Hi, any tips? New Avatar Power not working?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 602

Re: Hi, any tips? New Avatar Power not working?

Post#41 » Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:22 am

Slater wrote:Here's the deal, all ritual work requires connection and contact with inner power to be pulled through. Sometimes the ritual itself is enough to reactivate contact, if it's built into the ritual that is. Sometimes it's up to you.

I can't stress this enough; if any ritual is not contacted, you're doing self- help style psychological pantomime. You might get some benefit from it, but that's not magic. It's just not, and frankly the idea of contaminating magic with psychology (and contaminating psychology with magic) is flawed. When this cross over first happened, psychology was like a new toy and they tried hard to make it fit but all it did was ensure a whole bunch of would be magicians sat spinning their wheels, never learning to make actual contact.

If it's not working, chances are you're not able to make the work a contacted ritual. There are some core skills you should have as a magician (like basic meditation and breath techniques) and without them, you're pretty much wasting your time. Rather than saying "it doesn't work" it's more likely you're the weak point in the situation and you need to be working on your foundational skills.


Very well said.


"I am alone. There is no God where I am."
Liber AL II-23

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mysterious magician
Posts: 123

Re: Hi, any tips? New Avatar Power not working?

Post#42 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:27 pm

ryanmercer wrote:
mannubhai wrote:Well said philodox...the stories sound too fantastical to be a 100 % true but they are simply a way of establishing belief in the system and that is what causes the magick to take place...the belief.

Or perhaps you know subpar people.

Example: a former best friend of mine (I had to part ways with him because I was drinking a fifth a night or more and was just getting in a negative place) at my age in the 90's... he and his wife had their house going through foreclosure, they moved in with his mother and he was unemployed and absolutely could not find work, everyone was turning him down, he was an Indian (as in India) American (born here to immigrant parents) with hair down to his shoulder blades living in a suburb of Los Angeles... he went to interview after interview and no one would hire him. One day he went to a landscaping place, happened to be wearing a ball cap and had his hair tucked up under the hat. Small company of less than a dozen people, guy gave him the job doing manual labor landscaping.

Turns out that company had a massive amountof debt, close to 400k USD in the mid 90's, that's a LOT. After a while the owner kept trying to sell him the company for 200k USD telling him it had that much debt and he just wanted a clean break. My former friend said "no, I'll take the company though debt and all" guy agreed (he got to shrug off 400k in debt on someone else) so he went to the guy's house and took the one work truck and assumed the debt, realizing it in fact was twice a smuch as the guy stated. Less than a decade later he had turned that company into a company with close to 1500 employees only accepting annual landscaping contracts north of 1 million USD. When we parted ways almost a year ago he had 13 businesses in 6 states and would go to Barret Jackson auctions drop a million, Vegas drop a million, take all his senior managers at his companies on vacations together, etc.

Now, if I didn't know the guy and I read that R. C. from California turned went from unemployed loser to a multi-millionaire in less than a decade through hard work and determination i
n a book about work-ethic or something I'd scream, "oh that's a load of crap" but you see I know him, we were best friends spending nearly every day together and talking every single day for years. But see, I saw his houses, I saw his cars, I saw him buying dozens of people breakfast regularly after closing his club most nights, he took me clothes shoping for my birthday and took a year's worth of my net income, in cash, to buy me clothes because he knew I wasn't happy with my wardrobe (I didn't ask or even hint that I wanted him to). You see, good things do happen to people, fantastical things happen to people. In fact my meeting of him was fantastical, a friend took me to midget wrestling for my birthday... this drunk Indian guy comes up and starts chatting me up and punching me... the next day we are best friends, a week later I have full access to his club and the keys to the kingdom... my wish was his command.

If I learned one thing from him, it's that you have to believe... YOU. CAN. NOT. BE. NEGATIVE. He called me Eeyore because I was always so negative, every day he called me Eeyore. We parted ways about 10 months ago because I was tired of drinking so much and being called Eeyore. One morning I just snapped on him and said "This is the point in my life where I have to tell you goodbye" 'Really? Ok, cool!'. That's the last we said to each other. I'd been asking him to help me start my own business empire but every idea I or he would have for me I'd be negative about, I'd come up with reasons it wouldn't work. After we parted ways I kept this thinking. Few months later I started my small business, within the first 4 months I did 20k in sales netting about 11k (half my ANNUAL take-home from my real job). I figured if he could do it I could do it.

My point in this post and the post above is two-fold: don't be negative and don't tell yourself that the stories must be lies or half-truths because they sound fantastical, crazy shit happens to people all the time. Just because it's never happened to you doesn't mean it's impossible.
The NAP book does not say they become wealthy in a decade, it is usually almost overnight

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mysterious magician
Posts: 123

Re: Hi, any tips? New Avatar Power not working?

Post#43 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:42 pm

Slater wrote:LBRP is not in the book. That's the Qabalistic cross.

Also...the NAP is not a system of evocation. You are not trying to have a spirit appear. There are no bells and whistles going off.

You just do it...and it's done.

Aren't you trying to have magic mentor appear?

Posts: 3

Re: Hi, any tips? New Avatar Power not working?

Post#44 » Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:21 pm

Morgan wrote:Yet so many people here on the forum claim NAP DOES work...We're not all liars :)
Perhaps it's a lack of willpower, maybe the desire isn't strong enough or the person doesn't have a knack for magick? I'm sorry if I generalize but let's not exclude these possible explanations.
If a spell doesn't work after a certain amount of time and dedication, stop it all together, forget about it for a few days and start all over again. Yes I agree we should follow the book. But no, you don't have to do these long complicated rituals, some spells work with just your voice, a desire and a book. that's what I think, at least

I agree Morgan! I got the book back in 1974, didn't use it until 1979 (I was 19 then). I Was drinking and getting high like most youngsters do at that age. I met this girl, had sex with her, and she disappeared, and I didn't know where to look for her. I wanted more of her, so I pulled out the NAP book and worked myself some magick. She was back in about a week. She said she felt something pulling her to me. My point is basically that, it is better to keep it simple and follow the book. After a piece of magickal working has been done (Invocation, Incantation, etc.), find something to do other than worrying about whether or not your magic is going to work or not. Find something to do to get your mind off of it. I've had a few successes with this method and that is what I had to do.

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