Difference between will and desire?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#11 » Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:36 pm

IronOrchid wrote:will is innate

Yes, you have that right.

I reread the OP's comments, and as I think about it, I believe that single comment by IO has a lot to do with the OP's difficulty.

What I mean (and correct me if I'm wrong) is that I believe the OP (like many of us) struggles with the innate will actually getting in the way of obtaining our desired magical result. We all understand an important tenet of magic, that when you're done, forget it and do something else to get your mind off of it. To let the magic work by itself without your "help". When one can't seem to forget it, they wind up "trying to help" the magic along, subtly nudging it and prodding it, but that only winds up defeating your magical purpose instead of promoting it.

The problem is, sometimes you want something SO INCREDIBLY DESPERATELY that it seems almost impossible to get it out of your mind, and so mastery over your own will, especially your innate will is muy importante.

I think ultimately it boils down to faith. Faith and will are very closely related. Usually what you believe will happen (its gotta be on both conscious and subconscious levels, the latter more important than the former) will wind up happening, whether you want it that way or not. Your beliefs become your reality.

If a person really, truly has faith in their magic, it becomes much easier to "let go, and let God" (to borrow a cheesy axiom from modern fluffy bunny churchianity).

If your lack of faith causes you to struggle with trusting your own magical abilities, you will most likely attempt to "help" things along and defeat your own purpose.

So, I think it all comes down to faith.

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Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#12 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:01 am

Thanks for everyones comments...it's usefull to get others insights....

You could almost say it's a paradox...you perform a magick act because you want/desire some result, but you could say that the driver why you performed the very act gets in the way of the will which is required to manifest the result?

I would be greatfull for others to share their views on how to get around this.


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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2721

Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#13 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:24 pm

Crowley spells Will with a capital W for a reason.

As has been touched on, there is a desire which is rooted in the life forces of the physical body, and even a desire rooted in the mental striving for fulfillment. The body and mind have a God given right to enjoy there temporary lives as much as may be possible, which is why desire exists.

The idea of will (without the capital W) is indeed indicative of a certain level of mastery and self control. If my will is strong to achieve something, then in fact my will is worth nothing if I somehow cannot achieve it. But again, this is the lower will, and is actually a product of Nature in her developing of the human machine. We may perceive this will to be free, but that is in point of fact the furthest thing from the truth. This does not make will and desire bad, evil, or even something to be avoided. It is simply important to understand what they are and where they exist in terms of the integrated freely-functioning human.

True Will, (with a capital W) is a transcendental concept which has nothing to do with body, life, or mind, except for the fact that True Will embraces, supports, is imminent in, and also transcends body, life and mind. As in the Neo-Platonic concept of beauty, True Will is that which shines through when we become transparent to The One.

"The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in." ~ Rumi


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Adeptus Major
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Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#14 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:48 pm

lgdvl73 wrote: True Will, (with a capital W) is a transcendental concept which has nothing to do with body, life, or mind, except for the fact that True Will embraces, supports, is imminent in, and also transcends body, life and mind. As in the Neo-Platonic concept of beauty, True Will is that which shines through when we become transparent to The One.

Good point.

It seems to me that concepts like dharma (duty allocated before birth) and the more new age concept of a "pre-birth agreement" overlap with it.

"...there's no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."
Captain James T Kirk

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Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#15 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:50 pm

Hi lgdvl73

I have read several blurbs lately that hint at the importance of discovering one's True Will, but I was wondering if you can point me to a resource where I can read more in-depth about this concept. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#16 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:29 pm

hypgnosis wrote:Hi lgdvl73

I have read several blurbs lately that hint at the importance of discovering one's True Will, but I was wondering if you can point me to a resource where I can read more in-depth about this concept. Thanks in advance.

Mxs delivers. You are welcome in advance. :D


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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2721

Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#17 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:09 pm

nice link MXS!!!

unites their purest personal will with the postulated course that preexists for them in the universe.

I think this is an important statement from that page, and is one of the first ones to be made about True Will. Notice it is a union between 'purest personal will' (sort of like the zen concept of 'The Mind that Seeks the Way') with something that is macrocosmic and pre-existent to the personality in Nature. The Ultimate Reality is both personal, and universal, as well as cosmic, and it is THAT Will that we must accept as being the conception and intended referent when talking about True Will.

The phrase "transcendent Will" also appears in Thelemic literature (The Law of Liberty Liber CL לענ De Lege Libellum and is used interchangeably with "True Will" and "Pure Will".

This is important that the word transcendent is actually used here. Crowley's whole system rests on his tying up Vedantic Mysticism, The Contemplative Magi, and Western Occultism all under one roof.

my $.02 . Thanx again for the link Mxs!

"The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in." ~ Rumi


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Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#18 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:13 pm

lgdvl73 wrote:True Will is that which shines through when we become transparent to The One.


Thank you, if one truly understands the Qabalah in it's raw secert form...this is the holy grail.

Last edited by oldpainless777 on Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#19 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:13 pm

You are most welcome!

Thelema warms the cockles of my blackened heart . . .

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Re: Difference between will and desire?

Post#20 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:17 pm

Menxeperset wrote:
hypgnosis wrote:Hi lgdvl73

I have read several blurbs lately that hint at the importance of discovering one's True Will, but I was wondering if you can point me to a resource where I can read more in-depth about this concept. Thanks in advance.

Mxs delivers. You are welcome in advance. :D


Thank you...the problem I have with his view, is that if you follow it through to logical conclusion, there is no point in performing a magickal act, as unless your spell conforms to his meaning of true will, it will not work, as it is not your true destiny?....think about what he has said...of course, just me personal view.


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