Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Sebastian Magus
Posts: 389

Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#1 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:34 am

If someone knowledgeable about NAP were going to revise and re-issue a new edition of the Miracle of New Avatar Power, what topics would you like to see covered?

What types of additional materials about NAP would you find helpful if a new edition were to be written?
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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#2 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:52 pm

round out the rest of the Nuctemeron's subjects, and correct some of his pronunciations.

Purge the inaccuracies and drop the notion of "correspondence" as though everything in the universe is color coded. Or at least use colors that are not the product of a Victorian mind.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Adeptus Major
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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#3 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:24 pm

Include a greater variety of spells

and make these more effective.

I already improved the curses immensely.




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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#4 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:27 pm

If I might push, lovingly of course, I think there might be more that both BrotherButterBall and Raum could add (noting the big difference between could and would).

quoting from a different thread:
BrotherButterball wrote:Another thing to keep in mind is that these same pairs of angels

can be called for blessing oneself and others

using the same NAP ritual framework

and calling the angels in pairs along with Mahasiah and Lelahel.


This caught my attention, as does the depth of knowledge you BBB have with the Mystic Grimoire, and how it is mixable with NAP.

And Raum, you've provided great prayers that at the very least could be included as appendices.

But, of course, one's own experiments should lead them along to their own pesonal "update". You both have provided so much that has helped me and many others along those lines. So, thanks!!!!

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#5 » Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:32 pm

BBB & Raum pretty much covered it but I would personally take out all of the case stories.
Maybe organize the material better, add more information regarding the entities you are working with.
And more variety

P.S: I wrote out an electronic version (for my own use) of NAP which pretty much looks like the Mr Black
Edition of NAP; entities and spells that I have good rapport with, custom spells that I've used on myself
or clients, info on entities, no case entries of sorts, notes on my experiments, and the format is different.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#6 » Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:20 pm

I would definitely like to see more spells utilizing the Nuctemeron entities. The only English translation of the Nuctemeron that I'm aware of is by J. van Rijckenborgh and it is out of print. How to practically apply the full range of Nuctemeron entities is an unexplored area...

That noted, there is a lot to NAP that we don't understand - for example, the origins of the words of power. So until this aspect is deciphered, I don't see how one could "improve" on NAP as it is.

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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#7 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:10 am


I would also like to remove the stories. Lenghty, and naive - that is how i find them. So unless they have some other purpose ( e.g. provided that the book is a tool itself, and should be kept in one piece) I would not miss them.

As for the spells - maybe add some rituals to help with the modern-day situations. I would also include more about Arzel.


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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#8 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:15 am

The book is a tool itself, and the case studies are instrumental to the "attunement" the book is supposed to provide.

A way this often happens in books on magic is you add passages that allow people to use your work. For example, there is one Grimoire that is said to only work after you unlock it by reading aloud specific psalms in the presence of the book. It is like plugging it in. Other grimoires give specific prayers or conjurations in the same manner which account testimonies to power.

His just has that adorably clever spin he puts on his work which was huge in marketing and self help books in the 70's.

My own teacher's work has specific dialogues which are read - These are stories, and they are all not even meant to sound true, they are clearly poetics (more like legends) but reading them aloud is how you bring power to bear throgh his written works. They are not guided mediations - they are there by request of the spirits.

This kinds of requirements by liturgy are classic in magic. He could see updates, and most now are clearly fantastic and labeled as "guided meditations." But they are the same thing - encoded attunements to work the system or model.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#9 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:47 pm

I find the anecdotes to be part of the instruction, but I do think they are maybe antiquated though and rather sexist. Women only seem to want-- and maybe worse, get, as the proof of how good NAP is-- rich-douche husbands whose contribution to humanity I question, but maybe the last part of that is more me than anything else.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: Update to Original Miracle of New Avatar Power

Post#10 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:01 pm

Well, we can argue if people in the 70's have the same priorities and considerations as we do - but we also have to take into consideration they were what we would consider woefully ignorant of the problems in the world at large.

Also, but the story you mention as "woman in need" finds "rich douche who comes out of nowhere" is pretty much the 70's version of knight in shining armor. He is follwing the formulas of traditional myths but in ways they could be related to people.

The notion of the woman waiting for her prince comes straight from many of the essences of magick - as paralells to the aspirant and the angel, magic mentor, or what have you.

In fact, I sat one night and read every testimony in the book, and you know what - they all show up in classic myths and lore. They reveal archetype, and many of the same archetypes other schools and Orders use.

This is what I did to address how I would actually write such a book as NAP.

My main problem with NAP is it does not intersect the organic world or nature in any way. This means ultimately it is Microcosmic. it would be great to integrate some Macrocosm in there - but it seems some of that may be in his other books. I don't know, I don't have them - but for its weight the book NAP is a great attempt to create a crash course in pre-adepthood, in the language and stylings of its time.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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