
The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Post#1 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:35 pm

I haven't managed to purchase a copy of NAP, but know that there is a forum with some NAP rituals.Basically, I was wondering if anyone knows a NAP or, indeed any other ritual but preferably NAP, for increasing one's memory, and general concentration, and mental powers? Yes, I watch what I eat take supplements but still find it hard to get a focus mentally.
Any help would be appreciated.Thanks

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 741

Re: Help!

Post#2 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:00 pm

These two exercises will increase focus and concentration abilities:

Put a small black sphere on a piece of white paper and stick it on a wall at eye level when sitting a few feet away. Stare at the small, black sphere for fifteen minutes per day gradually allowing only thoughts of the black sphere to entertain your mind.

Eyes closed, imagine your skull is empty and in the centre of your head is a tiny bright star of red light. Visualise the tiny, bright star of red light in the centre of your empty skull for five minutes per day.

In the beginning you will find these exercises difficult but prevail. After a couple of weeks you will see a marked increase in focus and concentration.
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray - S.S.S.B.

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