The nature of these spirits

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#11 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:51 am

Slater wrote:
they do have a way of bringing things to light that were hidden.

That's what the Shem ha-Mephorash angels excel at. I'm going to go off topic here but seeing as you deleted the next post of your thread I don't think it matters now:

Here's a tip: go further and seek to engage a few as teachers. I did and it was the most incredible "accelerated learning program" I could ever have imagined. As an example, I was guided (forcefully) to the approach I took to the last 2 years of magical work I have just completed.

Lets take Kabbalah for example; I don't work with a group, and I don't have a face to face teacher, so I evoked a certain entity for teaching and guidance in my study and practice. I shouldn't be surprised that the direct lessons, revelation and even the approach was *traditional (though represented in contextual idiom).

I was told for example to descend from opposed to the western hermetic method of ascension. The things is, I didn't KNOW about the Western method of working your way up...I was just told "do it this way". So I did. They also directed me to traditional expressions and away from the common sources. People say you can't study Kabbalah without a teacher and I agree. If you approach them with a good work ethic, respect and dedication to learning, it's pretty hard to go past the Shem ha-Mephorash angels as teachers.

They also teach you in ways that allow you to apply the wisdom and knowledge in order to bring understanding to all aspects of your life.

Ahh... Thanks Slater that make sense.... Maybe that was my problem with Elubatel. I feel most invocations from the Kether to the swirling around my feet. I never thought about being Elubatels student and maybe thats what he wanted from me. Amazing when you least expect it and not even thinking about involvement with these spirits that a major switch turned on.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#12 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:54 am

raum215 wrote:Respectfully speaking.

Slater, people who say "study Qabala" have no idea what they are saying. You do not study Qabala, you study Mitzvah. You RECEIVE Qabala. You cannot even transmit it. It is for God alone to transmit. One person does {this} and one person does {this} and the person who is to receive Qabala does by the third party, which is that of God. I'll use the word God here just to make it clearer.

Men cannot receive Qabala but by "Mouth to Ear", for that is what "Qabala" means. If women may receive Qabala, it is for God to decide.

But what you are saying you receive is NOT Qabala - no matter how hard the modern student calls it.
That is most likely "Darasha," "Nakara." or perhaps "Zahara."

The root of "Darasha" means essentially "consult, command, inquire, seek" (Dasharim are medium who call spirits.)

The Root of "Nakara" means essentially "Knowledge Discerned, Respect Shown, Contemplation Made."

The root of "Zahara" (also called Yatsah) means essentially "instructed formally, taught by seniority"

There are eight essential components to ancient Jewish Magick, their names are no-where on the "Tree of Life" model and not in western books I find, and only one is Qabala. It is also one of few which requires a living teacher. Many can be taught by spirits, many of the arts.

Qabala is specifically a living to living human transmission - where the third part is that of [God]'s.

Zahara would, for example, be when Iesu or Jeshua met with Moses and Elijah. Nakarah would be when the angel told Elijah to go forth from the mountain. Nakarah would be when God made Joseph recognize the dream of pharoah, and Darasha would be when Saul sought out the prophet Samuel, who made inquiry of the Angels of the Lord for the King. It could also be Nachasha but you had no physical medium for the spirit to speak through. An example of nachasha is when the possessed man answers "I am Legion, for we are many."

This is sort of picking at meanings, but actually that is exactly what Qabala does wire your brain to pick words apart for meaning as you are directed to. It is by no means the only teaching of the Yids or Hebrews. And the Shem Ha-Mephorash is not Qabala - the story of [whom people believe to be Moses] from which is it derived is not Qabala, but it is informed by it.

raum and Slater ive always admired and respected your posts... That helps others to grow and learn.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#13 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:57 am

lefty wrote:I hope it all works out. I think you are right about that, I thought it was just me and my circumstance on a few occassions; but I can't pretend to understand it.

Thank you lefty.... These spirits show you what they want you to know when they feel the time is right.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#14 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:04 pm

tai wrote:
Slater wrote:I was told for example to descend from opposed to the western hermetic method of ascension

Funny, I was just talking to a frater who insisted descending on the Tree is how it really works. That would mean adeptship works toward becoming fully incarnated in Malkuth...

That really makes a lot of sense to me. During invocations I feel it descends. Only difference I felt was the Bornless One 3xs i actually felt my whole body spinning as though a time vortex.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Magister Templi
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Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#15 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:29 pm

That would mean adeptship works toward becoming fully incarnated in Malkuth...

That is exactly the point.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#16 » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:16 am

summerland wrote:
Daenil wrote:Don't leave us hanging. Any details or an idea of what you're talking about ? :thinking

Daenil.... I found out that Joe blow who was buying my home is a travelling irish gypsy and has scammed many. The park manager was in this scam from the beginning to take my home from under me and from what I heard in a major drug ring. The cock roach he put in my home not only is he banging but running drugs too. And stupid as what they are and sure of the many warrants on them, wanted to take this in a common pleas court.

Wow..perhaps all the rage you were feeling towards your squatter was an apt response to the actual (though not known at the time) harm that they were plotting against you. How did this info come to light?
For sure..write that book
Enter the Silence
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Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#17 » Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:37 pm

summerland wrote:
Daenil wrote:Don't leave us hanging. Any details or an idea of what you're talking about ? :thinking

Daenil.... I found out that Joe blow who was buying my home is a travelling irish gypsy and has scammed many. The park manager was in this scam from the beginning to take my home from under me and from what I heard in a major drug ring. The cock roach he put in my home not only is he banging but running drugs too. And stupid as what they are and sure of the many warrants on them, wanted to take this in a common pleas court.

Use your skills as well as the po-po (drop a dime on them) to deal with these vermin.
They have killed all of my Gods, so now I will kill some of theirs.

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Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#18 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:51 am

summerland wrote:
Daenil wrote:Don't leave us hanging. Any details or an idea of what you're talking about ? :thinking

Daenil.... I found out that Joe blow who was buying my home is a travelling irish gypsy and has scammed many. The park manager was in this scam from the beginning to take my home from under me and from what I heard in a major drug ring. The cock roach he put in my home not only is he banging but running drugs too. And stupid as what they are and sure of the many warrants on them, wanted to take this in a common pleas court.

Summerland, are you in the US or the UK? Do you have any prior dealings with this tribe of Irish Travellers, or was it your first? Ultimately, do you know any Roma well? Well enough and trust them enough to ask them about the Irish Travellers?

The reason I ask is this, and I'm speaking as Rom as I outed myself in your other post, amongst Roma, the strata of "like and/or trust" usually runs:

Your Own Family/Extended Family > Your Own Tribe > Other Roma > Other Travelling People (who have traditionally had travelling lifestyles, I'm not talking Deadheads or Rainbow People) > Everyone Else.

There are some strange exceptions to this, a couple of which are, if you are an "Everyone Else" and a Romani has had good consistent relations with you, you can trump everyone in a lot of things except Family. Being treated well with no attached strings by outsiders is Le Grande Dames for Roma.

Another is, even though Irish Travellers are "Other Travelling People" and generally considered ok before a completely unknown "Everyone Else", Roma don't really like them as a group. Roma have bad reputations anyway (not undeserved in some quarters) and it is considered that Irish Travellers make it worse. Why? Your story, for starters. Secondly, those "Gypsy Wedding" shows on tv are almost all IT. Thirdly, non travelling people can't tell Roma and IT apart. It doesn't help that they'll often live in the same communities side-by-side, like White Settlement, Texas or Murphy Village, SC.

In short, I would enlist the police, and if you have good Romani connections, use them. They can often take care of nastiness with Irish Travellers in ways outsiders can't.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#19 » Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:28 pm

bloodvenus wrote:
summerland wrote:
Daenil wrote:Don't leave us hanging. Any details or an idea of what you're talking about ? :thinking

Daenil.... I found out that Joe blow who was buying my home is a travelling irish gypsy and has scammed many. The park manager was in this scam from the beginning to take my home from under me and from what I heard in a major drug ring. The cock roach he put in my home not only is he banging but running drugs too. And stupid as what they are and sure of the many warrants on them, wanted to take this in a common pleas court.

Wow..perhaps all the rage you were feeling towards your squatter was an apt response to the actual (though not known at the time) harm that they were plotting against you. How did this info come to light?
For sure..write that book

The rage i felt was hers against me. I am an empath i have a hard time tuning the bitch out. Everything just fell into place... Although I dont invoke Elubatel, Arzel and Nitika have helped me immensely. With all the ups and downs it for sure will be a good book for others to learn by.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: The nature of these spirits

Post#20 » Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:39 pm

saannec wrote:
summerland wrote:
Daenil wrote:Don't leave us hanging. Any details or an idea of what you're talking about ? :thinking

Daenil.... I found out that Joe blow who was buying my home is a travelling irish gypsy and has scammed many. The park manager was in this scam from the beginning to take my home from under me and from what I heard in a major drug ring. The cock roach he put in my home not only is he banging but running drugs too. And stupid as what they are and sure of the many warrants on them, wanted to take this in a common pleas court.

Summerland, are you in the US or the UK? Do you have any prior dealings with this tribe of Irish Travellers, or was it your first? Ultimately, do you know any Roma well? Well enough and trust them enough to ask them about the Irish Travellers?

The reason I ask is this, and I'm speaking as Rom as I outed myself in your other post, amongst Roma, the strata of "like and/or trust" usually runs:

Your Own Family/Extended Family > Your Own Tribe > Other Roma > Other Travelling People (who have traditionally had travelling lifestyles, I'm not talking Deadheads or Rainbow People) > Everyone Else.

There are some strange exceptions to this, a couple of which are, if you are an "Everyone Else" and a Romani has had good consistent relations with you, you can trump everyone in a lot of things except Family. Being treated well with no attached strings by outsiders is Le Grande Dames for Roma.

Another is, even though Irish Travellers are "Other Travelling People" and generally considered ok before a completely unknown "Everyone Else", Roma don't really like them as a group. Roma have bad reputations anyway (not undeserved in some quarters) and it is considered that Irish Travellers make it worse. Why? Your story, for starters. Secondly, those "Gypsy Wedding" shows on tv are almost all IT. Thirdly, non travelling people can't tell Roma and IT apart. It doesn't help that they'll often live in the same communities side-by-side, like White Settlement, Texas or Murphy Village, SC.

In short, I would enlist the police, and if you have good Romani connections, use them. They can often take care of nastiness with Irish Travellers in ways outsiders can't.

Sad to say... they are Irish gypsys who run a scam on home repairs in the US. I have Irish blood running through my veins and they are a disgrace to my ancestors. I wish I knew a Romani, This thing in my home is like a black cat thrown off 13 floors that always lands on her feet. I just get it.... Something is protecting her. She is a low as you scrape the barrel, And looks like a crack head. And he is a low life living off of others misfortune.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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