New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual 3 X More Powerful

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: The New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual Revised...

Post#11 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:44 am

Let me start by saying, "whoa!". I have done this ritual twice so far this week without the uncrossing ritual because I can't get over to get the necessary oils yet. Regardless of that specific negation my results certainly have not been negated if I can trust that it's working so far and this isn't just an awesome coincidence. See ... I just got some random but very interesting news today from a friend and co-worker which I felt like sharing here. This friend and I had played professional poker together for a while in different fields. A long story made short, it seems a poker sponsor he introduced me to vanished at a crucial time of transition leaving me to foot the steep hotel bill which he'd been paying that he promised to cover before I signed my contract to him, and then when he conveniently reappeared later he tried to renege on that part of our deal to avoid blame. He totally fucked me over and left me for broke, basically.

It turns out that sponsor has been arrested not long ago this week for ... kidnapping a prostitute of all things! Apparently he'd owed her pimp some money for whatever reason, or so I'd heard, and it finally came to a head this week in a daring plan to ransom her off instead of paying up. Now this guy is behind bars and totally fucked, in plain english. Nothing directly related to the apartments employees I had in mind when originally working the ritual; these drunken and amoral lackeys who are abusing their authority over here where I live. They've also been protecting each other and preventing the owner from finding out about their abuses, but now I'm waiting with greater anticipation for some result. :twisted:

Thanks for this contribution! I'm buying NAP as soon as I can now.
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." -C.G. JUNG

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: The New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual Revised...

Post#12 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:55 am

Hello Praxis,

Thank you for sharing your success story with everybody.

Be sure and perform the Attack Cancellation Ritual after your enemies and foes

have been crushed and defeated.

Please note that I actually have toned down the Offensive Armor Ritual.

I did not want people sending others to the hospital or grave permanently.


Brother Butterball

The Attack Cancellation Ritual

These forces whom I command,

Withdraw from the scene of battling and fighting and warring.

Stay with me and heed my future calls.

I command this of Thee with the Word of Power:

NEAT SAHK HEH, So mote it be!

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Re: The New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual Revised...

Post#13 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:37 pm

Thank you. I was wondering about the attack cancellation portion of the ritual so this helps, and I can sense that it's a bit important. :D

Upon your mentioning, I also now can see where you likely have toned it down, and I appreciate your drawing of my attention to said area in the event that I might need to "beef it up" perhaps, and to make some changes to exclude the unseen enemies wording and such. "Eeen-teresting", in any event.

A quick question: I suppose this attack cancellation ritual is a good time to pay the spirits back. That in mind, I was thinking of lighting a candle before reciting it using Moloch's candle method with the spearmint oil. In your opinion, how might a person best employ that strategy with a single candle? I was thinking 14 votive candles to be a bit excessive, and that a taper candle separated by pins would also be somewhat excessive in terms of small carvings. I have an idea to sigilize the names into one monogram and carve that into the candle ... but I don't know how feasible that might really be in practice. Any suggestions would be more than just a little appreciated.

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." -C.G. JUNG

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: The New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual Revised...

Post#14 » Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:30 am

Hello Praxis,

My spirits have suggested lighting a white candle and burning some

Frankincense and Myrrh incense for about 30 minutes after the ritual proper.

The original author of NAP, Geof Gray-Cobb streamlined all the rituals,

eliminating the need for candles and such.

The Mystic Grimoire by the same author involves

more preparation and ritual structure.

Brother BBB

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Re: The New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual Revised...

Post#15 » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:58 am

BrotherButterball wrote:Hello Praxis,

My spirits have suggested lighting a white candle and burning some

Frankincense and Myrrh incense for about 30 minutes after the ritual proper.

Brother BBB

Thanks again Brutha B. I'm loving this ritual right here. I'm getting over some irritation in my nose so incense was off limits in the last occasion where it was performed, so I'd used consecrated honey for the purpose instead. Seemed to be taken just fine by them. That last time around with the honey, I'd made the wording more pin-pointed and reworded it to be a bit more aggressive when it came to the "offensive armor" portion of the ritual. But that's not why I wrote you at all for the most part.

You see I have just been given more evidence of what I consider proof of success in terms of even this most recent working. Basically, there are these Mexican guys who live across the hall from me. They are dirtbags as far as the standards of the world go; these five or even six people. One of them always habitually exits the apartment every day and hocks as loud as he can spitting on the floor. They've also ruined my rituals several times, because they don't take it seriously, by talking loudly (I heard them talking normally, I vibrate a name, and they start almost yelling), or one to three of them will suddenly start whistling loudly, knocking on my door and running away during rituals, or doing all generally disruptive things like that ONLY when I'm vibrating names or otherwise pronouncing ritual. They've also trashed the building I live in, with one of them breaking the window on my floor as well as punching holes in another wall, graffitiing the wall downstairs with Nortenos gang graffiti, talking loudly in the hallways any time from 1-4am, and other such things that disrupt everyone at their expense. Lots of people know but can't prove many of these things, complaints do little, and the building manager here is crooked to begin with. Such was my justification...

Anyway, some other Mexican guy with red eyes who looks furious stops me on the way up. Long story short, he is from a rival gang as those guys and doesn't like how they're treating his home, nor the simple fact that they are rival gang members apparently. After beating his chest proudly whilst saying that he was from a rival gang and knows about them (since I said I live on the same floor as them and could verify that I too thought that they were up to no good), basically I think they're in a world of shit right about now. The conversation ended with me saying, "Good luck getting them", and to which he pats me on the shoulder saying, "heh-heh You don't need to worry about ME." :twisted: The fact that it even happened and that they know of their habits implies that they're staking them out, this guy and his friends.

Everyone needs to get this damn book and try it with an open mind. Oh, and once again thanks to you, BBB, for empowering us a little more today with it in our lives. This right here gets rid of headaches better than tylenol.

edit: I was still somewhat excited when I posted this, but a crucial detail to help people understand where I'm coming from with this is that the guy in question stopped me in spanish, then asked what floor I lived on in English. I told him, but asked him why since it was suspicious, and it just so turned out that the way it did. He only told me about it because I happened to live on the same floor as these clowns. What a coincidence, again... :roll: :lol:
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." -C.G. JUNG

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Re: The New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual Revised...

Post#16 » Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:14 pm

Only if you don't mind, speaking to you as somebody who likes to try new things, have you worked out anything else yet in terms of more "NAP mods", you might be able to see yourself becoming comfortable with the idea of posting here? I understand from our talks in PM that you might not reply to this request right away which is fair enough given that which has been said, but I'm thinking I would love to give it a shot if so...
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." -C.G. JUNG

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: The New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual Revised...

Post#17 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:10 am

BrotherButterball wrote:Hello Praxis,

My spirits have suggested lighting a white candle and burning some

Frankincense and Myrrh incense for about 30 minutes after the ritual proper.

The original author of NAP, Geof Gray-Cobb streamlined all the rituals,

eliminating the need for candles and such.

The Mystic Grimoire by the same author involves

more preparation and ritual structure.

Brother BBB

BBB, i light a tea light burner with Frankincense and Myrrh resin with a white tea candle 10 mins before and let it burn down after. Interesting though sometimes I dont have time to do my rituals so I do them at work. Spirits miss the incense and candle for I cant light it at work. This is either odd or coincidence... After reading the posts on this site earlier tonite, trying to figure out what to do with the bitch that wont leave from my house im selling....your name jumped out to me. Hmmm.... I went to your blog and remembered seeing this ritual you designed, I said "Why not try"?

I did both of them, for defense and offense Im going to get rid of this shit! During invocations I have audio sounds sometimes especially Elubatel. I heard what sounded like a army of soldiers marching with a echo, unlike Elubatel I hear long sways of wings with a echo in a room. Interesting dont know what this means.... I saw a gypsy woman with a red cloak on her head beaded with gold emblems on top. It was like a flash that came to me, and I saw her fleeing. I looked on the ceiling as I laid on the bed and saw a bright yellow large spot, then all of a sudden the whole ceiling lit up very bright yellow and took off though the house like it was cleansing the house.

What really was interesting is I felt a hand on my stomach I could feel the warmth from it as to heal. Ive been having some really bad shit happening to me for months and needed the situation to change. I believe this bitch put an evil eye on me because she is so full of hate and rage especially towards me ive some how let it attach to me. I would say the rituals are a success, Ill wait for the results. Thank you so much BBB for your knowledge and creativity!
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual 3 X More Powerfu

Post#18 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:22 am


Thank you very much for your

comments and feedback.

The ritual on my site has been

beefed up and updated so to speak.

Good luck and please keep us posted.


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Re: New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual 3 X More Powerfu

Post#19 » Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:52 am

Really appreciate this BrotherButterball!

Thank You Dearly.
"Only the Madman is absolutely sure."

Robert Anton Wilson

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Re: New Avatar Power Offensive Armor Ritual 3 X More Powerfu

Post#20 » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:41 pm

thank you. what is the correct moon phase for this ritual works very well?
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"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things."

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