What should I do?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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What should I do?

Post#1 » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:28 am

Ok, so I've been tinkering around with NAP for a while. Unfortunately, I haven't seen much success with it. I've thought it might be anything: the moon cycle, me not doing it the same time every day, thinking I'm not believing in it 100%, thinking that the spirits just don't think I need what I'm asking for, etc. But really, I don't think I'm doing much wrong. I've tried tweaking some things and still haven't seen success. And yes, I even did one ritual for 2 weeks straight and was strict about it, but still nothing.

Even though I haven't had success with it, it still won't make me think that it's not working for anyone else. But maybe it's just time for me to move on and find something else to try to get results?

Also, I'm not too experienced with it... I was thinking maybe it's because I'm not doing this middle pillar ritual, lesser banishing ritual and so on? I hear some others prefer to do stuff like that and add things here and there to make it more effective. I guess I need someone to point me to these things so I can read up on them and try it along with the NAP rituals.

Can someone point me to links of the lesser banishing ritual, and the middle pillar ritual? I'm giving this one more strict try before I move on...

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Posts: 64

Re: What should I do?

Post#2 » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:57 am

There are PLENTY of links on LBPR and other stuff you've asked for; did you try the SEARCH function ? :twisted:

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Re: What should I do?

Post#3 » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:07 am

What I meant is like combining it with the NAP rituals. I'm not sure which route to take, like exactly how to integrate it.

But do you have any comment as far as my other post?

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Posts: 64

Re: What should I do?

Post#4 » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:27 am

krull wrote:What I meant is like combining it with the NAP rituals. I'm not sure which route to take, like exactly how to integrate it.

But do you have any comment as far as my other post?

We all have different attitudes when it comes to performing magic. I, for one, like to experiment; when I started practicing, thirty years ago, I did not follow the rules (due to my age and personal background); years of practice have thought me (as well as scars in my soul) that at the beginning (I am not implying you're a beginner) one should follow the rituals just as they are laid out and only, and only then, as soon as one feels more prepared one can do with a bit of self-styled approach.

I remember reading another post in this forum on a cookbook approach to magic; well, again, it really depends on your level and skills but why don't you experiment (and maybe report back here) with various approaches, after all you said the approach so far used did not work, thus it is maybe time to change it :D

I'd like to quote the post of one of our fellows (and one of my fav. posters here): Silenciumetaurum
In my opinion, it's neither belief nor the rote performance of magical recipes. Rather, the most central key is will. The application of will to the universe can shift probabilities, and sometimes even create effects contrary to nature.

Hope this helps you in progressing toward success.

Posts: 398

Re: What should I do?

Post#5 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:33 pm

NAP is very complete and easy to perform Monsieur krull! And a very good way to start your path in magic, BUT take it easy. I mean you gotta create the "habit" of doing your NAP rituals DAILY. I can asure you it won't take you more than 30 minutes a day to train you (you're training your invisible senses), and develop a sense of joy while performing your NAP (this is VERY IMPORTANT, FEEL yourself enjoying your practices, CONCENTRATE on the MEANING of the phrases you're speaking (aloud or in whispers)). Start writing your BOOK OF SHADOWS (your record of your magic practices)

If you take the habit of practicing 30 minutes a day, you'll start noticing changes (getting the things you ask, and in your way of thinking/behaving, much more calm and happy), you'll start connecting BACK AGAIN with your DIVINE SOURCE. In a year, you'll look back and say: "Things have changed". This is a way of living, you're training to become a living god, and know much better than anyone You Yourself and the Laws of Universe (the Microcosm and the Macrocosm)

Another VERY IMPORTANT thing you gotta CONCENTRATE ON is your attitude, if you're pesimistic (just like myself some years ago before starting with my magic practices), things will go wrong. I MEAN, if you think THINGS WON'T WORK, THINGS WON'T WORK! (that's your will!). If you think, THINGS WILL WORK, THINGS WILL DO! (again your will!)

So, change your attitude to make magic work. How? Start changing your thinking habits, when you notice yourself beeing negative, switch that to another point of view in wich your positive. Unconscious is made of repeated habits, and it keeps an image of yourself, so if you telling yourself you're "ugly", "weak", "dumb" you'll become that, and you'll see yourself (and others will see you) that way. BUT if you start telling yourself "hey, i'm a really funny guy with whom people love to be around", "dang, I'm hot", "I'm really intelligent", etc, etc, etc. YOU'LL BECOME THAT. I MEAN, YOU CHOOSE (of course, you gotta work, but you can be whatever thing you want to. Slim? Go to gym, YOU CAN, in a year you'll be slim. Sexy? Start learning about fashion, and manners women love). I'M NOT TELLING YOU IT'S EASY, I'M TELLING YOU IT'S POSSIBLE (WHATEVER THING YOU CAN THINK OF). BUILD A STRONG PERSONAL IMAGE OF YOURSELF, LOVE YOURSELF

And you got an advantage over the majority of people in the world, NAP will help you a lot! You're calling Powerful Spirits to help you, your strenghtening your AURA with the Middle Pillar (others will feel it, and won't know what's hapenning). Your making a connection with GOD with the INVOCATION OF THE UNBORN, your BANISHING NEGATIVITY and NEGATIVE ENTITIES with the UNCROSSING RITUAL, you got CHANTS, PSALMS AND INVOCATIONS for ALMOST EVERYTHING. FOLLOW THE NAP SYSTEMS, and you'll get FAR, REAL FAR

So that's it, hope you take seriously this path, because it's a beautiful one and easy to follow (NAP IS VERY VERY VERY SIMPLE, AND VERY VERY VERY COMPLETE)

Hope this helps you

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Posts: 221

Re: What should I do?

Post#6 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:27 pm

That said, not all methods are geared toward or successful for all practitioners. Why is irrelevant - there could be countless reasons. It is also possible that while NAP does not work for you now does not mean it may not function at some point in the future. If it is meant to be something you do, it will come back to you when it should. But there is no good point in continuing a practice which is not effective for you. It is far better to explore other things until you find what is. Good luck.
"Stoop down unto the darkly splendid world,
And be wedded to that Blind Creature of the Slime."

-- Liber Tzaddi

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Re: What should I do?

Post#7 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:09 pm

I've struggled with doubt about magick, but I don't let this bother me. I'm still trying to get results regardless if I've seen any. I'm not sure I believe in the 'you must believe in it for it to work' thing, at least all the time. I think skepticism and doubt is very healthy. I think that without it, you'll just take whatever is handed to you and not ask any questions like most do.

...that's why I'm continuing what I'm doing because I want to prove myself wrong without a shadow of a doubt.

Before I switch things up, I will continue with NAP until I'm positive it's not effective. In the meantime I'll be studying other things, and then switch over to something else and come back to NAP in the future maybe.

Frater Synadelfos
Posts: 121

Re: What should I do?

Post#8 » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:51 am

You've had some pretty good advice here. I'll let you into a secret: I am probably one of the few people out there that has an odd reaction to the Middle Pillar ritual in the fact that it makes me less energised, tired and less focused. Magic is all about what works for you.

The secret to magic is to know your inner world well. Each magician has his/her own cycles. For example: what seems a big task to me might be a small task to another magician, and for me would take longer to manifest. I have noticed that for the "big things" in my life to come true takes around 2 years!

There is a little Tarot test you can use. Take the major acarna and shuffle the cards focusing on how far along the road you are (for example) to meeting that special someone. Cut the cards and lay them out in a long line. How far the Fool is along the line will show you how close you are to the goal. The cards either side of the Fool add to the Fool's meaning and provide a snapshot of the issue.

Doing a reading like this every so often will keep you focused on your goals, stop you giving up too early or overshooting them.

Keep going with the NAP.


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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: What should I do?

Post#9 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:59 am

krull wrote:I've struggled with doubt about magick, but I don't let this bother me. I'm still trying to get results regardless if I've seen any. I'm not sure I believe in the 'you must believe in it for it to work' thing, at least all the time. I think skepticism and doubt is very healthy. I think that without it, you'll just take whatever is handed to you and not ask any questions like most do.

...that's why I'm continuing what I'm doing because I want to prove myself wrong without a shadow of a doubt.

Before I switch things up, I will continue with NAP until I'm positive it's not effective. In the meantime I'll be studying other things, and then switch over to something else and come back to NAP in the future maybe.

there is the problem DOUBT
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: What should I do?

Post#10 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:55 pm

NAP is so easy to get success with that people just jump in, but like anything
else in life; there are geniuses and there are the not geniuses who has to work
to achieve things in life.

It's like playing an RPG, some summons can be only be done when your character
is in a certain level.

Practice the NAP Point A, NAP Power Gates, NAP Circulation & Power Fountain
Ritual for a month - everyday. (this is the equivalent of the Middle Pillar)

As for the ritual, stick with the basic format in the beginning but try to repeat the
invocation 3x.

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