A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapists.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#11 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:52 pm

I would still ground yourself, which is what the cabalistic cross is really about THEN smudge the house of potentially interfering energy that could be from you, or more likely from your "anxious passive-aggressive grandmother".

How far you think you need to take it is up to you.

Generally speaking, celestial entities like the ones you're trying to work with are above fucking with you like that. That's not their style. Opening doors and freaking you out with electric light games...I dunno. Its sounds like something else. Could be wrong

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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#12 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:48 am

Slater wrote:I would still ground yourself, which is what the cabalistic cross is really about THEN smudge the house of potentially interfering energy that could be from you, or more likely from your "anxious passive-aggressive grandmother".

How far you think you need to take it is up to you.

Generally speaking, celestial entities like the ones you're trying to work with are above fucking with you like that. That's not their style. Opening doors and freaking you out with electric light games...I dunno. Its sounds like something else. Could be wrong

The light stuff didn't really freak me out. I'm thinking that the times I was laying down it was perhaps a really strong sensory hallucination, and the other time maybe I was in trance standing up and actually turned the light on before I left the room. Either way my mind is open. I've done some banishing and I don't really care about what negative spirits are hanging around anyway.

I found out that I didn't get the job that I applied for which I was chanting to Elubatel for. I'm pretty pissed off, especially since it is a prime A example of something where magic could in theory have obtained me the job. Basically with legal jobs there are so many applicants with perfect qualifications, that the point of distinguishing between applications is a scale which ranges from 'completely arbitrary' to 'totally nonexistent'.

I am very strong willed and disciplined. I'll fast intermittently and abstain from sexual release for weeks in an attempt to build my 'magical power'. I build up my belief in systems and get totally crushed by the lack of change despite all the invested mental and emotional energy.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#13 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:56 am

hmm watch what happens next. Some here wound up getting jobs far better than the one they wanted for themselves.

I haven't worked with him at all so just going by what people discuss here. Do a search and see if anyone else's experiences ring true for you.

btw...that particular grimoire doesn't call for anything like that in terms of the self sacrifice. Do you understand what those things are for in evocation? Building up power isn't part of it

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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#14 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:39 am

Slater wrote:hmm watch what happens next. Some here wound up getting jobs far better than the one they wanted for themselves.

I haven't worked with him at all so just going by what people discuss here. Do a search and see if anyone else's experiences ring true for you.

btw...that particular grimoire doesn't call for anything like that in terms of the self sacrifice. Do you understand what those things are for in evocation? Building up power isn't part of it

Thanks. Yes I am committed to giving the system a fair trial and I'm not even close to giving up.

The 'sacrifices' aren't really sacrifices to me. Part of the way I live my life is perfect physical and mental discipline. I suppose I phrased it as a 'sacrifice' but in reality it's something I do for the mental clarity as well as to be free of the dopamine addiction mechanisms associated with eating. It's difficult to explain unless you have reference experiences, but there's something to be said for controlling your physical impulses.

EDIT: As a practical example, my ability to enter trance and detect subtle phenomena, as well as concentration (etc) are greatly enhanced when I'm either (a) fasted or (b) calorically deprived and consuming raw foods.

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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#15 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:05 am

Just an update:

I've been continuing with the rituals 1x each per day (morning and evening). I found out yesterday that my grandmother has cancer which is why she had trouble with her pills.

I've been perfecting things like pronunciation and memorised the rituals. I can follow the instructions pretty perfectly, but I still feel lacking in the results department. I know it's probably that I just need to wait, but even trying to touch base with the spirits I cant feel DEFINITE presences

Probability dictates that it is extremely unlikely to have been rostered on with the object of my love chant, (1 in 14?) provided that i even knew she was involved in the program (which i did not). Despite this I feel like more should have happened, but perhaps it's all part of a plan.

Nothing has been happening on the Elubatel front. I have the nagging feeling that more was going on when I first picked NAP up. It seemed to trigger experiences which read very similarly to kundalini awakening.

The other thing is that at around 4:30 last night (since I've been keeping my NAP book of shadows I've come to realise it's always this time) I awoke to some household noises, like footsteps in the ceiling (perhaps due to the rat in the roof?).

I felt the same presence as that which I jokingly referred to as the "ghost rapist". The air was thick, still, and felt unnaturally cold and silent. I felt cold brushing the same covered parts of me and when I ignored it and went to sleep I immediately heard a 'voice'.

Upon hearing it I reflexively visualised willing the presence to 'burn' (although asleep this is something which I manage to do) and my subconscious threw in some words from the NAP chants which I don't quite understand the significance of. ("In the name of Yehova Elohim you shall burn"). When I looked in the mirror (still dreaming) a candle flame the size of a fist burned above my right shoulder; implying that the 'spirit' was clinging to me.

I ended up staying awake for a while after doing the banishings. I'm assuming there's no chance that this is a NAP spirit. It definitely doesn't seem benevolent. It seems comparatively unintelligent and parasitic.

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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#16 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:12 am

Maybe also worth mentioning that I'm having very little success with the pendulum. I am able to get clear answers when it's something I consciously know, but I never get answers to questions when I don't already know the answer. I've also had pretty abysmal success with the pendulum chart -- even when it clearly swings to letters it makes no sense and is incredibly time consuming to get gibberish words.

I actually bought a proper brass pendulum on ebay for $4 shipped and replaced the chain with fine thread which makes it easier. Still, it doesn't really give me any info that I can't access consciously.
Last edited by LEE on Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 46

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#17 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:31 am

Interestingly enough, I've actually experienced some similar effects with my continued NAP workings. I wasn't seeing much result, and just took a break for awhile.

The random effects probably has to do with the energies being raised more then anything else, but for the past week or so, I was having random nightmares (that kind of stuff doesn't phase me these days, but I really -like- sleeping), as well as lot of the spiritual currents and 'wind' as such that you've mentioned.

A few banishing rituals , some very devout prayers to god, and asking one or two of the NAP entities for a hand goes a long way. If you're not comfortable with GD type rituals like the LBRP, there's a myriad of other ways.

Something else I can feel should be shared is that you really do need to assert your spiritual authority with the NAP crew; Elubatel will mess with your head a little bit until you're doing things right (And others seem to have confirmed this on here, lol) but none of the entities listed in that book seem to be outright malevolent, like some have written of the Goetics.

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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#18 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:40 pm

Tremegorn wrote:A few banishing rituals , some very devout prayers to god, and asking one or two of the NAP entities for a hand goes a long way. If you're not comfortable with GD type rituals like the LBRP, there's a myriad of other ways.

Something else I can feel should be shared is that you really do need to assert your spiritual authority with the NAP crew; Elubatel will mess with your head a little bit until you're doing things right (And others seem to have confirmed this on here, lol) but none of the entities listed in that book seem to be outright malevolent, like some have written of the Goetics.

Thanks for your response!

My impression was always that the NAP system was self-contained and that the spirits were very easy to contact if you are actually following the book. Having no prior experience with Grimoiric magic, I figured I'd take the 'Grimoire Purist' approach particularly because the requirements for NAP are comparitively miniscule compared to, say, Goetia.

This brings me to my other point. Though I'm technically Christian, my starting position (as dictated by parenting and main societal beliefs) is basically Athiesm. Suffice to say that religious imagery and symbolism has no substantial meaning or force to me, so I am not aware of what 'spiritual authority' I possess. My understanding is that I was not required to be religious for NAP to be effective. In any case I'm wondering whether the prayers you mentioned will be futile; or whether I can pray to my own idea 'GOD' as though he was a universal consciousness -- the single macrocosmic organism of which everything is a part.

In summation I guess it's possible that 1) I need to take a break for a while, 2) I need to be patient with results, or 3) I need the hard-copy of the book (Though I don't expect the 'talismanic value' to be very significant.)

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#19 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:01 pm

LEE wrote:Hi guys,

I've been lurking for about a week combing huge chunks of information here. I don't know what got me back into the occult after 2 years in absentia, but long story short I've picked up NAP and hammering away a little too diligently for the last week.

I wanted to share my last few occult journal entries over the last 12 hours, because the weirdness seems to have suddenly hiked up from 2/10 to 8/10. All the doors and windows are shut in the house because we are in the middle of a freezing winter.

Without going into detail nitpicking the little things or explaning the backstory/buildup here are the entries:

20/7/2012 @ 3:36pm
I am feeling these breezes around my face ALL THE TIME. It's like I'm getting a playful massage from a cat made of cool air. I'm also getting tingling on the top of my head. Other unusual sensations are feeling like parts of my face are immersed in warm sludge, or feeling a sort of implosion 'pressure from the inside' on parts of my head.

(so the backstory is that I'd been meditating while in trance on some of the angelic names in the book (Elubatel & Arzel).

I walked out of my room with a video on my computer frozen.. I was sure this was the only light in the room. When I walked back in the LIGHT TURNED ON. I still doubt that this actually happened, though logically I know it did. The nagging doubt wants to deny and pave right over it!

I go back to my room and start meditating on bed again. Holding 'imaginary' conversations with Arzel and Elubatel (also Jazhair and Anael) in my head.. like faking it till I make it.

At one point I think the light flicked on but it could have been a car. I was having all the odd sensations described about plus one other one I experience.. involuntary muscle spasms or movements while in this sort of state.

A few moments later MY BED STARTED SHAKING. Again it's hard to say what objectively happened while deep in relaxation, but my mind was completely lucid, and it felt like an extremely strong earthquake was moving the bed physically. The name METATRON kind of came out of nowhere, but I'm not sure that this wasn't just my own mind pulling a name out of a hat. After the shaking I opened my eyes to try to confirm was was going on. When I closed them to try to reenter my state my eyelids were fluttering uncontrollably quickly. I don't want to bore you with too many of my concurrent 'bodily sensations'.

So I had a 'fake it till you make it' conversation with Elubatel and Arzel and showed that I was grateful for the experience. Before Elubatel left he said (or I said to myself) here's something else: and the rat (I think it's a rat?) who lives in the roof above me started scurrying around. Arzel left afterwards, before he did he said "watch this" and my tablet pc screen lit up as I opened my eyes for no apparent reason.

Afterwards I meditated again to Point A at about 10:30pm last night. at 4:41 I woke up to what sounded like 2 isolated footsteps. I HEARD the turning doorknob (like something was trying to turn it but couldn't 'grip it') and the door partially open and then close. This could have been the person that lives with me, and I'll be able to confirm tomorrow morning. I didn't hear anyone walk off so I'm thinking this was general poltergeist activity. After I wake up I feel a presence stronger than earlier -- it feels vampiric, an oppressive silence, and hungry. Really oppressive atmosphere and the cool breezes I feel on my face are not playful but... well oppressive is the best word really. After hearing this I shift around in my bed and even though I'm under the covers with pyjamas AND thermals, I feel a cool breeze basically caressing my ass and like a 'ghost-finger' stroking the back of my arm. Haha I think I was ghost-sexually-assaulted. I also heard like vague moan from the heater vent which I never hear, and which had been off for at least 6 hours at the time.

Anyway that's it. I'm still feeling the breezes on my face at 5:50am while writing this.

I've tried to emphasise the physical perceptions rather than the subjective stuff because I'm really critical of my own experiences. Interestingly neither of the chants I've been working at have yet provided results after about a week.

Maybe someone can suggest how to be rid of 'unwanted' influences. I'm not terrified by the feeling as I was while a child, but it's annoying to have this intrusion to my mind/body by something that feels (for lack of a better word) oppressive.

Comments and questions are welcome. I'm probably going to take it easy for a little while.

Sounds like you invited some negative spirits. Did you do LBRP Or uncrossing?
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

Posts: 46

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#20 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:05 pm

I had a long reply, but apparently the forum ate it? To summarize;

Some of those experiences almost sound like you're having some belief issues in general with the system, if the entities are doing some simple stuff like that just to prove they're there. Magic is definitely off the 'map', here there be dragons, literally. :lol:

- Your religious background shouldn't matter, as long as you cultivate a complete and absolute sense of confidence that you'll be sucessful in your magical workings. The prayers were just a suggestion as well, If your not comfortable with that it's not a problem.

If you're still having problems, I would suggest doing, from the NAP, rituals in this order:

- NAP to Point A
- Uncrossing Ritual
- The central pillar, circulation, and then fountain rituals
- NAP Bornless Invocation

This sounds like a lot, but once you get the hang of it it'll actually go quite fast. When you've reach this point, perform:

- NAP Defensive Armor Ritual
- Exorcism to banish evil spirits, page 166 (or around there)

That should take care of pretty much anything that was bothering you. Minus the defensive armor ritual and exorcism, it's also a 'general purpose' practice of sorts which when done diligently, should notably increase any results your looking for.

let us know how it goes!
Last edited by Tremegorn on Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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