Ankar= ?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: Ankar= ?

Post#21 » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:18 am

Ok here the result of my search, Ten incarnations also flourished but none could perceive ek-ankar, the supreme Lord. (Bhai Gurdas Ji, Vaar 16) ... arch&ns0=1. maybe it can help clarify something.


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Omnis Validus
Posts: 1169

Re: Ankar= ?

Post#22 » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:31 pm

I was just looking over this very old (and very dead) thread as someone brought up another "meaning of Ankar" thread, and I wanted to comment on this:

Hmm...makes sense. But why not just use something like EHEIEH, ARARITA or AGLA? I mean he more or less teaches along qabalistic lines.

Looking at it now it seems completely obvious how Onkar would tie into the system; as Gray-Cobb chose to call it New "Avatar" Power.

Ex Mea Sententia.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Ankar= ?

Post#23 » Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:12 pm

Omnis Validus wrote:I was just looking over this very old (and very dead) thread as someone brought up another "meaning of Ankar" thread, and I wanted to comment on this:

Hmm...makes sense. But why not just use something like EHEIEH, ARARITA or AGLA? I mean he more or less teaches along qabalistic lines.

Looking at it now it seems completely obvious how Onkar would tie into the system; as Gray-Cobb chose to call it New "Avatar" Power.


Thanks for your work on this mate. :-)

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Re: Ankar= ?

Post#24 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:49 am

Interesting discussion. I found it by googling the op's very question. As with many of the names I was wondering just who we were ringing up here.

Something about his use of "Ankar" didn't strike me as quite the same style of rendering as with his other "names", like somehow it wasn't the same as most of all the other names. No hyphens. So maybe it isn't spelling out the word, maybe it's a transliteration of a word instead? And maybe not a name of power, maybe a different part of speech perhaps? A verb maybe instead of a noun?

Well if you search for nkr instead of ankar (dropping the vowels for hebrew), you get the verb "to recognize". Which would actually work well grammatically.

Following "... thus:" with Recognize YHVH.

So the purpose hidden here if you read it as NKR, ie to recognize, would be almost Rosicrucian, with all things to the glory of the ineffable creator.

Anyway, just my own shot over the bow.

I do think it interesting that we might be starting everytime with a "hail to the chief" by recognizing yhvh. Then we ring up some lieutenant to get the work done. Y'now the guy that owns the garage isn't the mechanic fixing the car.

Also, a nice comeback if you get called a satanist. Just smile, "Nope, praying to god."




Ars non Fortuna

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Omnis Validus
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Re: Ankar= ?

Post#25 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:54 am

Nice first post Prov. That is interesting, "recognize" as in "hail YHVH." And while I do not know enough about the Hebrew language to say for certain whether Nun-Kaf-Resh would be pronounced as Ankar, I am still mostly satisfied with it being drawn from Indian roots - and being used to reinforce the invocation as a prayer to and acknowledgement of "god." Although, what you propose would perhaps make more sense as a "purpose" to be stated.

However, from my brief research, Nun-Kaf-Resh would be used as a noun to represent something that is not recognized, foreign, or strange - and as an adjective to describe someone/thing as being recognized, or distinguished. Nun-Kaf-Yod-Resh would perhaps be better suited as a verb root meaning recognize, or notice...but, it isn't a verb, and I think it's pronunciation would be more along the lines of 'nkir - though I could certainly be wrong, as I claim no fluency in this language (shrugs).

Either way, to each their own path...if you feel it resonates better for you as "recognize" then by all means practice it as such. It doesn't seem any more complete an explanation to me personally than Ik Onkar, but I do like the idea. Perhaps others may weigh in on it.

Welcome to the forum,

Ex Mea Sententia.

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Re: Ankar= ?

Post#26 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:48 pm

First off ... I have rarely seen such great give and take on an occult board. Most are either very fluffybunny, or sheer rubbish. Great place.

The references I have run across so far for NKR generally relate back to the book of Ruth 2:10. Unfortunately most of the better references are in google books, with no copy/pasting and ridiculously long urls to link with.

Here's one tho that seems to sum up the point:

"At one stage, early in their encounter, Ruth asks Boaz a question: ‘Why have I found such favour in your eyes that you recognize me (Hebrew: lehakireni)—a foreigner (nokhariah)? (Ruth 2:10). The Hebrew contains an extraordinary play on words untranslatable into English. There are certain rare words, known as contronyms, which have two meanings, one the opposite of the other (the English word ‘cleave’ is an example: it means both ‘to split’ and ‘to join’). In Hebrew the root n-k-r is a contronym. It means ‘to recognize’—to grant rights and privileges. It also means ‘to be a stranger,’ someone others do not recognize. Ruth uses it in both senses in the same sentence. ‘I am a stranger; why have you treated me like a friend?’"
( )

So, as Fr. Omnis Validus said, could be "hail YHVH". (tho I don't mean to imply OV is in agreement here. cf his post right before this)

Altho, I have also run across a few translations of Ruth 2:10 which use "to know" in place of "to recognize." Which as is commonly discussed regarding the OT, in many cases is a euphemism for a bit of the old in and out.

I think tho, that if I were to decide that nkr was hebrew, I personally would lean toward the "hail, YHVH". Might not work so well to be thinking "f**k YHVH" at the beginning of each ritual.

Could dampen the results.




Ars non Fortuna

Posts: 79

Re: Ankar= ?

Post#27 » Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:35 am

great thread , every one has been wonderful and eloquent
i said many thanks while sending out my gratitude for this site.
NAP and MG has got me very busy reading and writing out the text.
this helps a lot, taking notes for both books, and this seems very worthy information
maybe that's why it's called Occult knowledge
Last edited by mike on Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 79

Re: Ankar= ?

Post#28 » Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:27 am

as i'm looking though my book list i came across one i had marked to purchase, thus this is the publishers review,

The late Valerie Worth was a prolific poet. Her natural gift of rhyme helps make her Crone's Book of Charms & Spells (previously published as The Crone's Book of Wisdom) set a level of excellence that other writers will always try to equal.

Traditionally, ceremonies and spells were often done in rhyme. If you remember that everything is made of energy, and that energy is vibratory in nature, then the making of spells in rhymes is quite logical. Rhymes set up patterns of sound which can resonate through our bodies and through the universe. Perhaps this is the basis for the use of power words or god names in ceremonial magick. Or maybe it is the source of the power behind mantra magick as used in India. But one thing is clear: it works. And with the rituals and techniques in this book, you can make it work for you.

The rituals for the year are beautiful. For example, in the ceremony for the Fall Equinox, at the moment when the Sun has set, you stand before your altar and say, "Now the sun is overwhelmed, And we are left alone to die: With all the faded trees, the wasted flowers, Do we also fade and waste..." The ceremony for the Dark of the Moon in November includes "Even the night is dead, Now at the dark of the moon: Even the demons are dead, Now at the dark of the moon: All who once lived are dead, Now at the dark of the moon."

With over 60 talismans and a description of the magical powers of 60 herbs, this book is a gem. I know there are certain books you especially like and often refer to. This is going to be one of them.

So somehow i feel this ties into geof cobb is doing setting up the vibration and frequency of our personal self ,yet somehow matching the greater frequency of the all

read it like a song from the heart,
all magic that works starts in the heart
life starts when a heart is formed
seed of the spirit creates a mind
soul with a will live as one

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Posts: 36

Re: Ankar= ?

Post#29 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:33 pm

Great scholarship- thanks, you guys!

I found the translation of "Onkar" as "(a Constant in this case meaning God)" [ ] to be quite interesting. "Eternal One Who Gives Life, Was, Is, and Will Be" is a beautiful prayer to Deity in and of itself, but the phrasing of the "purpose"-part keeps eluding me... why is ETERNAL GOD my PURPOSE, of all things??

Posts: 81

Re: Ankar= ?

Post#30 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:23 pm

Binyamin wrote:Great scholarship- thanks, you guys!

I found the translation of "Onkar" as "(a Constant in this case meaning God)" [ ] to be quite interesting. "Eternal One Who Gives Life, Was, Is, and Will Be" is a beautiful prayer to Deity in and of itself, but the phrasing of the "purpose"-part keeps eluding me... why is ETERNAL GOD my PURPOSE, of all things??

Excellent question which I am sure almost everyone using the NAP system has considered.
I will offer my speculation.
Divine names are based in languages and cultures. This particular combination may represent an ancient system or path to spiritual power. By calling on the Inner Planes to witness, perhaps I am stating that I am entering this particular path and spiritual system represented by this particular group of spirits.
But this is only speculation and I don't know.
In some esoteric groups a divine name represents a formula, eg. יה-וה

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