Who goes there?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Who goes there?

Post#1 » Sun May 26, 2013 6:04 pm

Hi all!

After reading many posts on this erudite forum asking about the true nature of the celebrated NAP angels, I have been pondering what it is that we are actually dealing with here? I enquire neither as a defiant skeptic nor as a gushing true believer, but as a seeker who wants to know reality, and is able to handle the truth regardless of how deep down the proverbial "rabbit hole" I may plunge, or how inconvenient to my present belief paradigm it may prove.

I wonder if the NAP angels are, (in part at least), something akin to wish-fulfilling Genii or Djinn?

Thinking about how the NAP intelligences grant favorable outcomes and gifts, the powerful Djinn portrayed in the movie: "The Secret", comes to mind:

Secret genii image: http://www.godsebook.org/genie_secret_533.jpg

Short Secret clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTimEFMIxz4

(The terms "NAP" & "SECRET" seem interchangeable labels for either scheme, to me, for in the end they both strike me as constituting similar means for attaining "something-for-nothing-fairy-gold" prizes. Both utilize "attraction" techniques for achieving methodical wish-fulfillment.)

Also, what if the NAP program amounts to constituting the "language" by which to interact with this selfsame "Secret" Genii? What if this fabulous mythical being could be subsequently identified as: the universal shape-shifting Chi/Azoth/Genii/Intelligence/Dark Matter/Nous/Living Quantum Soup - that assumes any form, any guise, perfectly tailored to one's expectation? (Koetting says as much with his works of darkness tome wherein he says that the darkness can be contacted and it "has it's eyes on you." And I even heard a telivision rabbi recently say that he felt surrounded by a thick envelop of miasmic darkness that wanted to swallow him up. And don't dare forget Friedrich Nietzsche's chilling observation to wit: “If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” These are not mere similies, assuredly they are metaphors, as any seasoned magickal practitioner knows only too well!)

Hence, could some, or the majority of, or maybe even all the NAP angels be masks of ONE "something" lurking just out-of-sight behind the 3D dimensional curtain, reminiscent of the disturbing ufo hide-and-seek phenomena?

Finally, are these NAP beings merely fancies of one's imagination, as in "pieces of our brain" as Crowley suggested? Or could they represent independent transdimensional celestial/infernal sub-personalities of God?

Are they all this and more, or are they none of the above? Who can say? Can you?

To me this NAP-entity consideration is so thought-provoking and so very relevant to my magickal momentum as well as addressing the general distopian human condition, that I consider it to be the greatest enigma I have yet encountered, and possibly the most profound mystery of our time.

Personally speaking, I am preparing to experiment with this alluring NAP magick when my "stars are right." But first, since NAP is clearly a hybridized system, I intend to tweak it a little more towards what has worked for me in the past, viz. an Ophiel LBRP ritual, Lisiewski planetary hours, and chinese astrology cross-timing and nothing else whastoever. I don't even intend to perform the main NAP meditation daily at the exact same time, as I may do regarding some mundane task, but instead it will be during a time frame synched with the nature of my request/nature of the angel in question. And I will be cordial, as always, but since I think that "goodness is its own reward", I figure that a sincere verbal "thank you" should suffice. No snacks, tokens or trading. (Bardon said that even seeming innocent, well-intentioned casual interactions with an interdimensional being such as the NAPs did constitute a "pact", and that possibility is something I can certainly do without!

As the cliche goes: "It is what it is" . . . . .but I ask: "WHAT is it???"

Hero of a thousand faces,
Culprit fey from alien races?

- dweller


Here is more lore about the Djinn:

The Djinn Connection

Could a single entity be responsible for a multitude of our paranormal experiences throughout history?

Some investigators conclude that our interactions with spirits, extraterrestrials, shadow figures, ancient aliens, demi-gods and human-creature hybrids all involve the mysterious Djinn.

Djinn are supposedly little-known in the West beyond folk tales of genies in lamps and bottles, but they are theoretically active in our world. They are said to be a race of powerful, masterful shape-shifters who exist in a dimension parallel to ours. Humans have had millennia of intense engagements with the Djinn, who disguise themselves in the forms of many different entities in order to keep themselves and their true motives hidden. The question is: are their motives in our best interests?

The Djinn are reputedly not the only beings interacting with humans, but their giant shadow falls across every part of our paranormal and entity contact experiences, including bedroom invasions, alien abductions, and genetics manipulators from other worlds.

Are the legendary Djinn a significant force in the destiny of human beings?


FAQS About the Djinn
Last edited by dwellersinthemirage on Tue May 28, 2013 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
From "Final Events": The Collins Elite (a secret US government group) believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, who are reaping and enslaving our very souls.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: Who goes there?

Post#2 » Mon May 27, 2013 8:55 am

My grandfather great qabalist he was had a great traditional saying about these types of what if trains of thought.

"What if ducks have two assholes?"
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Posts: 19

Re: Who goes there?

Post#3 » Mon May 27, 2013 2:50 pm

My grandfather great qabalist he was had a great traditional saying about these types of what if trains of thought.

"What if ducks have two assholes?"

Reminds me of one of my dear ole Dad's cavalier quips: "If a frog had wings it wouldn't be forever bumping it's tail."

He liked to remind me that he was a pragmatic man, not given to grand, visionary schemes. He could only relate to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters : practical as opposed to idealistic <pragmatic men of power have had no time or inclination to deal with … social morality> — K. B.

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time,
and still retain the ability to function." F. Scott Fitzgerald
From "Final Events": The Collins Elite (a secret US government group) believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, who are reaping and enslaving our very souls.

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Re: Who goes there?

Post#4 » Mon May 27, 2013 4:55 pm

I'm interested to know WHY a definitive answer as to WHAT NAP intelligences actually ARE would be of any benefit to anyone.

The bus driver takes me to where I want to be; I'm not overly interested in his life story, as a part of the journeys experience - it's irrelevant...

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Re: Who goes there?

Post#5 » Mon May 27, 2013 5:30 pm

I'm wondering why the ample explanations of what they are are their sources and everything isn't good enough and they have to be recast into some other system or pantheon.

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Re: Who goes there?

Post#6 » Mon May 27, 2013 10:08 pm

"I''m interested to know WHY a definitive answer as to WHAT NAP intelligences actually ARE would be of any benefit to anyone.

The bus driver takes me to where I want to be; I'm not overly interested in his life story, as a part of the journeys experience - it's irrelevant...

I suppose my reply to your question depends upon your persuasion - whether you call yourself a "spiritualist" or "magician."

the following is paraphrased from "Aleister Crowley and the Ouija Board":

"The spiritualist phenomena is often the product of a trance state. Most of the manifestations are considered a by-product of a passive relationship between the medium and the board [or spirit.] Spiritualists often pride themselves in exerting no conscious control over that which they are channelling. Such an innocent, unsuspecting person can easily attract the attention of the nearest astral entity by opening an invisible doorway through a summoning ritual. Lower astral gates can be opened, attracting lower elemental entities automatically, whether you call them or not. Realizint this delima, if you must have familiar spirits in the lower astral plane who act as guides, then let them be servants who you have purosely called forth and control.

"A demon wants the 'kick' of being married to a human nervous system." - William Blatty, author of The Exorcist

Magicians, on the other hand, perform their rites consciously, deliberately and with full intent of their will.

So, icon, if you don't really know if the bus driver is qualified to take you where you want to go, if he is licensed, if he is sane, if he is sober, maybe even a "spiritual terrorist", if you want to place your welfare in its' hands, why then go ahead and knock yourself out - whatever floats your boat.

- dweller
Last edited by dwellersinthemirage on Wed May 29, 2013 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
From "Final Events": The Collins Elite (a secret US government group) believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, who are reaping and enslaving our very souls.

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Posts: 19

Re: Who goes there?

Post#7 » Mon May 27, 2013 10:57 pm

NAP - Ouija Board - Open Portals allowing spirit traffic into and out of planet earth...be aware O Magician!

When you open a gate, the door swings both ways, back and forth, in and out, they come and go.

(They WILL get into your head - regardless how masterful you are - so proceed with caution and consider well and have a care what you entertain!)

http://www.deltorofilms.com/upload_imag ... -image.png

When you look into an abyss,
the abyss also looks into you.
.:Friedrich Nietzsche:.

excerpts from: Aleister Crowley and the Ouija Board
by Edward Cornelius, Feral House, 2005

In the opening paragraph of Cornelius' wide ranging study, we find the following: It is contradictory that I have written an entire book about the proper use of a Ouija Board, when Aleister Crowley said: "A few simple instructions are all that is necessary." Yet, elsewhere in the book he quotes "The Beast" as declaring that "it was not a toy to be played with lightly, and that the average person walks on dangerous ground when using the board."

Unless one is highly trained in magick, the identity (or rather the type of entity must be determined long before it is allowed to manifest into your surroundings, otherwise it is almost impossible to identify it as being good or malefic before it is too late.

Certain invisible entities, which magicians call elementals, have the ability to communicate through the board and can take on the guise of whomever we want then to be. Since these entities have the ability to exist by mutation within the Lunar or Astral Light they are also known as shape shifters.

First, we must learn about the lower astral. It is the easiest realm to open, but it is a realm that can often lead an untrained magician astray is they are not careful. However, all magicians must learn about and master this elemental domain. The more *white-light* or religiously blinded might argue otherwise, cautioning you to avoid this *demonic realm of darkness* and seek only the Light. They believe you should avoid the lower Lunar realms of Hecate and seek only the Sun. However, magicians believe you must learn about the realm of the lower elementals. You must go through the darkness before you can see the Light. You must learn to face, vanquish and utilize all of ones own phantoms.*

It is believed that the deeper one goes into the astral waters, the finer the line of distinction becomes between what is them and us.

But invisible beings are real and can enter into an individual's unconscious, as any medium will attest.

Something external to our constitution is moving through our psychic system. It is not always our subconscious acting out a wish fulfillment.

The dangers are very apparent as the possibility that personal obsession or possession is negatively reinforced rather than positively. The true story behind The Exorcist is a classic example of entities (or forces) that have possessed individuals after being unleashed through the Ouija board. While some might call these forces demonic or evil, they are neither. The proclivities of an individual's religious perceptions should not be blamed upon invisible entities that are merely trying to fulfill a person's unconscious wants, desires or even fears.

Aleister Crowley attempted to make the distinction between the terms *invoke* and *evoke* when he stated: *To invoke is to call in, just as evoke is to call forth.*

When we use these terms to discuss communication with actual invisible entities or angels, invocation implies that one is communicating with a disincarnated being through the use of a seer or psychic. In the most drastic cases it is through possession itself - the entity is invoked into or through an actual person in order to communicate. This could be very dangerous to the untrained and is not recommended. Evocation implies that the magician is summoning an entity into an external vehicle other than the magician, like a Ouija board or a magickal triangle. It is also arguable that the terms imply the direction from which an entity is summoned. If an invisible being is summoned from planes above our earth, then one is invoking him down from the universe. If the entity is bound upon this plane, or whose origin is below our plane, then we evoke him up from his depths. Invocation draws down while evocation draws up.

In some ways it is regrettable that the talking board was made into a popular game. Its full potential has never been taken seriously.

Aleister Crowley & The Ouija Board
From "Final Events": The Collins Elite (a secret US government group) believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, who are reaping and enslaving our very souls.

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Re: Who goes there?

Post#8 » Mon May 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Ok ... I'm lost. Started out with NAP & Djinn, then morphed into something about NAP & Ouija with a voluminous excerpt of some crowleyanity and a Nietsche thrown in.

Is there a question or a statement here to discuss, or are you trying to teach school?

Obviously you have done a lot of reading ... so, what's your answer as to "Who goes there?"

If you're back on the djinn tack, I don't think that's what is being called up in NAP. Traditionally the djinn are not spirits as the common notion of a spirit would be. They are beings made from "smokeless fire" that exist just outside of our normal senses but in many ways are similar to humans though with certain abilities we don't possess. But otherwise, they live in communities, partake in religious worship, and by and large aren't into doing things for humans. In the islamic tradition, they are sort of our older, rebellious brothers. In fact there is a body of lore about Muhammad pbuh converting tribes of djinn to islam.

But, at this point I'm just kind of guessing as to what the point of the thread is, as it seems to be quickly devolving into oneupsmanship and lecturing. Hope I'm wrong tho, love a real philosophical discussion. And, we've had a lot of lecturing newbies lately. Hell, Lucifer just got banished yesterday. ;)


Ars non Fortuna

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4560

Re: Who goes there?

Post#9 » Tue May 28, 2013 1:07 am

raum215 wrote:My grandfather great qabalist he was had a great traditional saying about these types of what if trains of thought.

"What if ducks have two assholes?"

An old one from the W. Indies was "And if you nose was a door post how would you breathe?".

There is a wonderful novel by Eric Ericson that explores this idea - It has a racy title called "The woman who slept with demons".
The vulgar is at everyone's command. Eirenaeus Philalethes - The marrow of Alchemy

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Re: Who goes there?

Post#10 » Tue May 28, 2013 3:51 am

dwellersinthemirage wrote:So, icon, if you don't really know if the bus driver is qualified to take you where you want to go, if he is licensed, if he is sane, if he is sober, maybe even a "spiritual terrorist", if you want to place your welfare in its' hands, why then go ahead and knock yourself out - whatever floats your boat.

That's the thing; I may never truly find out how sane, qualified or near-sighted the bus driver may be, even with careful enquiry, so I have a simple choice: I either walk, or take a calculated risk, based upon what I DO know.

And, please, I'd rather you didn't refer to me as 'icon'; call me Rob (or even, 'poster') - I find it friendlier ;)

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