magic mentor

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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magic mentor

Post#1 » Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:42 am

has anybody tried to evoke and communicate with a magic mentor? the book has a couple of really interesting stories about it [as it does with every technique it brings up] but i haven't really seen anybody mention it around here. has anybody had any experience with this that they would be willing to share??

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Re: magic mentor

Post#2 » Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:31 pm

shacksphere wrote:has anybody tried to evoke and communicate with a magic mentor? the book has a couple of really interesting stories about it [as it does with every technique it brings up] but i haven't really seen anybody mention it around here. has anybody had any experience with this that they would be willing to share??

Sure. I have evoked my MM about 10 times now. I prefer not to make his name public, but I can say that he appeared during my process of preparing to evoke him for the first time. Interestingly enough, about a year ago, while I was tinkering with the gatewalking praxis of the Simon Necronomicon, my NAP MM also appeared as my "Watcher." It has also appeared as my watcher when I was experimenting with Manning's watcher-creation technique from Helping Yourself with WW (which is especially interesting to me because Manning's version produces an egregore that should NOT be even vaguely anthropomorphic--his was a fuzzball of energy covered in ears and eyes, I think--and my watcher appears in the guise of HP Lovecraft. Go figure.).

Practical uses: I have used him as a spirit sentry, a source of information on a number of different topics [100% accurate so far], and a confidant. I believe he is a reflection of a part of my subconscious. But whatever--he is useful.


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Posts: 12

Re: magic mentor

Post#3 » Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:35 pm

I believe the mentors (i use the plural because I have many) can be much more than aspects of one personality's subconscious. I say this because I have had mentors teach me about things that I had never had contact with before, so unless my subconscious is tapping into the akashic archives or morphic fields of past practitioners (which it very well could, granted) then I would say that they are entities in and of themselves.

I haven't evoked any mentor in the traditional sense, but have simply had their presence in the back of my mind, having them deliver images, words, and thoughts to my consciousness. I perceive them as a palpable entity with an energy signature of their own, and their own particular areas of expertise. I would definitely recommend that you try it for yourself, shacksphere, because there is much to gain and to be learned. Your mentor can teach you any number of things, and if your beliefs are properly aligned, you can even receive abilities, inspiration, etc.

Posts: 70

Re: magic mentor

Post#4 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:08 am

EHE1EH wrote:I believe the mentors (i use the plural because I have many) can be much more than aspects of one personality's subconscious. I say this because I have had mentors teach me about things that I had never had contact with before, so unless my subconscious is tapping into the akashic archives or morphic fields of past practitioners (which it very well could, granted) then I would say that they are entities in and of themselves.

I haven't evoked any mentor in the traditional sense, but have simply had their presence in the back of my mind, having them deliver images, words, and thoughts to my consciousness. I perceive them as a palpable entity with an energy signature of their own, and their own particular areas of expertise. I would definitely recommend that you try it for yourself, shacksphere, because there is much to gain and to be learned. Your mentor can teach you any number of things, and if your beliefs are properly aligned, you can even receive abilities, inspiration, etc.

That's interesting. Lately I have been given (shown in lucid and non-lucid dreams) some texts. I was able to find out what one passage was rather easily (because my dream included section numbers and titles), in pretty important occult work, and I swear on all I know that I have never seen it before in my life. I wonder if this is a mentor/teacher giving me this information. I thought maybe it was imprinted on my subconscious from a past life, maybe I studied esoterica or lived a magical life and the important texts carried over. And to address the OP, I haven't made any special effort to contact a magic mentor, but I do somewhat generically ask for help from higher planes on a regular basis.

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Re: magic mentor

Post#5 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:10 am

Could the Magic Mentor be anyone or the spirits summoned? My experience is quite strange since it turns out to be a popular person that I have no direct contact with. The strange thing is I could visually 'see' the person sometimes even without going through the NAP ritual. Or is it just my imagination? So far, the questions that i ask/ help that I seek have not really being able to be answered by the person.

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O Delano
Posts: 57

Re: magic mentor

Post#6 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:25 pm

I've summoned my magic mentor, although I diverged from the normal procedure in the Miracle of New Avatar Power. I changed the wording of the conjuration because, frankly, it didn't seem right to me. I also asked for a name to call my MM by. It gave me one, and I decided to break it down via Hebrew, Greek, and English gematria. In each case, the name broke down to 9, 3, or 27 (which of course breaks down further to 9 [2+7=9]). With 3 and 9 being the classic magical numbers, I found that correlation pretty awesome!

I also found it interesting that the appearance of my MM is not what I would have expected. It showed up simply as some guy of low medium-height, average build, in a dark blue t-shirt and khakis with close-cropped hair (almost a buzz-cut). The distinguishing feature, however, was that he glowed. He glowed in such a way that I have yet to clearly make out his facial features.

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Re: magic mentor

Post#7 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:11 pm

Hey guys, for the first time I did the Magic Mentor invocation. I did not see anybody, but when I started the conversation as directed by Geoff, Ive got an answer to my question related to how to get free university. I immediately put it into action and we shall see the results.

I just wanted to ask how drastically did that Mentor appear to you guys, I mean did it appear instantly, very clearly for the first time, or maybe after some practice?

Keep up the good work :)

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 741

Re: magic mentor

Post#8 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:45 pm

Hands that help are holier than lips that pray - S.S.S.B.

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