Communication with and messages from NAP entities

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#11 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:04 pm

How long did you practice occult magic/or NAP + meditation to start hearing spirits in general? Is it usually your own voice in your head telling you something or is it an actual foreign voice?

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#12 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:35 pm

It is a distinct foreign voice. The key is shutting down the inner dialogue. Once you establish the baseline of keeping the mind silent and receptive, you become more aware of “intruding” thoughts, voices, sensations and impressions and will start to recognize what is going on in real-time.

Super Celestials
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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#13 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:20 pm


While I have not had the experience of audible or visible communication from the NAP spirits, I completely understand what you said about communication with results after the initial contacts had been made.

I've found this both with Anael and Jazar and with Elubatel -- I have remarkably fast results from Anael and Jazar, but with a Venus heavy astrological chart, there is a resonance. I even asked them for Venusian attributes while driving to a meeting, just mentally not a formal ritual -- and as soon as I entered the building, I received an entirely different reception than I usually do in that location, which was the exact reality I had asked them for, nothing 'over the top', just a bit of assistance on a bad hair day!

Also with Elubatel . . . I had petitioned him very specifically for something, and not long afterward, I experienced a kind of pinging to enter a particular store that I was driving past. I stopped, parked and walked towards the store thinking I was foolish, and literally upon reaching the store's doorway, the gentleman exiting approached me about the specific item which I had petitioned Elubatel within the last 24 o4 48 hours -- it involved publishing. I had met this gentleman once about eight months previously and had no idea whatsoever about his involvement with the subject of my request.

Also, in an extreme health situation, I petitioned Elubatel and Metatron for immediate help -- the help was sent instantly, as if they COULD hear my request -- I had no time to do a proper ritural -- and the person receiving the assistance told me later that afternoon that she had seen an "Angel in the light" while this was occuring.

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#14 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:27 pm

RiverofThoughts wrote:How long did you practice occult magic/or NAP + meditation to start hearing spirits in general? Is it usually your own voice in your head telling you something or is it an actual foreign voice?

I believe I began telepathic communication with spirits when i first got into the study and practice of Christian Mysticism. I read the accounts of saints spontaneously having visions of and discourse with their Lord, other saints from ages past, and angelic entities and simply thought, "Why can't I also do the same?"

Well I tried and began (as far fetched and delusional as it sounds) speaking to and hearing the response of Jesus, his mother Mary (at times smelling her wonderful fragrance), and St. Therese de Lisiuex. From there I began to reach out to and have converse with the Archangels.

Once you learn to connect with spiritual entities in this way, you realize that all is truly One and separation is an illusion. No one is higher or lower, here or there, but All is simply here and now. Always. The universe is like a big mind and all beings are like thoughts in that mind. Thoughts have no specific location. The mind functions in a holographic manner where all information is omnipresent. The part contains the whole and the whole contains the part; ad infinitum.

William Mistele, a student of Franz Barron says in an interview:

"If one is receptive enough, you can ask a question of any spiritual being and there is always a response. If you still your mind and wait, you receive an impression. You can then translate that impression into words and ideas and call it telepathy. You can translate it into visualized images and call it clairvoyance. You can translate it into a sensation and call it clair-feeling.

Sometimes one impression you receive is like an entire book. The spiritual being shares with you not just ideas but the very innermost essence of its being. It is all there—its commission, its source of inspiration, the nature and expression of its power, its experiences with the human race, and its deepest desires and dreams."

And in his book "Undines - Lessons from the Realm of the Water Spirits" he says [words in brackets like this are my additions]:

"...there is no greater power than the power of love. If you open your heart and reach out, you are free to join with anything [or any being] in the universe. The divine world has placed no restrictions on this activity.

You do not need to be an initiate of a magical order. You do not need a robe, wand, magic mirror, or magic circle. You only need to love. Stick with it. Play with it. Let your imagination be as free, vast, and deep as the sea, and the Undines [or angels, or demons, or planetary spirits ect.] will find your spirit similar to their own."

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#15 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:39 pm

Super Celestials wrote:Haileos,

While I have not had the experience of audible or visible communication from the NAP spirits, I completely understand what you said about communication with results after the initial contacts had been made.

I've found this both with Anael and Jazar and with Elubatel -- I have remarkably fast results from Anael and Jazar, but with a Venus heavy astrological chart, there is a resonance. I even asked them for Venusian attributes while driving to a meeting, just mentally not a formal ritual -- and as soon as I entered the building, I received an entirely different reception than I usually do in that location, which was the exact reality I had asked them for, nothing 'over the top', just a bit of assistance on a bad hair day!

Also with Elubatel . . . I had petitioned him very specifically for something, and not long afterward, I experienced a kind of pinging to enter a particular store that I was driving past. I stopped, parked and walked towards the store thinking I was foolish, and literally upon reaching the store's doorway, the gentleman exiting approached me about the specific item which I had petitioned Elubatel within the last 24 o4 48 hours -- it involved publishing. I had met this gentleman once about eight months previously and had no idea whatsoever about his involvement with the subject of my request.

Also, in an extreme health situation, I petitioned Elubatel and Metatron for immediate help -- the help was sent instantly, as if they COULD hear my request -- I had no time to do a proper ritural -- and the person receiving the assistance told me later that afternoon that she had seen an "Angel in the light" while this was occuring.

Thank you so much for sharing these three occurrences! I derive great inspiration from them! Particularly the one with the health issue, I find it amazing that she witnessed an angelic presence!

There seems no end to the wonders, power, and possibilities of evocation magic. I am so blessed to have discovered it and all of you on this site! Thank you so much for sharing! I am so pumped now!!! :)

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#16 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:12 pm

We are all telepathic. We perpetually receive and respond to telepathic messages subconsciously each and everyday.

For an easy example of this, next time you are engaged in conversation with someone, mentally ask them a question. Very often they will respond to the question out loud. The conversation will turn to that topic of which you asked and they will answer it. Try it out. It is fascinating!

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#17 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:38 am

Most the time I have dreams which these spirits come to me to relay a message. Elubatel in the past has told me many times I can communicate to him without formal invocations. I dont call on him.... unless it is very important and specific.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#18 » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:40 am

haileos wrote:Does anyone else have conversations with the NAP entities? If so, I thought that maybe it would be of help if we all shared what they teach us. The two who I have communed with are Elubatel and Kadriel. Here are some things that Elubatel has told me that i have written down. What do you all think?

"The invocations are not so much to get our attention as they are to focus yours.

Remember, we are not the ones manifesting your intentions. Only you do that. Rather, we make straight the path and clear obstacles so that your intention, like an arrow released from it's sling, can hit it's mark.

You need to overcome the idea that through the invocations you are calling us to you. We are already with you all 24/7. We are parts of the whole of which you too are a part. Our perception of time/space is not of a continuum but of a single, eternal moment wherein all resides. You are there in that moment along with all of your intentions, both past and present. And we are aware of them. We read them and all aspects of you like an open book.

You do not need to go through the formal invocations to obtain our help once you have some working familiarity with us. As with all things, the order and process of workings becomes looser and more flexible as experience is gained. Some of you have discovered that you receive help simply by thinking of us and this is accurate. The invitation we offer to you is that of friendship whereby requests are honored on that basis rather than on the basis of a "word of power". Again, the words of power are more to help you obtain the proper psycho�-energetic state for you to make contact with us and raise energy. Once contact with us is established, merely stating your intentions to us is enough to obtain our help and the invocations can be done away with. Why invoke forces that are already present? Again, banishing is more for calming and warding off any possible "negative" energies dredged up from your own psyche and given power by and during the invocations. We encourage you to try this and see for yourself whether or not it is true for you."

Elubatel did not tell you this. You told yourself this. Spirits do not communicate in this manner I really really wish more people would understand this and stop deluding themselves. No spirit is going to sit down and have a conversation with you over tea and crumpets...Spirits communicate through action. All else is a fabrication of the mind.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#19 » Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:47 am

@HRHPBC: Because you say so?
I would like that in the future you would use some constructive criticism and you would avoid using bigger font just to make a point.

Protestant Priest

Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#20 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:00 am

lorem ipsum
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