Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#161 » Sun May 08, 2011 5:52 am

[quote] it reads very new agey, almost as if its trying to benefit from the desperate and gullible. [ /quote]

yep...I agree with you, in fact it took me ages to buy, just because it's seems more a" cookery" book then a magic book, at least not in the way I intend magick...
Honestly, I have just started to read it and I have to say it's not technically wrong but indeed a bit commercial... I suppose I have just to get over it.

I personally never heard before about this author, but again I am Italian, it’s normal as unfortunately many "modern" writers are not translated in my language and that's way, also I joined this forum.

I honestly like reading all the success stories of other people. Yes, probably lots of them exaggerate. But still, I think it's worth giving a try...why not?

Anyway, I am not surprised it's not working for you; if your aptitude is so sceptical you won’t gain results...and it applies to everything, IMO.
At the end my impression of the book is not as negative as I taught and in fact I am going to try something. ;)
Last edited by REA on Sun May 08, 2011 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 22

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#162 » Wed May 18, 2011 11:34 am

I know what you mean, Amind. The book (I've only read the NAP so far) sounds like an over-hyped and toned-down version of the more well-known books on Magick. There are before-and-after experiences of people that can never be verified. I didn't take the book seriously from the get-go.

That is, until I experienced results, which is better than more than 90% of the "Magick" books I read. I experimented with it quite a bit and experienced better-than-average results, although I stopped it a few months ago to focus with work and school.

Anyway, I find it interesting that even though I started skeptical when I started reading the book, I was able to gain results. I guess it helped reading the results people here experienced, but after reading the first few pages, I was on skeptical mode again. I tried it anyway, for lack of anything better to do, and I was able to get better results within the next 24 to 48 hours, which was beyond most of my Magickal experiences. And it wasn't something that can be attributed as psychological or subjective stuff either, like happiness, health, peace, etc. Money actually came, and more than expected, although not enough to buy me a cool car, but then it was just for experiment.

Although I haven't continued, I will definitely experiment with it more soon. :ugeek:
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#163 » Mon May 23, 2011 8:38 pm

Aximili wrote:I know what you mean, Amind. The book (I've only read the NAP so far) sounds like an over-hyped and toned-down version of the more well-known books on Magick. There are before-and-after experiences of people that can never be verified. I didn't take the book seriously from the get-go.

That is, until I experienced results, which is better than more than 90% of the "Magick" books I read. I experimented with it quite a bit and experienced better-than-average results, although I stopped it a few months ago to focus with work and school.

Anyway, I find it interesting that even though I started skeptical when I started reading the book, I was able to gain results. I guess it helped reading the results people here experienced, but after reading the first few pages, I was on skeptical mode again. I tried it anyway, for lack of anything better to do, and I was able to get better results within the next 24 to 48 hours, which was beyond most of my Magickal experiences. And it wasn't something that can be attributed as psychological or subjective stuff either, like happiness, health, peace, etc. Money actually came, and more than expected, although not enough to buy me a cool car, but then it was just for experiment.

Although I haven't continued, I will definitely experiment with it more soon. :ugeek:

wow, good post. Please do feel free to share with us whatever experience you've had with the book. I may be sceptical but I am not ignorant. Perhaps your story would further shed light on the workings of NAP.

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#164 » Tue May 24, 2011 11:59 am

I try not to think about the "outrageousness" of any claim, it just seems counter-productive. I walked into a martial art's class once where my fellow students were looking at book written in Korean. Their was a photo of the author meditating on the side of a hill, but apparently was levitating. I walked in as the conversation was already practically done. All but one of my fellow students thought it was fake. The one that believed that it was possible and thus thought the photo could be real and was real to him was also the best student/most skilled of all of us. I pointed that out when I chose to think the picture is real. At that point in my life I had never heard this phrase but I think I was essentially saying we have buy into the idea that "what the mind and conceive we can achieve."

Still, yesterday I thought about the woman in NAP that over the course of 7 days had a spiffy new outfit and a Mazerati and all her bills were paid and she had a part time gig once a month for $1000 to advise some dude on stocks via her "Magic Mentor". I had to stop and fit my head around the idea that all that happened in 7 days. Maybe I move too slow-- really, that might be the crux my issue with it: check clears, still go to work or quit either takes some time, buy the car, get insured for it, etc. Yet, I have no problem with the idea that certain plains Indians could ride right past soldiers mocking them as the bullets passed right through their "medicine shirts" even if all it means is that they had a source of courage.

In any event, the many many cases histories in the book could distract one from what the book is actually saying to do-- thankfully communities like this are showing me were the "steak" is behind all the "sizzle". In fact, the book is the shizzle. Wow I regret typing that last sentence.

Posts: 230

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#165 » Tue May 24, 2011 3:31 pm

well i don't see any of us really report such a badass story that made everything perfect in our life for like you have said and used the example ''within 7 days''. I don't see anyone reported winning a large enormous amount of money, a villa, a jacht and so on.

i tried it, haven't worked. my friend tried it haven't worked. i'm not saying it does not, but it has really much more weaker results than the book preaches it does.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#166 » Mon May 30, 2011 12:25 am

amind wrote:It's clear that from reading NAP, that all the stories within the book itself, are just bs. Supposedly this is to create belief and which helps with NAP. But I would highly question a book that tries to sell itself like that, it reads very new agey, almost as if its trying to benefit from the desperate and gullible.

Now, if it works for you, then great. But it hasn't really worked for me, neither has the mystic grimoire. It's very clear that this geoff gray cobb wrote both of these books. I'm not knocking it down simply because it hasn't worked for me, it all just seems so... fake. But then again that's just my opinion, I may be completely wrong. It seems like a dumbed down version of golden dawn magick. The book even has a dumbed down version of the middle pillar and the bornless ritual :thinking

In the future I may have further experiments to further test the veracity of this book. I just found it interesting that this is the only forum I've found with such support for NAP, I wonder if other magicians have even heard of this book.

the Parker publishing hype of the 1970's has been addressed to death here. Just over look it. I did...obviously it was written as marketing for a 1970's audience.

The spirits within the book/s are found in everything from the Shem ha-Mephorash angels, the 6&7 books of Moses, The Goetia and GKOS. These are real and seriously powerful entities.

Adeptus Minor
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#167 » Mon May 30, 2011 9:52 pm

"These are real and seriously powerful entities."

You are indeed right

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#168 » Tue May 31, 2011 11:59 am

seriously powerful? what about passing exam without learning, he he he....

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#169 » Tue May 31, 2011 12:07 pm

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#170 » Tue May 31, 2011 12:18 pm

the point would be... not learning and passing. its just a matter of taste I guess.

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