Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Posts: 70

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#61 » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:34 pm

Here is an update for me. I have been working with NAP for 2 weeks:

1) Chant for Success
I asked to be brought a new job. 3 hours after the ritual, an old acquaintance emailed me. In the email there was a job description... and nothing else! It is a dream job (6 figures, exactly my qualifications, 10 minutes from my apartment, etc.), I called him up to tell him thanks, and I was like "Wow, what made you think to send this to me?" "Uh...(awkward pause)... hey send me your resume in pdf format I will run it to the hiring manager?" :lol: He sends it to the hiring manager and HR gets back with me with an application and schedule an interview the next day! I don't know how many of you are in the job market right now, but if any of you are you know that this is an absolute miracle. Interview is next week, I will let you know how it goes. I will be doing the chant for success up until then.
2) Invocation for Money
Son emptied the bottom drawer of my nightstand (terrible 2's) and found an old Visa check gift card for $50 that I purchased 2 years ago for a graduation, cousin never graduated so I did not send the card, and I forgot about it. He brought it to me, and told me "Thank you" which is his usual way. This invocation seems to really shake off the low-hanging fruit!

I'm a total NAP convert, and I feel overwhelmed at the possibilities. Good luck with your work, lurv this forum, astral kisses to all you guys :D

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2335

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#62 » Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:02 am

Awesome! Thanks for sharing...
Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)

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Posts: 53

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#63 » Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:49 am

Nap is a good book, only been working with it for a while, I was completely ignorant of this forum till I don’t know, long enough to catch a bit of the Buzz that is this and MG

My earliest obvious success (as I have only really been interested in NAP for the money, health and protection aspects of it) is to do with money. I performed this Winning Contests chant the night before (Thursday) combined with a health chant. Considering I always go through with a defensive armor ritual for general protection. I recently had been paid from my mundane civy job and decided to run down to the local TAB and bet on the first available race that was on Friday afternoon, So off I ran after work as I was due back for work drinks (these are free, work social club etc) anyway soon as I got out of the lift and was running there all I could think of was the number 5. I get into the place and go up to a machine where you can just hit Next Race – insert some cash and then select win or place and the number. Some dude was in front of me and I missed out on that race, Yes, number 5 won that race paying 8-1. But when I hit next race again selected number 5 insert my $ 10 for the horse to win. I waited for the race to be shown on the millions of screens available, I find out the race was in New Zealand and they don’t televise that particular race. I stand around for ages waiting for the results, low and behold number 5 has won again, and this paid me $9.60 for the win. Needless to say I soon left after and paid for the night with 10 bucks. Smallish gains but I’m not greedy, but after drinks we went into the casino (as I was heading to watch Wolf man with 2 friends) on the way to the cinema I stopped into play a few hands, I lost 30 instantly in some stupid game called War where all you have to do is just get a higher card then the dealer. But walked over to a Blackjack table and I didn’t lose once, but only played 3 hands whilst one was a push, doubled up my cash – then saw the movie. Crap movie  It was at this point I had to exercise some control as my addictive personality was creeping up and I wanted to go and try and win some more, but left. But it paid for my night and others.

Now I wish Labezerin would help me out with lotto or pools win in the higher divisions so I don’t have to preoccupy thoughts of money and or needing to get it.
I’m a hopeless gambler usually. Only other times I’ve won (before magic) are on New Year’s nights.

Posts: 70

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#64 » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:35 am

Wow, Jimmy, your success story is too cool! I hope you can make that lotto thing work out for you too!

Posts: 70

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#65 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:59 am

Very partial success with Labezerin Invocation for Winning Contests!

I am playing a grocery store game where you collect markers to win a prize. They are super stingy with the markers, grocery store attendants have to mark down their initials for every marker given out on the grocery receipt and they are kept in the cash register. I went to the store intending on picking up 2 markers, I thought to myself, let's see if ole' Labezerin :lol: remembers who I am. I said the Invocation out loud and I instantly knew he heard me. I went inside, and out the end of my line to check out (it was one of those self checkout lines) there was a stack of 30 tickets just sitting there unattended. I grabbed them and threw them in the bag with my purchase and strolled out, I knew they were left there for me. ;) I have not won any real prizes yet, but I won an additional 14 markers, and a pack of store brand biscuits :lol: and of course got my marker board totally filled out with the exception of the rare prize winning markers. And additionally, it just occurred to me that most, if not all winning markers will be kept behind the customer service center register to guarantee that they mostly go to individuals who are actually playing the game. So I will be picking up markers only from the service center now, which should increase my chances of winning exponentially with the help of the genius.


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#66 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:05 pm

I use NIP (new ishtar power), Helped to get my computer to work when it wasnt working, WTF moment. 5 times worked.
Star excercise, a lot of energy, like red bull.

Nap, wanted to get help from a teacher at school, worked very well, got what i wanted. Influence ppl ritual.

Remote healing grandpearents, next day i got sick (rlt FUBAR feeling) but the ritual worked, the target was healed.

what else...mmm.

Ah a JOB, It was a NIP asking.
Got a job offering in another country on the 2nd day, requested job to get very influencial friends. guess thats it.

Ill add later, GTG.

Thanks for reading...

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 589

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#67 » Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:51 pm

A friend of a friend has worked hard as an EMT and then as a emergency room technician. She is smart, hardworking, but had not been accepted into an academic program for physician's assistant the first time around. Second time around, she waited and had heard nothing, and then asked me through our mutual friend for some esoteric assistance. I provided her information on how to perform the LBRP, the NAP Ritual and the Chant to Bring Success to Elubatel.

I was going to wait a little bit and give her instructions for the MP and Bornless Ritual because she seemed a bit skittish, and I didn't get the feeling that she wanted them, but I knew that she had performed the workings I had provided her.

I remember asking Elubatel for her as well, and I just heard today that she has been accepted at both colleges and her only problem now is determining which program to attend.

I'm so glad about this that I thought I'd share it with everyone on the board!]

Thank you Elubatel! :)

Posts: 70

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#68 » Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:36 am

Super Celestials wrote:A friend of a friend has worked hard as an EMT and then as a emergency room technician. She is smart, hardworking, but had not been accepted into an academic program for physician's assistant the first time around. Second time around, she waited and had heard nothing, and then asked me through our mutual friend for some esoteric assistance. I provided her information on how to perform the LBRP, the NAP Ritual and the Chant to Bring Success to Elubatel.

I was going to wait a little bit and give her instructions for the MP and Bornless Ritual because she seemed a bit skittish, and I didn't get the feeling that she wanted them, but I knew that she had performed the workings I had provided her.

I remember asking Elubatel for her as well, and I just heard today that she has been accepted at both colleges and her only problem now is determining which program to attend.

I'm so glad about this that I thought I'd share it with everyone on the board!]

Thank you Elubatel! :)

Elubatel is a very special spirit. :D


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#69 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:01 am

I wrote my story in a notepad and thought ill post it but when i was about to i got an urge not to.
Its a good story, Helped me in people, money, job, school, healing. Thats all im going to say, i use NIP more than NAP so idk witch book was the helper here.
All i need now is learn how to Astral Project.

You should open a new Thread for NIP.
Ishtar is mentioned in the necrominicon, how about that.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1183

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#70 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:41 pm

Here's one I can share. 8th April, a week ago, I was chopping an onion and my hand slipped, and I cut down onto my thumb with the knife - it's REALLY sharp and i gouged a big sliver off the tip plus some attached nail. It wasn't totally severed but there was only like an eighth-inch of skin holding the flap on.

I washed it under running water until it stopped bleeding (it bled A Lot) and wacked on a plaster over the top, hoping it would kind of heal back together a bit. My general policy with cuts is fix them together and leave them well alone.

I did the Five Gates & Bornless One invocation two days later (I really felt like doing it) - I felt some energy down near my thumb, which i didn't think about, it was like a feeling of very bright white light.

Next day my thumb had totally healed - I kid you not, there's a reddish patch but what happened to the almost-severed sliver of nail, I do not know, and yeah i do heal fast but not that fast, one week on you'd never know that anything had happened, there's just a small patch of reddish/shiny skin that looks like the ones I get when i bite the skin off my fingers (horrible habit I know! :P ).

I appreciate there's no photos of the before but the cut was BAD, that knife went through skin, nail and nailbed like butter, 3 days later the edge of the nail was totally even again, you'd never know anything had happened. I'm personally convinced that the NAP work healed it, I didn't do anything else towards it.

"...there's no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."
Captain James T Kirk

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