Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#51 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:23 pm

I attribute a few recent successes to NAP. I did a ritual that has been mentioned in this thread yet it is not exactly out of NAP. I was however wondering if the chants should be done as if doing a Mantra with a Mala, say for 108x?

Do anyone of you do them this way, and would doing so cause any issues, as far as vibrating specific names for this long?

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#52 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:00 pm

Tremisan wrote:I attribute a few recent successes to NAP. I did a ritual that has been mentioned in this thread yet it is not exactly out of NAP. I was however wondering if the chants should be done as if doing a Mantra with a Mala, say for 108x?

Do anyone of you do them this way, and would doing so cause any issues, as far as vibrating specific names for this long?


I have vibrated the various Hebrew god names five times, sometimes seven times.

Not much more than that.

I don't think repeating the names 108 times would work well.

These words of power are from a different magical system.

Just my opinion.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1183

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#53 » Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:05 am

boris wrote:Followed by an offering of honey in a metal chalice like cup.

How interesting - I was kinda prompted to offer some honeycomb, and honey, fortunately my local deli sells it.

I'm not aware of why and googling it didn't bring up any immediately relevant results (I cleared about 5 - 6 pages) so if anyone more experienced in this field has an opinion on why honey, I'd be MOST grateful to hear it! :) :?:

boris wrote:it is, though had i gone to a casino or the dogs that night instead...

PLEASE don't support greyhound racing - it's an atrocity and leads to the inhumane deaths of tens of thousands of young, healthy, loving dogs each year in the US & UK alone (Spain, don't even get me started on that).

I've rehomed 3 retired racers now and they're the lucky ones, also vastly in the minority since there are an estimated 6,000 dogs killed each year in Britain alone (only the lucky ones even get to be put down humanely, dogs are routinely injected with anti-freeze, drowned or shot etc), yet all of my dogs have had physical and behavioural problems that came directly from being raced - really sorry to get preachy but this is a big issue with me, greyhounds are wonderful gentle dogs who don't deserve this kind of treatment, there are other much sounder ways to make money gambling that don't cause death and suffering to innocent mutts - casinos for example give employment and that has to be a cleaner way to gamble. 8-)

Here's a link to an action group that has all the info about why racing is SO atrocious, and I will shut up now, sorry for going off topic but I HAD to speak from the heart on that one...
"...there's no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."
Captain James T Kirk


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#54 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:30 pm

I finally have a success story from my working with Nitika! I had shared in the past some of the complications that I had, but this eventually paid off in a VERY nice way. In the months following the beginning of my operation, in which I was not consistent and rather on-again off-again about performing the ritual; which I had to modify due to the complications that arose, I received quite a bit of money from completely unexpected sources. I didn't win the lottery or anything, I actually live in a state that doesn't have a lottery. But from these sources, I suddenly had about $4,000 fall into my lap. Not only that, but I've had surprising relief from creditors and experienced a great deal generosity from those I have financial dealings with. I'm not even sure that the benefits have stopped coming in from this working and I need to look up that ritual of thanks that Vovin posted up here. I would have to say that this is one of the most impressive results that I have gotten from a magickal operation and I hope this can help motivate those who are struggling with their own attempts at working with NAP.

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 589

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#55 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:46 pm

Congrats! I am really very extremely happy for you, this is very good news. It's always terrific to hear about good things happening to people!

(Not to take away from your story, but I'll briefly insert here that I had asked for gold once -- I did not get it, but my best friend did! And had I told him what I did, being that he is a rather traditional religionist, his eyes probably would have rolled back into his head while he went insane or something similar! But I don't feel sorry for myself, I'm just glad that it came close!) ;)


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#56 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:50 pm

I am new to the forum and wanted to share something cool about Central pillar and Hemi Sync,
Thanks for turning me on to nap by the way. I was neck deep studying Enochian magic, just finished Lon Milo's online course and bumped into Nap on your forum.
I have always been facinated by ceremonial magic and own the various GD books, but having ADD it was alot for me to get my brain around, so I practiced LBRP and other basic rituals but spent much more time reading and trying to learn bigger picture.
Anyhoo, I have been using the gateway program from TMI and decided I would do a mix of the point A, Central Pillar and gateway #5.
I have never experienced the surge of power and full blown vibrations like I did last night. It literally blew me away.
I thought for sure I was going to spill right out of my body. Its even better because I have struggled with the whole OBE thing for years always feeling something happening but not quite making the progress to actually get out. Im hoping additional experimenting will allow me to progress.
Its interesting because one of the more advanced students in my Enochian class said one the the Angels of Bag told her she needed to synchronize her brain hemispheres to advance her scrying abilites.
I have a bunch of other binuaral programs that I will mess around with as well to see the effects.



Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#57 » Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:51 am

Sam wrote:Anyhoo, I have been using the gateway program from TMI and decided I would do a mix of the point A, Central Pillar and gateway #5.

Interesting post, I also think I need to spice up my point A since I find it difficult getting into trance while trying to read a paper in darkness :-) What does TMI stand for?


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#58 » Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:08 pm

Gekko wrote:
Sam wrote:Anyhoo, I have been using the gateway program from TMI and decided I would do a mix of the point A, Central Pillar and gateway #5.

Interesting post, I also think I need to spice up my point A since I find it difficult getting into trance while trying to read a paper in darkness :-) What does TMI stand for?

Hey Gekko,
Thanks for the reply. TMI is the Monroe Institute. You may have heard of Robert Monroe, he was a pioneer in Out of Body research.
TMI stuff is expensive but does work. I found this really cool Hemi Sync program for free (Freeware) called SbaGen that you can download.
Click on downloads and get the 1.4.4 version. After it installs goto programs, sbagen and click on examples. It will opne 3 folders with tons of awesome presets. The focus levels are basically focus 1-27 of the Monroe program. There are some really good presets like Chakras that will get you humming right along.
I have found that using these sound wave programs to alter my brain really help a ton to get in a deep trance quickly.
Is anyone else on the forum using Binaural Beats to achieve altered states before working Magick?

Posts: 70

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#59 » Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:01 pm

Thanks for posting about binaural beats. I liked the program "Inspiration," this can have great applications in magick, hypnosis, etc. It drove me into a trance every time, you still have to pay attention to your breathing, but it seems like I did not have to put forth as much deliberate effort to relax or to clear my mind of stray thoughts.

Brother Suroh

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#60 » Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:27 pm

Here is a thread of many of my successes with both NAP and Geofs other works.


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