Mr Black NAP Experiments

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Posts: 330

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#31 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:01 am

my magic mentor it seems like has a weird odor, and then changes to a cologne, that smells like Ralph Lauren or something, And I dont have Ralph Lauren, but he says he is about business, and was a businessman/investor lol. But i can tell he's nobody to F*ck with. but he seems very ancient.

So your MM is a mission seeker? Wow, he sounds pretty serious. Keep us updated about that, sounds very adventurous!!

I noticed that NAP can work in 5 minutes, but usually it takes days, sometimes months for it to work. My health has improved in one hour after the working, but i notice people are friendlier with me..

but this is just day one of a long hiatus

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#32 » Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:14 am

Right now, my MM is haunting a practitioner in Australia (hope they are
alright, haven't heard anything from them).

Job Finding Ritual

Well, it's 2012 and I need a job - my vacation is over so to expedite the
process, I've decided to employ NAP but I've added a little twist into this

Basically, me and my sister needs a job so this is the focal point of the
rituals. I will be doing this for 7 days and will watch for any new
developments through divination.

Ritual Format:
Zone Rite
Modified NAP Point A Ritual
NAP Bornless Ritual
General Purpose Invocation (3x)
Success Invocation (3x)
Prayer to St Cajetan (tada!) (3x)
Appreciation Ritual
Banishing Ritual

Well see how this turns out, will be micro enchanting along the way as well.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#33 » Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:05 pm

Contemplation regarding Elubatel;

Other than Arzel, Elubatel is one of the entities of NAP that I closely
work with.

I've been reading some interesting thoughts regarding working with
him and I find that those types of situations never happen to me.

The way I work with Elubatel is pretty simple; I treat him like an
operational manager or the godfather. I approach him utter respect
that I felt warranted since the first time I felt his presence. I barely
specify what I want to get done since I know it'll get done under
his power, he keeps the other entities towards the right course.

I also try not to use him alot, he is like my ace in my sleeve.
When I really need it done, he will get it done.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#34 » Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:49 pm

mrblack wrote:Contemplation regarding Elubatel;

Other than Arzel, Elubatel is one of the entities of NAP that I closely
work with.

I've been reading some interesting thoughts regarding working with
him and I find that those types of situations never happen to me.

The way I work with Elubatel is pretty simple; I treat him like an
operational manager or the godfather. I approach him utter respect
that I felt warranted since the first time I felt his presence. I barely
specify what I want to get done since I know it'll get done under
his power, he keeps the other entities towards the right course.

I also try not to use him alot, he is like my ace in my sleeve.
When I really need it done, he will get it done.

Interesting..... I really never experimented with Arzel ( or Arzal dont know which) but...I heard great things about him. mrblack how do you approach Arzel? I would like to work with Arzel and give Elubatel a rest. LOL...I can SEE The Godfather. Ive invoked Arzel like in the book but...Not extensively worked with him.

Btw....Good post mrblack

"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#35 » Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:44 pm

Nothing fancy, just normal invocation and extra time to meditate but I've felt that I've connected more to Arzel
than with Elubatel.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#36 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:20 pm

I wonder if these Angels/spirits would eb wiling to give names of others under them. Elubatel to me is like a " get in done guys " kind of Being, I call on him after i call on the others to work, sometimes i do it before since im asking for success with my endeavors from now on.Ive also started to change the wording from command to resquest and it sounds better and i feel better actually.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#37 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:47 am

axeezo wrote:I wonder if these Angels/spirits would eb wiling to give names of others under them. Elubatel to me is like a " get in done guys " kind of Being, I call on him after i call on the others to work, sometimes i do it before since im asking for success with my endeavors from now on.Ive also started to change the wording from command to resquest and it sounds better and i feel better actually.

I changed mine to request also. I wonder if Archangel Micheal is not under Elubatel.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#38 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:37 am

mrblack wrote:Done my follow up rites on the familiar, will start using it tomorrow for practical workings/experiments.

FYI, I've stopped my workings with the MM - it just wasn't working as I thought
it would and has since moved on to other things.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#39 » Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:43 am

I've been seriously looking for a job recently but no bite as of yet, while it's really
not a priority - I would prefer to have one by now.

With that said, I've used NAP a couple of times to help me with this endeavor - here
are some notes I've made during these workings.....

- I'm starting to think that it was my "true will" that is affecting my work. Whenever
I try to do a job working for me, it kinda works (which I think reflects on my resolve
to get a job). When I did a working for my sister, she got the job instantly (which
I think reflects on how much I wanted her to get a job first). I might need to reprogram
myself before I can successfully achieve results.

- I recently did a working with Nitika to help me get a job. My theory was that the only
way for me to get funds is for either a bag of money the fell from the sky or help me get
a job; basically, I was forcing the hand. I did get an interview but I don't think I got the
job but when I look around my family, one aspect of it is getting a boost that will help
alleviate my need to get a job. It's like the result is taking a backdoor way that I didn't know
I had to fix one of the problems that makes me want to get a job.

I've mentioned before that magick can only open doors and one must actually step in and go
through with it. While it's easy to preach to others, it's harder to put in practice, lol.

Try, and try again.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#40 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:52 pm

I've mentioned before that magick can only open doors and one must actually step in and go
through with it. While it's easy to preach to others, it's harder to put in practice, lol.

Youre absolutely right mrblack, I am still working with Elubatel...This time before I invoke him, I say to him my intent before I begin the invocation. Then was told to go over what I want to achieve in my goals. What he said was 1. I want to xxx 2. xxxx 3. the xxxx 4. This is what is needed for xxx(xxx goal stated). Lets see how that goes, seems to feel better that way and my environment was a lot calmer.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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