Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a day?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a day?

Post#1 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:49 pm

First of all I'm new to the site and new to NAP. Hi!

After discovering NAP on another forum I've been performing daily rituals for about a week and a half with some modicum of success.

I have a question. And I did search, but I didn't find anything that addressed this:

Recently I began performing multiple invocations (three, two of which are intended for the same goal) in one ritual. And I've also just started performing the same ritual twice daily. Is this considered kosher? Should I just stick with a single invocation/ritual per day? Is there much flexibility here? I want to make sure I'm doing this correctly as receiving results from this work is very important to me. And I also don't want to do anything to tick off the angels, that seems like a bad idea.

What say ye?

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Omnis Validus
Posts: 1169

Re: Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a

Post#2 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:46 pm

Welcome (the fact that you did at least some searching before posting is appreciated ;),)

In general, regarding whether or not something is "kosher," I'd say do whatever you want and/or feel like doing, then determine the method's efficacy from the experience and results you gain from it (for better or worse.)

Regarding your questions directly, however, I'd say that if you are not very experienced with these practices (which I am assuming,) then incorporating different rituals into a singular ritual (even if the purpose seems related, like Money, Success, Contests, etc.) should be avoided. If you want to work with different entities for different aspects of the same goal (in this way) then you should perform a separate ritual in each instance, different times of the day for example. This way, you'll be able to connect and communicate with the specific entities more strongly and clearly, instead of stretching your focus more thinly over two or more entities/purposes simultaneously. It can be done, for sure (I've done it before and there are accounts on here of others doing the same,) however it takes more skill to do it successfully in comparison.

In addition to the above, especially if you are new to practices such as this, it may be best for you to focus on one ritual per day, rather than trying to experiment with the system. I have found that starting routine practice with spirits (angels in this case) is similar in many ways to starting a new exercise routine or martial practice (particularly internal styles such as Zhan Zhung, Qigong, Bagua, Yogas, etc.) - it is best to begin slowly and moderately, rather than by spending as much time and energy as you can on the practice right from the start. If you do put too much effort into the work from the beginning, there's a high likelihood that you'll burn out quickly, and discontinue the practice before any of the more profound benefits start to manifest themselves (or any benefit at all in some cases <- obviously more common with exercise and such.) And that's not to mention any side effects that may occur to you and/or your environment from the presence of the beings you are calling (being highly variable, in my experience ranging from lethargy and depression to insomnia and euphoria and many things outside and between.)

And in general, I doubt you'll rub the angels the wrong way unless you're trying to. Sometimes working with angels can cause a lot of distress and chaos in your life (it definitely depends on what you've asked them for and/or which particular angel you're working with,) as I've personally experienced to some degree, and many discussions and accounts (here and elsewhere) can attest to...however, in most of those cases the disruptions come from them intervening in your life and ultimately trying to help you, not from them having it in for you.

Best of luck in your practice,
Ex Mea Sententia.

Posts: 56

Re: Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a

Post#3 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:27 am

I'm glad this was asked. So I have a question about the rituals. I've been doing NAP for about 3 weeks now, and I've incorporated opening the gates, but it seems like the circulation, fountain and central pillar rituals go hand in hand. Is that true?

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Re: Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a

Post#4 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:32 am

Many thanks for your swift, detailed response, Omnis.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a

Post#5 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:44 am

mochagoddess38 wrote:I'm glad this was asked. So I have a question about the rituals. I've been doing NAP for about 3 weeks now, and I've incorporated opening the gates, but it seems like the circulation, fountain and central pillar rituals go hand in hand. Is that true?

Yes, First is opening the gates, then the circulation, then the fountain ritual, I do the born less invocation after this. It will connect you to the divine. I have repeated the born less 3 times and felt amazing results.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Omnis Validus
Posts: 1169

Re: Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a

Post#6 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:01 am

mochagoddess38 wrote:I'm glad this was asked. So I have a question about the rituals. I've been doing NAP for about 3 weeks now, and I've incorporated opening the gates, but it seems like the circulation, fountain and central pillar rituals go hand in hand. Is that true?

These rituals as given in Gray-Cobb's book are basically streamlined pieces of a singular ritual, usually called the Middle Pillar(MP,) Middle Pillar Ritual(MPR,) or Middle Pillar Exercise(MPE.) So yes, they go hand in hand because they are all necessary steps involved in performing a single ritual. It is a qabalistic ritual developed by the Golden Dawn, and expounded upon by Israel Regardie.

Read Israel Regardie's "The Art of True Healing," here:
(Really, if you've haven't read it then do read's short.)
And if you're interested in further detail specific to this exercise, see Regardie's "The Middle Pillar."

Ex Mea Sententia.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a

Post#7 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:03 am

Angels do not perceive time the same way we do. Neither, for that, matter do all angels percieve it the same way. Only the "closest to earth" even come close to observing the human idea of time moving. We are ingrained with time mechanisms they do not have, so ask away.

BUT - it would be interesting to look at why you might be wondering if it is ok.

I know he says not to, but frankly the example of a book of shadows he gives does exactly that. the guy does like three I think, all for different things.\

*** Warning asking more than once may result in spontaneous human combustion. Then again, so can drinking a glass of water. Enjoy the day!
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Multiple invocations in 1 ritual/multiple invocations a

Post#8 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:18 am

raum215 wrote:Angels do not perceive time the same way we do. Neither, for that, matter do all angels percieve it the same way. Only the "closest to earth" even come close to observing the human idea of time moving. We are ingrained with time mechanisms they do not have, so ask away.

BUT - it would be interesting to look at why you might be wondering if it is ok.

I know he says not to, but frankly the example of a book of shadows he gives does exactly that. the guy does like three I think, all for different things.\

*** Warning asking more than once may result in spontaneous human combustion. Then again, so can drinking a glass of water. Enjoy the day!

raum, The problems I had with Elubatel associated with depression issues. Always for some reason after I invoked him I got slapped with depression on the third day. But I have worked through those issues since then. Seems like 3s are the magic number.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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