Elubatel in progress

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: Elubatel in progress

Post#11 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:43 pm


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Re: Elubatel in progress

Post#12 » Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:38 pm

What is?

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Elubatel in progress

Post#13 » Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:48 am

MP......I have to agree with Wanderer......Never envoke/summon or whatever Elubatel out of deperation! Ok my spelling sucks tonite because.....Ive had a few....Oh Elubatel.....Hes not one to plead with. Hardcore in your face Spirit. At first ive had many encounters with him in my face like wtf?....Only and mean only when i had a sense of humbleness did i get anywhere with him. I hope your in it for the long haul....Because its not like i envoke you and wham it appears..................NO ! This has been going on for years at a 6 month to a year interval.

So really whatever you ask of him make it good. And if your bi-polar hes not a good spirit to fuck with. Word of advise...
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Elubatel in progress

Post#14 » Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:59 am

MagiAwen wrote:Elubatel is one of the better currents for "set it and forget it". Ask and you WILL receive, don't worry about it, let it move you. If you fight, it will fight harder to bring about what the magician asked for. If you try to pick what is happening apart and analyze it, you will not realize the opportunities coming that will set you up for your results as you will be distracted and wander down paths that weren't originally presented or intended. Be happy and confident in knowing that the universe is moving for you. But it can only do so if you let it.

Yes Magi....Current is a better word.... Because you will feel all aspects of this current. And yes ive gotten better in letting things go. If problems arise i just think of a better solution (no matter what) which is hard sometimes. But i know it is in my better interest.

You are so cute..... :wub
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Elubatel in progress

Post#15 » Sat Jun 18, 2016 2:12 am

Zadok wrote:Fabulous

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Okay.......What is fabulous?
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

Posts: 204

Re: Elubatel in progress

Post#16 » Sat Jun 18, 2016 3:35 am

MagiAwen's post.

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Re: Elubatel in progress

Post#17 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:23 pm

I am glad Magiawen posted that insight. Right now, things are moving, and it's as of yet only a partial success with a part-time job but other things are also in the works, such as past employers being enthusiastic about endorsing me for potential positions. I used the petition "Work I enjoy at a wage that fits my needs," and am finally quieting down my brain a little more each day. One of the past jobs would be a dead end with not much money, but a good environment. The other would be more challenging but a lot more money, and possibility for growth. The part-time job is still within my field, but there is the possibility of maybe, just maybe, growing into something tangentially from it.

Most mornings, I have to wake up and breathe myself back into a calmer mindset. I am trying to take things one step at a time and keep my eyes and ears open for change.

I did the petitions to Elubatel and Nitika for a month, from April 17th to May 17th. In that time, I was guided to do other types of magick and some forgiveness work. It seems I needed to do a bit of alchemical work as well as making peace and coming to terms with other things. I am going to check in with Elubatel and Nitika later on today. I am doing my best to avoid lust for results in this trying time, but hey, who wouldn't like it if the final result came by next month, at the 3-month mark?

A reading from the Thoth deck the other day: 6 of Swords,The Sun, and the Ace of Disks.

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Re: Elubatel in progress

Post#18 » Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:37 pm

Elubatel and Nitika just might still be lining things up for me. I just got hired on the spot (second time in a month now) for a second part-time gig. It is doing something I love and am good at, and it has the potential to bring in a good amount of cash. While even both jobs together will not be enough income, they are both at times of the day and week which leave me open to finding a regular, 9 to 5 job.

I had some interesting, symbolic dreams the other night, after asking Elubatel and Nitika to give me some insights. In the dream, I had already colored my hair with henna. The thing to know about henna is that after you color your hair with it, it will continue to develop for a few days. Also, do not try to bleach it out, or it will only set in deeper. Even though I'd dyed my hair with henna, I decided to add red dye over it. Someone told me I forgot to wash it out, and I went to do it quickly. Luckily, my hair didn't turn green, as it can with this process. They then pointed out that my spell had already worked, showing me an old NAP petition which had been a long shot had actually come to fruition.

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