New to NAP start here

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: New to NAP start here

Post#71 » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:19 pm

Ariel wrote:
summerland wrote:
Vovin wrote:This post should help those new to the forum. I have highlighted points of Interest in regards to the New Avatar Power threads.

vovin, i am new to nap and enjoy the rituals because they do work. out of all magic it rates number one to me. it is just something interesting that came up on my first experience after doing my first ritual. the next day saint germain popped in my mind, after doing the mm the night before. a friend of mine always told me saint germain wanted to work with me. what do you think about this? thank you for your time on this.

Hi friend

Just to answer from my own MM said my sanskrit soul name when i asked it's name, and it seems as if i have a much cleaner/open/stronger connection with my patron Boddhisattva since. For me it took a LOT of energetic adjustment to finally feel normal in this condition, due to a lot of energetic adjustments that resulted, but now i am feeling very strong, confident and plugged-in! :idea:

It will be interesting to see what else pops up here!

Best of luck!

thanks ariel, since i have been doing the nap rituals i have been a lot calmer and grounded. the uncrossing worked like a charm.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

Posts: 22

Re: New to NAP start here

Post#72 » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:07 am

Best of luck![/quote]

thanks ariel, since i have been doing the nap rituals i have been a lot calmer and grounded. the uncrossing worked like a charm.[/quote]

You are welcome!
I tried to edit comment above, so it makes more sense but can't do so at this point...i was probably half
asleep when i was writing originally :cry:

I'd love to hear more about your experiences as you go along,
and glad it's going well!!! This stuff really does come from potent sources!
Fun, for this day-and-age, hah hah hah!


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Re: New to NAP start here

Post#73 » Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:37 pm

I've only been doing the rituals for a few days, no real 'results' so far. I notice that when I do the relaxation ritual (nap to point a) I get very tired (yawning, so I actually feel myself relaxing) so that's a good start. I'll keep doing the rituals, and see what happens.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

crazy ride with elubatel

Post#74 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:21 pm

elubatel has been a crazy ride for me i dont know if others here have experienced strange things with him, like seeing things appear one way then take a double look and they appear another way. just little things like i looked at the timer on the clock on the stove it said t-11, i looked again and it said t-11, i thought something was wrong with the stove. looked again and it said 7:11pm. i read something online or in a book it appears different and im wondering wtf? then i read it again it appears normal and makes sense. magiawen made a comment on one of her post about elubatel about "lets just push her off the freaking cliff" thats how i feel, not only do i feel like he pushes me off the cliff, i fell like hes got a bungie cord around my feet just dangling me up and down so can i relate to that. its like everything is coming at me at one time. good, bad, or whatever. :shock: I know he firmly told me he wants me to do my rituals everyday, so thats what im doing. Does he want me invoke/envoke him or what? does anybody else here eyes play tricks on them too dealing with this spirit? does everything just go haywire like a short circuit? I rarely use my MM, most the time i can communicate with spirits without. this is the most intense energy ive ever felt with any spirit. just dont know what to make of it. PLEASE shed some light on this
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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