informations about NAP

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Posts: 25

informations about NAP

Post#1 » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:09 am

hello to all memeber,
I received from U.S. this book
I live in Italy and I am Italian..
I would like to know if it is possibile:
the incantantions, speels, must be performed during, day or nigth?
I mut pay attention the moon phase? waxing or waning?
how many time i can repeat the spells? 1, 2, 3,..
One a-day, one a-nigth for many days?
I have a problem to spell a mantra:
pag.65 of this book
In the powersof Iaoth,Petahyah and Opiel, I command.......
My desire is....
Thou hast herard, and in the name of VEE-NOKE-OH-TEE-SEE-AWN, Thou shalt .......
ok, this mantra the spell is:
Please, I am italian and my english it is bad!
if you have more advices about this book I will happy to read in a next replays!
thanks again in advance

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Gordon Finn
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 880

Re: informations about NAP

Post#2 » Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:32 pm

omochango wrote:the incantantions, speels, must be performed during, day or nigth?

They can be performed at whatever time of day or night you'd like.

I mut pay attention the moon phase? waxing or waning?

Nah. Not necessary. It's up to you.

how many time i can repeat the spells? 1, 2, 3,..

Repeat as often as you like.

One a-day, one a-nigth for many days?

Usually until you get a result.

ok, this mantra the spell is:

That's how I'd spell it in english.

Topic author
Posts: 25

Re: informations about NAP

Post#3 » Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:22 pm

Gordon Finn wrote:
omochango wrote:the incantantions, speels, must be performed during, day or nigth?

thanks very much Gordon Finn, very kind!!!!!!!!!!!!

They can be performed at whatever time of day or night you'd like.

I mut pay attention the moon phase? waxing or waning?

Nah. Not necessary. It's up to you.

how many time i can repeat the spells? 1, 2, 3,..

Repeat as often as you like.

One a-day, one a-nigth for many days?

Usually until you get a result.

ok, this mantra the spell is:

That's how I'd spell it in english.

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