Directly working with Arzel

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Directly working with Arzel

Post#1 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:18 pm

I've read in a couple of thread (or one thread over and over :whistle ) about working with Arzel, as opposed to just calling him and jumping on to the next step of work one wants to get to. So, I started doing that, and I've been really amazed at things happening as a result. I wanted start this thread to give people a chance to either share along those lines, or to become aware of it. The book doesn't really talk about working with Arzel.

What I've done is once I call Arzel three times, we have what I guess would be akin to a progress meeting like on a big construction project. I: review what we're working towards, make an accounting of steps taken towards the completion or advance of the project and subsections of it (which are akin to the physical steps one must walk to get to a light switch to flip it) which include my own mundane real world workings and the things which came to me via divine providence (where I express my thanks for the latter), assess any changes to the goal that may have come up for what ever reasons, and restate what we're working towards and why. I conclude this one-on-one with Arzel with stating what we'll do next in the ritual which is to advance some part of the overall plan. Then, at the end of it all, I do a "license to depart"/"let's go get to work", where I conclude the meeting with Arzel and any other entity/energy thanking them for working with me.

Since I've done the NAP ritual this way, I've seem big changes around me-- and that's all I can say about it right now, but it is very similar to what I've heard from others in terms of how things began moving in big ways in their lives.

I've read where some feel funny about bothering Arzel with such things, but I see this very much as a meeting with a project manager. It's a very big project, where the work must always be measured and reassessed and redirected as conditions on the ground dictate, in keeping with the goals that the carefully and accurately planned blue prints demand.

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#2 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:55 pm


Interesting that you mention your approach to Arzel -- I was starting a similar effort as well, but hadn't worked out details yet, but my intention is there as well. I will advise you as I move along with this idea. Thanks.

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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#3 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:50 pm

Are we suppose to be calling to Arzel and the other entities 3 times? I never got that from the book that we are suppose to...but I have been for some reason because it felt right. Does the book instruct us to repeat 3 and I'm just missing it?

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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#4 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:01 pm

TheSiren wrote:Are we suppose to be calling to Arzel and the other entities 3 times? I never got that from the book that we are suppose to...but I have been for some reason because it felt right. Does the book instruct us to repeat 3 and I'm just missing it?

No, the book doesn't say it. I've been doing a little studying and learned that we should call upon angels three times.

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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#5 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:50 pm

The 3 times thing I picked up around here and started applying to a lot of things I do. I see it more like me getting all the levels of me on the same page for what I'm doing, more than having to call someone 3 times because their reluctant. It's like driving the point home to my inner mind that we're doing something important and to not be lost. That is after the relax relax relax unwind unwind unwind, so I'm pretty much already "in" where I need to be but 3x does seem to help me.

Super Celestials! knowing how you tap in to these energies/entities in so much more of a visceral way than I, I look forward to hearing of your experiences. The most like real-world manifestation I've gotten during a ritual is I heard a voice in my head say "by ____ " (where they said my first name) towards the end of the meditation before the license to depart, and dancing lights where there are none to dance. I get a good bit of energy and the pores thing during.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#6 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:06 am

The first time I heard "3x" method was actually from Brother Moloch.

As for Arzel, he is highly undervalued.....I've always found it odd
that he had only a little mention in this grimoire yet his actual
station is so much more. Arzel (or Arzal) description goes as one of
the benevolent angels of the east who guards Gods wisdom.

I've been working with him in a more prominent matter and I value
his help. Whenever I work with him, I feel an older brother presence
so much that I feel bad that i bother him all the time. It's gotten to
the point that I don't bother with the Point A ritual.

I commend Lefty & SuperCelestials plan on working w/ Arzel since it's
utilizing a resource outside of the box.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#7 » Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:07 pm

Ive always loved working with Arzel. Ive always felt hes a laid back Angel, Just calm and easy going. Now I know why GGC had the NAP ritual at the beginning. At first I would do the whole relaxation ritual but then I Started just invoking Arzel. I enjoy his company. I was a little on edge today when I started and I invoked Arzel and he put me in a very calm place. He just said "relax" as I laid there I closed me eyes and he took me to a secluded beach I looked a pond the shore with the waves crashing, I could actually feel the sun on the right side of my face. I heard him say again " just relax" very soft voice. I truly needed his presence today.
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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#8 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:19 pm

Here's one I tried recently:


That's a lunar talisman sitting on two orgonite disks. In between the disks is a neodymiun magnet. On top of the talisman is a seal for Arzel. On top of the seal is a dressed candle with Arzel's name carved into it.

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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#9 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:04 am


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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Directly working with Arzel

Post#10 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:01 am

Arzel ! He is Awesome! No matter what he always puts me back to reality, Never thought of him as a business partner though kinda like a therapist. He has always made me feel 100 percent calmer when I invoke him. But I dont get that feeling that much when hes around Elubatel, He kinda stands in the background. Put Arzel and Nitika together and you have the dynamic duo.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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