A Prayer to amp up NAP

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Magister Templi
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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#11 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:57 pm

Hi mochagoddess!

If we were to incorporate this, do you do it before the NAP ritual or after?

The best time is between Point A and whatever work you plan to do. Relax, let go. call Arzel, close eyes, let mind wander, then open eyes, and then read it. practice it daily and work on it for it to flow. coming out of this praise, you should be AMPED to do your work - this is all going to be apparent in the explanation of parts of this.

From reading other posts, and my having done the very bare 15 minutes that GGC said was all that is needed, it looks like there is more that could possibly ensure success but then, there's the order of certain rituals. As someone still trying to grasp this, I need help in understanding a complete ritual. Some do things differently.

Your magical mentor will clarify better than I can for you.

Also GGC said to do this in a darkened room yet I believe I've seen other posts of invoking at various times throughout the day. Can this be done? Is it "better" to do everything at night?

a room can be darkened in the day time. ;)

seriously, the reason is because alot of this beings are associated traditionally with certain times of the day. Geof was giving a best general standard, because he is trying to make this effective and user-friendly.

Hope this helps!
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Posts: 56

Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#12 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:06 pm

raum215 wrote:Hi mochagoddess!

If we were to incorporate this, do you do it before the NAP ritual or after?

The best time is between Point A and whatever work you plan to do. Relax, let go. call Arzel, close eyes, let mind wander, then open eyes, and then read it. practice it daily and work on it for it to flow. coming out of this praise, you should be AMPED to do your work - this is all going to be apparent in the explanation of parts of this.

From reading other posts, and my having done the very bare 15 minutes that GGC said was all that is needed, it looks like there is more that could possibly ensure success but then, there's the order of certain rituals. As someone still trying to grasp this, I need help in understanding a complete ritual. Some do things differently.

Your magical mentor will clarify better than I can for you.

Also GGC said to do this in a darkened room yet I believe I've seen other posts of invoking at various times throughout the day. Can this be done? Is it "better" to do everything at night?

a room can be darkened in the day time. ;)

seriously, the reason is because alot of this beings are associated traditionally with certain times of the day. Geof was giving a best general standard, because he is trying to make this effective and user-friendly.

Hope this helps!

It does help a lot. This is still a work in progress and looks like some trial and error until I get it right for me, huh?

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Magister Templi
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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#13 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:55 am

Here are the first two lines in translation - purely by context by the advanced minds of mystical persons, not religion.

Aleph: "Archetypal Causation, Hyperdimensional Mandate of all experience."
Beth: "Basal Experience most honored, exalted from the Gate of Life's Breath by all Sentient Beings."

These two encapsulate 22 words in english. 7 and 15. This is Agag YH, "I will surmount - that which is."

I wrote a whole post on this but it timed out. so here is the translation of the first two lines. The first is all masculine, the second line is all feminine. these two lines in Hebrew, are ten words. - the first is Adam Ha-Qadmon, and the second is Ishah the chevah of Aish, or "woman, the consort of man." (I do not want this to degenerate into some crap about gender.)

These two lines together make "AB" which is "father" - the role afforded a man by a woman, that Elohim afforded to YHVH.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Omnis Validus
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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#14 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:04 am

This is very cool, thank you Raum. I'm sure we'd all appreciate it if you could continue your translation when you find time.. and/or if you could post the prayer in hebrew.

Ex Mea Sententia.

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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#15 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:31 am

I read this prayer every day along with my NAP workings. I really feel it makes a difference, I feel something when saying these words. Maybe it doesn't matter if I pronounce them a bit wrong, after a few times the words roll off your tongue :) thanks again raum!

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Magister Templi
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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#16 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:22 pm

It is said that the only person who could pronounce Hebrew perfectly was Aaron**. This is why he was made First high priest.

(**the meaning here is he was, according to Torah, a mute.)
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#17 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:49 am

raum215 wrote:Here are the first two lines in translation - purely by context by the advanced minds of mystical persons, not religion.

Aleph: "Archetypal Causation, Hyperdimensional Mandate of all experience."
Beth: "Basal Experience most honored, exalted from the Gate of Life's Breath by all Sentient Beings."

These two encapsulate 22 words in english. 7 and 15. This is Agag YH, "I will surmount - that which is."

I wrote a whole post on this but it timed out. so here is the translation of the first two lines. The first is all masculine, the second line is all feminine. these two lines in Hebrew, are ten words. - the first is Adam Ha-Qadmon, and the second is Ishah the chevah of Aish, or "woman, the consort of man." (I do not want this to degenerate into some crap about gender.)

These two lines together make "AB" which is "father" - the role afforded a man by a woman, that Elohim afforded to YHVH.

I'm unsure why your post had 'timed out' or what that means . . . :?:

But I also want to mention that I read the Prayer that you posted Raum -- during my NAP Ritual -- and I have to say that some very rare and unusual things happened afterwards, throughout the following hours, that would definitely fall into the 'amped up' spiritual category of descriptions.

I've thanked you already either privately or on this thread, but wish to thank you again for sharing this with us.


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Magister Templi
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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#18 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:18 pm

Glad to help!

Next Line: (stick with it, only 19 left after this, then I will update the first post, k?)

gad'lo vetuvo lifnei olam.

Gad'lo. GD-LV is the word. "Likeness of the Gad." This word, "Gad" is the proto-sanskrit word for "Sugar Cane" adopted from This word's meaning morphs to "coriander" as essentially the oldest recorded spice we have evidence of use among afro-semitic people. The reason is simple, the Hebrews had no sugar cane. The word's use is therfore connected to the essence of wealth they had... specifically something that adds to the value or enjoyment of something else. Thus we see the real "idea" of what "greatness" or "mercy" (Gedulah) is, it is that which causes greater enjoyment of what what otherwise attains. This is why Coriander is called "Sam Ha-Chai", the Spice of Life. After Salt Roads open to trade, this spice becomes the new spice of Life, and sugar is likewise introduced later by Greeks.

vetuvo. V-TVBh-V is the word: and will-Tov-and. So literaly, it is conjuctions holding in prefix and suffix, and modifying to future tense. If you have ever heard "mezel Tov" you know "Tov" means good, fortune, boon, gain. It reflects when you are favored by chance or intent. The ancient context is however, "success." By this, we mean meeting or exceeding goals and objectives. We can see this meaning highlighted in its origins, Tv-, the proto sanskrit word that means "yours." Ever had anyone say "You want it, it's yours" when you least expect it. That's Tav. "Yours (for the taking)."

Lifnei. LPNI is the word. It's a modified form of "Panah", which means "face." LiPhnei means "Unto the Face of-" "laPin" in sanskrit means "speaking" - which is cognate to face. We see this in the modern word "addressing." Thus, when you "face" someone, or some thing, you turn toward it, head-on.

Olam. OVLM is the word. This word comes from the proto-sanskrit "Alam." which means "ready, prepared, arranged" - in short potential. This word is said to mean "world." - but the word "World" is actually Tavel, with the root of Tav. Olam is actually a word that is rooted from "Olum" which means "hidden", thus "potential" is VERY suitable.

So in short we have these four ideas:

Enriching Future Success Address Potential.

This shows us easily how we really "do" magic. it now increases our translation to the following:

Aleph: "Archetypal Causation, Hyperdimensional Mandate of all experience."
Beth: "Basal Experience most honored, exalted from the Gate of Life's Breath by all Sentient Beings."
Gimel: "Gain Value to Increase Potential Fortune, Turn Awareness to Progress."

We capture the idea of expansion of opportunity and increase valuation of the goods and abilities we already have. This gives us a word count of 32.

32 is the vale of LB, La'b - Mind, Heart, and a root of understanding.

There at this time emerge other reason for these word choices, but they are best discovered by one's self. The way to do this is to lay the letters out in grids and see what words emerge. ;)
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#19 » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:31 pm

Hi Raum,

Having no hebrew experience, I would surely suffer pronounciation even after practice.

Does saying this prayer in it's original language hold more weight?

situation 1:
i say this prayer (or one similar) in English, with meaning behind the words. the meaning giving it power.

situation 2:
i say this prayer as you laid out, struggling with pronounciation and therefore having less meaning behind the words because my mind is in pronounciation mode.

Love to hear your thoughts on this, as this extends to other prayers in other languages, and would surely help those who only speak one language.

Peace be with you my friend. Thanks for all your help you've given me (and continue so.)

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Magister Templi
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Re: A Prayer to amp up NAP

Post#20 » Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:40 pm

this is my practice. USE BOTH.

Always try - unless you are working with a tradition or culture that includes beings that specifically dislikes people trying to mangle their language.

State the prayer in your "mother tongue" and then attempt to pronounce it in the original. Work on it, and work slowly.

Go slow, thing sit through, but not so much you lose focus. Especially with thisd - as each of the lines is considered a powerful "pathworking" if you will. Not everyone has the capacity to embody such a powerful invocation, even if they have literacy of hebrew.

Just the proper use of the first line, correlating to Aleph is enough, if it helps draw the ain soph closer to you.

Aleph: "Archetypal Causation, Hyperdimensional Mandate of all experience."
Beth: "Basal Experience most honored, exalted from the Gate of Life's Breath by all Sentient Beings."
Gimel: "Gain Value to Increase Potential Fortune, Turn Awareness to Progress."

This draws the powers of Kether down to all three of the Pillars of the Tree, if you are using the paths of the tree of life model commonly used (which I do not use much at all, but can relate to) - Kether to Chokmah, Kether to Binah, and Kether to Tiphareth. This already gets you down to the base activity of the Anahatta chakra, or the YHVH Eloah Va-Daath in the MP.

If you use this for sometime, and learn the Hebrew with it, it can really help Qabalistic Awareness.

El adon al kol hama'asim
baruch um'vorach befi kol neshamah
gad'lo vetuvo lifnei olam.

Say those three lines like this like this:

L uh-dun L coal huh-mah-ay-seem.
Buh-rook oom-vor-ahk vay-fee coal naysh-uhmah
ged-uh-lo vet-oo-vo leef-nay-ee oh-lawm
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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