Labezerin put to the test

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Labezerin put to the test

Post#1 » Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:02 am

I worked with Labezerin in the past, But never put a lot into it. Ive won small amounts on scratch off but nothing never to brag about. I am putting Labezerin to a test to see if she/he (really cannot determine what sex) Yes.... I want to win the lottery! I am not going to lie.... Call it greed whatever....I want to see if this spirit can live up to their name, And win in the process.

I have search the forum and Googled but really there is not enough info on this spirit. Out of all the NAP spirits this one is probably the under dog. It would be nice to see others on this forum join in on this test...If you dare....
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#2 » Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:09 pm

Interesting test. I will follow your topic.

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Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#3 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:03 am

Labezerin is the genius of success in the nuctameron. I have wondered if Cobb actually got the wrong spirit for the job in the book?

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#4 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:12 pm

Hmm....Maybe i have been going about this all wrong....Then ill ask for success in good luck in whatever i do. Since i have had the worst bad luck lately for months (still dont know where its coming from).

Edit: This whatever it is bad luck is just enough to be annoying. I found chicken eggs in my yard when cutting the grass. (no... there are no chickens around)
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#5 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:02 pm

Still, gambling experiments are interesting.

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Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#6 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:55 am

Ok, I've gone on at some length about this elsewhere so will give my abbreviated answer -- and it sounds like you're sort of waking up to what I am going to tell you anyway:

If I was to come on this forum and say "Hey I'm a drug fiend and I'm just looking for a way to get more drugs cheaply or for free," I would be treated with (well-deserved) contempt and probably banned. But for some reason, gambling addicts and other similarly enslaved types (not referring to the OP specifically, so don't get all upset), are for some reason viewed as being more legitimate than dope fiends, even though their cause is much less winnable.

Er, but anyway: If you said to Labezerin "I want to learn more about statistics and odds-making so I can win more at gambling" you likely would have something to brag about by now, but you didn't think of that. Instead, you figured the fastest way to what you want is to jump in the middle of the river, in the swiftest part of the current. Nope.

I recently learned that someone I know has a gambling addiction. This person also has practiced magic from time to time, and I have even ritualized with them a time or two. I was wondering at a drastic change in this person's behavior toward me, and that was eventually the explanation my research arrived at. Ironically, this is the person who got me interested in the NAP initially, many years ago.

If I was one of these intelligences, I would maybe get a little annoyed from time to time at being importuned solely for gambling luck. If you feel you need luck in gambling, Labezerin has news for you, perhaps: You need luck in more than gambling.

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Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#7 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:56 am

PS, practicing gambling with Labezerin standing by is a great idea, however. Practice means playing for pennies, teaching another person to play, or something like that, where the risk is low. Sorry, didn't mention that in previous post.

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Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#8 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:33 pm

See my other post about Labezerin. You're going about this in a not-so-clever kind of way, and at best, you probably won't see results that you're after. At worst, you'll get a bit singed.

Putting spirits to the test is a good way to ensure that your life takes a few colorful turns. Rarely are they ones you're looking forward to.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#9 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:47 pm

I dont have a problem with gambling. But would i like to win the lottery.....Hell Yea!....This was a experiment, But i see it was a bad idea. Maybe ill try a different spirit in winning but not necessary the lottery.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: Labezerin put to the test

Post#10 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:03 pm

No need to try another spirit; instead, why not try to win something else?

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