Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#271 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:15 am

i'd never imagine my 2nd post would be in this topic. i mean, i have never heard of this book nor this system before i came upon this forum searching about the old grimoires and bardonic system. anyhow, after reading the book i decided to try it out just because of the stories i read from this topic.

so 3 days ago i performed NAP with invocation for money which me and my wife could use for our out-of-country vacation booked 2 weeks from now. and just this morning, my mother-in-law (we still live with them) complained on how unfashionable my wife is. my wife replied that since she gained a few kilos her other jeans no longer fits. my mother-in-law reached into her wallet and gave my wife a large amount of money which could puchase around 20 pairs of high end jeans (lets just use that to describe the amount since most of us are from various countries and standard of living; im from the Philippines by the way). she then added that if there is extra, we could purchase all other stuff we might need for our vacation. my mom-in-law is quite generous but she has never given us this amount of cash ever.not even half this amount. so i think this is NAP working.

i now have a couple of questions. i read in some posts that you make some offering to the entities who have granted requests. where is this written? I do not think this was described/stated in the book. where can i get this information? i want to give a thanksgiving offering to Nitika.

another question is, can i continue this evocation of money? i could use a couple more. or should i consider another ritual?

last question, cobb mentions not to share information about my new NAP power. is this due to practical reasons? like what he mentions about neighbors probing into my spirituality...or is there a magical reason about this? coz im quite happy with the results that i might share this book to my sister and close friends. :thinking

thanks for your answers

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#272 » Wed May 09, 2012 3:28 am

I just recalled one of my previous magical workings with Elubatel and thought it might be good to share here.

Last year in early Nov, i made a last minute decision to call Elubatel for success in a local industry competition held annually. Only five slots were available as part of the entry requirement, so you can imagined how excited i must have felt when i was hand-picked among the employees by the Vice-President of the company i worked for.

No matter how glistening this prospect may sound, it was quite far off the "take-a-break" chart. Under a full workload and fast-pace work environment, i was barely breathing and the competition didn't alleviate the amount of pressure i was facing each day. Hence, i didn't exactly planned the ritual timing well ahead of time. :evil: :lol:

But guess what, when the results were announced, our company topped four GOLD medals in the participating categories which never occurred once in history even though they participated in the competition every year. The award was not in my name but i was happy that success was achieved.

So ELUBATEL- :Thank You

Posts: 2

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#273 » Tue May 29, 2012 4:06 pm

Hello you all!
English is not my native language but Im sure you can cope with my mistakes.
First I want to thank you guys on this forum for getting me into NAP. I started out with Hoodoo but now that I´ve found NAP Im more at ease with the magic I do. Even though St Expedite always pulls through if I really need him, he's been a real trouper for me. Ive been a bit reluctant to go on here and share my experiences but I think I owe you that, because you've really brought something good into my life. Not reluctant because of the sharing itself but more due to the attitudes Ive seen on other forums and also some fear of negativity from sceptic people not getting any results with NAP. Thoughts can be poison. If you don't believe in the things you do they won't work. I wasn't a firm believer when I started NAP but I really thought it could work, or else I wouldn't have bothered.

So I started out with the "General Purpose" to get a new flat in the city where I live. The flat I had was super tiny, old, no kitchen and the whole building was about to be sold by the landlord. So the flats would probably be renovated up to luxury standard with a huge raise of the rent. I had to move because I did not want to pay that much money for such a little living area. You're allowed to swop flats with other people so I started to look around on the website services they have here for "flat swops", Time was scarce, the house would be sold in june. Thing is this is my country s capital city and people wait for 30 years to get to rent a flat in the central town, or they have to pay big money on the black rentingmarket. Or you buy a really expensive flat legally, if you're rich.

I had not much to swop with because of the size of the flat. Looked at many but they all wanted to "wait" and think about it and I did not have the time. So I went to NAP for the first time, started doing the General Purpose, asking for help finding a fast and good swop. First I did tell the spirits why I needed their help. I told them my home was really important to me and I told them straight from the heart. Even shed a tear. After two days doing NAP I looked at a flat I really liked and they came and saw mine the day after. Before they came I also used some St john oil on my hand for the hello handshakes and asked St Expedite for extra assistance. They left, said they should think about it, and sent me an SMS half an hour later telling me they wanted my flat.

But our landlords still had to do the paperwork and it took forever. Over five weeks. During that time I kept on doing NAP. Asking for assistance. They were a married couple, and my flat was too small for two people really, and I do not have a steady job. So it could easily gone wrong if I had been unlucky. Also, I saw on the swopwebsite a new ad of a smaller, cheaper flat in the same house where they were living. It was due to saving money they wanted to move. It would have been so easy for them to swop with the neighbor instead and get a lower rent and actually, a bigger flat than mine. And just for them to carry the stuff up one stairs and the move have been done. So I worried they would see that ad and change their mind. But they didn't. I now live in the flat I did the NAP for and its so much better then my old one. Twice as big, in a better area, kitchen. low rent just what I need.

Then I did not do any NAP for a month. I don't know why. I just felt like I had nothing I really needed to ask for. I think you have to need the help. Not waste their time with crap or stuff that you just think you want. Like a guy you want because he doesn't love you and so on. But meanwhile, I looked for the NAP-book on a website and behold, there was a copy at a good price. So I bought it. I only had the pdf before. I did not work from the pdf though, I actually worked from a webpage on my iPad and the app Instapaper. i prefer that way because I can read white text on black. I concentrate better in complete darkness . Well, I did not expect to find an old magic book in english in my home country at all so that was also "lucky". Ordered it and got it the next day.

Latley, Ive been working on a designproject and this week Ive just felt it all has gotten out of hand. I felt like the client doesn't listen and take my advice and yesterday it all went totally crazy. I was so upset and stressed and angry. Deadline is closing in and I need to be able to work and be relaxed about it all to be creative. At 04 in the this morning I could not sleep. I was so stressed out, and unhappy. I took out my NAP book, had it in my knee and did the relaxation ritual and then "Incanation to give powers over others" reading aload from my ipad. But, first I told the NAP-spirits why I wanted this to happen for me. I was almost embarressed about not managing this problem on my own.

Belive it or not, but I TOTALLY forgot about the magic I did the whole day. I woke up at 09 started to start work at my computer, working from home as always. I was still sad and upset and I ended up calling my client asking if they were unhappy with my work. Ive learnt that thats the only way to deal with stuff like this, you have to make that phone call before it gets to the end of no return. The messages I got through the day was, the client is not unhappy with my work and an email from the client stating that "you should not listen to our opinions as if they were the law" and that I should "return to the original design" and other things in the same direction.

Of corse all this could be circumstantial, but to me its not. I know NAP works. So thank you guys.

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#274 » Wed May 30, 2012 6:31 am


For me results always look like a coincidence or certain circumstances. But they are not. This was my common mistake when I stated getting results ;) . A divination might free you of your doubts.

I think there is no coincidence - we only call that the processes and outcomes that we do not comprehend in total due to their complexity. You do not call coincidence that a tossed coin should eventually fall on the ground - for you know the law of gravity. But when things get more complex we do not know every interactions that lead to certain result, then we like to speak of coincidence rather than of us not understanding why something has occurred.


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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#275 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:45 am

Thank you Madrath. I agree, there is no such thing as coincidence. Because coincidence is really a lot of unknown factors, and thats where the magic work. I try not to think about it too much to be honest, and I just do the magic when I really feel I need it. But maybe thats why I have always have room for doubt, because I don't do NAP every day… I always feel like I want to "save" and only do magic when theres a really good reason. Like if the spirits would get fed up with me if I demand too many different things. Especially if I think I can really do it without magic if I just work and try harder. Ive had to take care of myself in life and Im not used to receive help from anyone :)

When I worked for the flat I did the same thing every night at the same time for about 5 weeks until the new lease was signed. I saw some results almost immediately but I felt like I could not let go and just let the magic do its course. Also in the book it actually says that you are supposed to keep on doing the ritual every day until you get results. So if I start something really big, its hard to know when to stop. Maybe Im afraid of not getting results if I do something bigger.
Its like I want to keep on reloading the NAP. I mean, doing a new ritual to keep the one thats already working going. Right now I feel a small urge to do the "Incanation to give powers over others" again, even though I can see its obviously still working, even though I only did it once. I worry that the working will loose its power over time.

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Big Success with Elubatel

Post#276 » Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:52 am

Last edited by Clayfield on Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Big Success with Elubatel

Post#277 » Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:22 pm

Clayfield wrote:Elubatel has worked wonders for me. I applied for funding for a project, asking for about $15,000. This is way more than I would normally ask for - this type of project is highly competitive, but I've heard people say that you should work with Elubatel when you want a dramatic result, not a minor result. Well, the funding came through and they offered me over $16,000 - more than I asked for. Wonderful news, and this funding will really help with my career, as well as being a fantastic financial boost. Thank you, Elubatel.

Good work!
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: Big Success with Elubatel

Post#278 » Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:19 pm

summerland wrote:
Clayfield wrote:Elubatel has worked wonders for me. I applied for funding for a project, asking for about $15,000. This is way more than I would normally ask for - this type of project is highly competitive, but I've heard people say that you should work with Elubatel when you want a dramatic result, not a minor result. Well, the funding came through and they offered me over $16,000 - more than I asked for. Wonderful news, and this funding will really help with my career, as well as being a fantastic financial boost. Thank you, Elubatel.

Good work!

the 1st and only time i worked with Elubatel there were a series of unfortunate i have a request that maybe He can only work on...but im kinda afraid :?

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Big Success with Elubatel

Post#279 » Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:42 pm

abuot wrote:
summerland wrote:
Clayfield wrote:Elubatel has worked wonders for me. I applied for funding for a project, asking for about $15,000. This is way more than I would normally ask for - this type of project is highly competitive, but I've heard people say that you should work with Elubatel when you want a dramatic result, not a minor result. Well, the funding came through and they offered me over $16,000 - more than I asked for. Wonderful news, and this funding will really help with my career, as well as being a fantastic financial boost. Thank you, Elubatel.

Good work!

the 1st and only time i worked with Elubatel there were a series of unfortunate i have a request that maybe He can only work on...but im kinda afraid :?

I got cold feet when I first started working with Elubatel, Due to some of the same events you probably went through. Before you invoke Elubatel talk to him and let him know what your intentions are first. Also let him know you are willing to work hard for what you are asking for.Theres a certain feeling I have before I approach him, A humble approach is what broke the ice with me. Listen to what he may ask you. Dont be afraid!
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

Posts: 371

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#280 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:07 pm

I did a very basic ritual with Elubatel, every day for a period of time. I would do a basic NAP rite, with Point A, circulating the light and chanting the Chant for Success. I'd also write out his Kamea and sigil, chant the Kamea. Then I'd offer a fruit smoothie.

My main reason was to help with a Legal case involving my health.

It worked much better than I had hoped, or asked for.

Earlier this week I received a call from the insurance company informing me that they were going to pay for me to start attending yoga classes! :D

Thank Elubatel!!!!!

I also was doing an unrelated work with a Sigil, not using any aspect of NAP. Elubatel actually interrupted. I was laying down, eyes closed focusing on my sigil. Then I saw a stern faced man with blonde hair in a white robe. I knew who he was without asking, but I asked and he confirmed by rendering his sigil in brilliant white-gold light.

I intended to continue with my working, but he continued to draw his sigil in my astral sight and looked at me very sternly. I thanked him for the advice and told him I'd be sure not to include him in any such kind of work. (It was a coercive kind of working which would have negatively affected one person (not the target) adversely, on an emotional level, possibly financial also.)

Elubatel is a powerful angel and can stand in your way if he is opposed to your course of action. I find this very interesting as I had never had an experience where I was consciously aware of my magick being blocked by a spiritual entity. But I am pretty new at this game so... I guess I may encounter it again.

It's funny, the technique was taken from the text which reads:
Zoetic Grimoire of Zos wrote:The Devil himself shall not prevent your 'will' from materializing.

:P T'was an angel though.
We look to the moon, rather than grasping the finger tip. Image

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