Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#11 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:11 pm

As someone who loves mythology and archetypes, I should've read them less through the eyes of a kid that grew up in the 70s and re-seeing that world in the stories and more with mythology and archetypes in mind. I always reread them when I reread a section I using, but clearly I've got more to think about.

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#12 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:34 pm

I sense that magic was instilled right into the book. Who among us could ever figure out that formula? I could feel it in my hands and arms when I first came across my copy of it in the form of a vibration -- kinda fun like having champagne in ones arms!

I agree with Madrath that more about Arzel would be of interest and also, if it applies, the planetary day and hours would be interesting.

I think the book is fine the way it is, although I have no objections to anyone else wanting to expand upon it, I just think it's a gem the way Geoff wrote it for us!
Last edited by Super Celestials on Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Magister Templi
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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#13 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:05 pm

Who among us could ever figure out that formula?

Me. My Order actually holds and reveals the formula, which it received from the same Origins I think ultimately Geoff Gray-Cob did. Crowley employs it, and sometimes on this forum, so do I, and I do so intentionally. For the record, I think the source they hold in common is Eliphas Levi. I was instructed in its use by one of the oldest living Thelemites at the time. It is a formulaic way to employ sacred story-telling. Alchemy, if you will. And ALOT of that is the same way the Bible, and other "Books of Law" are read by Initiates.

This forum to me is really the "update" of NAP - but it has a more interactive feel that is more in context with our own times, don't you think?

Also, this is why I CONTANTLY push people to guidance. I do not Initiate people, nor claim to, but then again I am not the Lord of Initiation. And I do Hope I guide people to him as he reveals himself to them as he does through, Ishvara, Magic Mentor, Holy Guardian Angel, or whatever title you seek for such experiences.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 589

Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#14 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:23 pm

Hi Raum,

Well, that was interesting! I hadn't realized that anyone 'among us' had figured out the formula -- and it's a lesson just reading your words.

What you say about this forum being an updated "NAP" is also an interesting concept. I say this because the way in which Mr. Gray-Cobb wrote the book, reads as though parts of it were a 'work in progress'. For instance, he would relate the story of someone he met by chance who was in difficulty, and then who would resolve his problems by following the instructions written on a slip of paper which Geoff would pass to him. The 'testimonials' were part of a previous work in progress that led to the writing of the book.

When I first found my copy of NAP, I had never done any magical workings except ones that came spontaneously from my own imagination at random moments in my life -- I didn't even have the word 'magic' to apply to those moments, they were just experiments based on need or curiosity. But, when I did my first NAP working, the roof metaphorically blew off my house -- I literally didn't know what I had started. Amazing things happened and continued to happen for quite a little while. I remember googling Geoff Gray-Cobb, and finding my way to studioarcanis.com. Many people have come here the same exact way, I might add, but I remember asking for some words of advice from the membership at the time. I said that I felt as if I had taken an afternoon nap and awakened behind the wheel of the space shuttle and didn't know how to fly it! It was pretty comical as I think back on it, that was some wild ride that lasted for around two months!

But, you see, it is interactive, it IS like an updated, interactive version of NAP! How fortunate are we!

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Magister Templi
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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#15 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:22 pm

Thank you for that endearing testimony! It gave me a warm smile.


I can well imagine that happens for many of us. For example, I see the forces of NAP very direct, managable and easy to access. Then again I had never heard of it until I was here some two years ago or so. I see it through a very experienced and knowledgeable lens. But if this were my first exposure to Magic of this calibur - it might knock me for a loop!


By the way, when I said I had figured it out - I did not mean others have not. I might post alot here, but for every post I write, I read at least ten that I find value in.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#16 » Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:08 am

Raum, thanks for your post regarding the archetypes and reflection of various myths. I had exactly the same feeling regarding the 'success stories' from the book - i simply could not name it. Now, when I look at the stories from such perspective it all fits into place.

What shows true genius of the author, is that stories are understood by people of many cultures and as such are a true key to unlocking otherwise complex ideas behind the rites. They somehow direct the mind of the reader towards desired state for performing of the rites, no matter if he is from eastern or western civilization as some desires and problems are common everywhere.

When it comes to the power of the book - I agree, that it has own vibration. I like to hold it and read some of the rites without performing them. Its simplicity perfectly fits the power of the beings from within the book.

I wonder why Mr Cobb was not eager to share his thoughts after all those years, and his answers were brief in my opinion. I had impression that he was not happy with this book in the end.


Posts: 36

Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#17 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:19 pm

some say the stories are just for padding out the book.People were poor he gave them a formula and the y came back in three weeks millionaires?

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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#18 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:06 pm

Sebastian Magus wrote:If someone knowledgeable about NAP were going to revise and re-issue a new edition of the Miracle of New Avatar Power, what topics would you like to see covered?

What types of additional materials about NAP would you find helpful if a new edition were to be written?

i'd like to know as well

i have only begun to scratch the surface of the grimoire on the recommendation of brother moloch who swore by it. i kind of got away from the new avatar power because of my radionic machine experiments but nap is great and there's a lot to it

the minor nap prep work i did with it can be found on this page on the very message board in case you're interested. i got away from this work but i hope to continue in the future

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