic Mentor and also I understand that sometimes you hear a voice.

I mean, can you hear his voice or the answer for your questions come from your own thought that probably your own thought was sent for your personal Magic Mentor?

Do you think that sometimes your personal Magic Mentor made that you do something bad?

Thank you for your opinion and for the recommendation of Josephine Macarthy's book

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Re: Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#6 » Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:11 am

magicbeli wrote: I relax but I will try to get a higher level of relax but of course is very difficult because always the mind is thinking something.

OK, so I think of it this way. Relaxing the loosening of any tension in your muscles, being in a balanced and comfortable position, ergonomically correct for what ever your doing. This covers playing violin or piano or baseball relaxed, as well as sitting or standing or lying or running relaxed. It's a term that relates to your physicality. Quieting your mind is a seperate thing, letting thought float away and holding them less. That's not the same as focusing in on your senses and various things you can do to make you a better receiving antenna.

magicbeli wrote: About personal Magic Mentor aspect I mean if for example have long hair, beard, color of eyes, age appearance, if him levitate and all kind of details that give a description about the personal Magic Mentor.

I don't recall anything visual happening with the MM work I've done-- it's been a little while since I've worked with the MM, but I would in a heartbeat again if I weren't doing other things. More recently more images come into my mind but that's using and doing different things.

magicbeli wrote:About the conversation with your personal Magic Mentor I don't understand you well.

Because I understand that you get ideas sent by your personal Magic Mentor and also I understand that sometimes you hear a voice.

I mean, can you hear his voice or the answer for your questions come from your own thought that probably your own thought was sent for your personal Magic Mentor?

At some point, the words we use aren't going to really describe the experience we have. If your mind is quiet and you're really allowing your self to breath and you're listening and feeling and smelling and seeing (and this I guess is as opposed to actively "looking", where here you let your eyes and your focus relax), you'll experience it.

There are two main categories of experiences I've had with the MM. First, A "voice" that I hear with a phrase or simple sentence that is an an answer or a solution or an insight or an instruction. It really is always specific to me and some situation and so I can't really describe it more. Is it heard by my ears, or heard in my mind? I don't know. But for me these experiences are very much hearing someone. If my mind isn't quiet and focused on breathing and my senses, then I probably can't here it. This is why sensory development and exercises that that various artists us to develop their senses are useful. What ever art you practice, see how it can apply to this. For me, these are things I've used to develop my sensory awareness. Listening to the decay of a note on the guitar and seeing how lightly I can play a note or a phrase. Vowel singing (Godwin's book on the 7 Vowels is important to me). A whole host of actor's exercises probably most of which come from Michael Chekhov. Even Pepe Romero's Guitar Method book has ideas that are applicable here. It's about being the best receiving antenna you can be: picking up everything in a quiet space (as quiet as possible anyway). For me, this isn't about raising energy and focusing intent and it's ... well now that I'm thinking about it, its very different than a lot of magick.

The second mode of communication is not the hearing of a word or phrase clearly articulated, but bigger bits of information, like fully formed ideas. How is it not just my mind not being quiet? Well, I've come to learn the difference. There's no point in describing it more. eventually you'll experience it.

It's worth noting that I'm not asking specific questions of the MM.

magicbeli wrote:Do you think that sometimes your personal Magic Mentor made that you do something bad?

No. Absolutely not. If anything, I've gotten the exact right answer or the best ideas via MM. In Josephine McCarthy's book Magical Knowledge, she mentions the possibility that one might encounter a spirit that is saying or instructing something not in the best interest of the person. I think it's a good book. So is Games People Play. A lot of Victorian era or post Victorian era occultists insisted we study psychology or even get therapy along with this work. I don't know if I'd go that far, but the reading is worth it and I think we can expand that to "consciousness studies" where writers like John Searle might be worth looking at. I like the book Games People Play, it shows an aspect of how we think and how we behave. We have to get beyond this pesona we built in our lives to get down to the core of what ever it is we are, I think anyway. I think our ego can't do this practice, but that's just what I think.

Ultimately if you're grounded as a person and in your practice, functional and "firing on all cylinders", you can weigh any thing you get from any spirit against your better judgement and recognize something stupid bad or dangerous for what it is. I've not had to worry about that though, I have had a lot to learn about meditation, listening, creativity, being a person, and how my brain and I work. And I thought I knew a lot of those things coming in. But again, this is all my own perspective and not meant to be like "here's how 'WE' do this". I don't know what works for others, really. I know I'm probably one of the least experienced people here.

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Re: Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#7 » Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:07 pm

lefty wrote:
magicbeli wrote: I relax but I will try to get a higher level of relax but of course is very difficult because always the mind is thinking something.

OK, so I think of it this way. Relaxing the loosening of any tension in your muscles, being in a balanced and comfortable position, ergonomically correct for what ever your doing. This covers playing violin or piano or baseball relaxed, as well as sitting or standing or lying or running relaxed. It's a term that relates to your physicality. Quieting your mind is a seperate thing, letting thought float away and holding them less. That's not the same as focusing in on your senses and various things you can do to make you a better receiving antenna.

magicbeli wrote: About personal Magic Mentor aspect I mean if for example have long hair, beard, color of eyes, age appearance, if him levitate and all kind of details that give a description about the personal Magic Mentor.

I don't recall anything visual happening with the MM work I've done-- it's been a little while since I've worked with the MM, but I would in a heartbeat again if I weren't doing other things. More recently more images come into my mind but that's using and doing different things.

magicbeli wrote:About the conversation with your personal Magic Mentor I don't understand you well.

Because I understand that you get ideas sent by your personal Magic Mentor and also I understand that sometimes you hear a voice.

I mean, can you hear his voice or the answer for your questions come from your own thought that probably your own thought was sent for your personal Magic Mentor?

At some point, the words we use aren't going to really describe the experience we have. If your mind is quiet and you're really allowing your self to breath and you're listening and feeling and smelling and seeing (and this I guess is as opposed to actively "looking", where here you let your eyes and your focus relax), you'll experience it.

There are two main categories of experiences I've had with the MM. First, A "voice" that I hear with a phrase or simple sentence that is an an answer or a solution or an insight or an instruction. It really is always specific to me and some situation and so I can't really describe it more. Is it heard by my ears, or heard in my mind? I don't know. But for me these experiences are very much hearing someone. If my mind isn't quiet and focused on breathing and my senses, then I probably can't here it. This is why sensory development and exercises that that various artists us to develop their senses are useful. What ever art you practice, see how it can apply to this. For me, these are things I've used to develop my sensory awareness. Listening to the decay of a note on the guitar and seeing how lightly I can play a note or a phrase. Vowel singing (Godwin's book on the 7 Vowels is important to me). A whole host of actor's exercises probably most of which come from Michael Chekhov. Even Pepe Romero's Guitar Method book has ideas that are applicable here. It's about being the best receiving antenna you can be: picking up everything in a quiet space (as quiet as possible anyway). For me, this isn't about raising energy and focusing intent and it's ... well now that I'm thinking about it, its very different than a lot of magick.

The second mode of communication is not the hearing of a word or phrase clearly articulated, but bigger bits of information, like fully formed ideas. How is it not just my mind not being quiet? Well, I've come to learn the difference. There's no point in describing it more. eventually you'll experience it.

It's worth noting that I'm not asking specific questions of the MM.

magicbeli wrote:Do you think that sometimes your personal Magic Mentor made that you do something bad?

No. Absolutely not. If anything, I've gotten the exact right answer or the best ideas via MM. In Josephine McCarthy's book Magical Knowledge, she mentions the possibility that one might encounter a spirit that is saying or instructing something not in the best interest of the person. I think it's a good book. So is Games People Play. A lot of Victorian era or post Victorian era occultists insisted we study psychology or even get therapy along with this work. I don't know if I'd go that far, but the reading is worth it and I think we can expand that to "consciousness studies" where writers like John Searle might be worth looking at. I like the book Games People Play, it shows an aspect of how we think and how we behave. We have to get beyond this pesona we built in our lives to get down to the core of what ever it is we are, I think anyway. I think our ego can't do this practice, but that's just what I think.

Ultimately if you're grounded as a person and in your practice, functional and "firing on all cylinders", you can weigh any thing you get from any spirit against your better judgement and recognize something stupid bad or dangerous for what it is. I've not had to worry about that though, I have had a lot to learn about meditation, listening, creativity, being a person, and how my brain and I work. And I thought I knew a lot of those things coming in. But again, this is all my own perspective and not meant to be like "here's how 'WE' do this". I don't know what works for others, really. I know I'm probably one of the least experienced people here.

You have really a lot of experience and probably you have open the third eye because you get watch mentally things that really are very difficult to see.

Now I understand about relax to call the personal Magic Mentor.

Relax means do anything that can help me to get blank mind like lie, sit down in a comfortable chair, play an instrument do any activity like a sport, etc.

I thought that relax could be only lie or sit down closing the eyes.

Yes, you mean that you had not see your personal Magic Mentor physically only in your mind like a picture or a fast image that appear in your mind few seconds.

About hear or mental ideas, you receive both depending of the moment that you call your personal Magic Mentor, your relax, your control in the breathing, you get to fill a smell.

based on what I've read in ''the Miracle of New Avatar'' I understand that the personal Magic Mentor helps to see the future and also he grants almost any desire because the personal Magic Mentor work with his Magick power.

Also explains that the personal Magic Mentor is very safe and is available for help you the 24 hours everyday once that you get that your NAP (New Avatar Power) go outside of your body.

Thank you for share your experience.

you did it many advances getting special feelings, ideas and answers from your personal Magic Mentor.

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Re: Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#8 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:32 pm

What I'm saying about relaxing is that being relaxed is something that occurs not just sitting or lying or standing or kneeling or in a lotus or half-lotus (I think that's what they're called) positions. We hold paint brushes in a relaxed manner, we should fall relaxed, we play instruments relaxed and stand on stage relaxed, swing hammers and saw relaxed. Each of those it is best to be relaxed when we do them. We have to learn how to do those relaxed. When we're sitting or lying we still have to release tension and let it melt away, and we have to learn to do that. But, for me, that is only step one. I do think it helps to exercise before hand, I think it helps more than just the relaxing. But in any event, I think we have to do what we can to become the best receiving antenna in order to work with MM. Basically most things I've typed in this thread, and I think all the books I mentioned, are about that. I don't have time to respond to other things right at the moment. I do think you just have to do it till you find how it works for you.

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Re: Call your personal Magic Mentor

Post#9 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:20 pm

lefty wrote:What I'm saying about relaxing is that being relaxed is something that occurs not just sitting or lying or standing or kneeling or in a lotus or half-lotus (I think that's what they're called) positions. We hold paint brushes in a relaxed manner, we should fall relaxed, we play instruments relaxed and stand on stage relaxed, swing hammers and saw relaxed. Each of those it is best to be relaxed when we do them. We have to learn how to do those relaxed. When we're sitting or lying we still have to release tension and let it melt away, and we have to learn to do that. But, for me, that is only step one. I do think it helps to exercise before hand, I think it helps more than just the relaxing. But in any event, I think we have to do what we can to become the best receiving antenna in order to work with MM. Basically most things I've typed in this thread, and I think all the books I mentioned, are about that. I don't have time to respond to other things right at the moment. I do think you just have to do it till you find how it works for you.

Yes, I understand you mean do a specific activity for relax before start to Point A relaxation and call the Magic Mentor.

Thank you for your explanation.

It is very useful for me and give me more clues to get more probabilities for get better results calling my personal Magic Mentor.

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