NAP results mild but immediate

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

NAP results mild but immediate

Post#1 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:49 am

So, I read Xthrough and did a NAP ritual as a test. Very easy and conducive work. That night, I had a dream about an angel holding a few cards in his hand, and he asked me to pick five. I did so, and he told me to look at my cards. I had two Apair. He spun in a circle looked up to the zodiac, pointed to Agares and said "Thus begins our delight, the reward of you shall flood the earth with gold and silver. The light of the sun shall strive in vain to find the ends of your wealth.

I was the next morning in a store, and though I never buy them, I looked at the NJ scratcher tickets. There were some that had two wheels of six signs on them. So I was going to buy one, the Angel's voice wax CLEAR, "buy five." The first four cards were nothing, but the fifth both circles were winners for ten bucks. I doubled my money.

My magick rituals has been unfocused, my mind is really on giving the common man a way to make means and ends. Agares is the star in scorpio for precedence of the "common man." Instead of taking that message personally, I hope it is a message for all who earn their rest with the sweat of their own brow.

This trend started in 2009, for me. I had to go as far deep into common man mentality as I could, so I could become part of them, and as I am raised, so to will they be. I left behind a lucrative life and assured wealth for this operation, and I am just now seeing marginal signs it is working for anyone I am trying to help. It was difficult but I inherently understand
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Posts: 330

Re: NAP results mild but immediate

Post#2 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:43 pm

good mild result

will you continue to work with NAP?

Would you work with most of them? i'd love to hear your experiences.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: NAP results mild but immediate

Post#3 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:14 pm

Second result:

At work, just barely putting any effort into reading it while waiting for some stuff to go to a job site, and honestly winging most of what you need to do in a small unoccupied office. Then I went out to get in my car, because my boss wanted me to move to a different spot. I found a five dollar bill outside of my car, when I came in a co-worker was very upset, because of his vacation issues and his parents in town. I resolved this - though it is not my job and I never was asked to but in. I was just seized with the conviction to plead his case, which a language barrier often prevents him from doing. I finally made all parties see reason and showed them it was not the end of the world.

I now know this will be the last time my co-worker sees his father alive. That was shown to me as why my conviction was so strong. Later, my boss gave me 200 bucks for helping this situation be resolved, out of his own pocket. He is by no means made of money so I know this mattered a lot to him. Also this secures another two weeks of work for me.

I definitely consider NAP worth more investigation. This is after two, not by the book exercises, but I plan to also work this in accordance with a mentality conducive to my Arbatel studies.

The only other overt Magick I am doing right now, is the preliminary prayer of the Arbatel, "The Lord's Prayer", and my daily gratitude for all the I am given that it may glorify the Lord from whom all is received and to which all is owed, to the mutual benefit of all parties involved.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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