Elubatel + Nitika very nice results

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Elubatel + Nitika very nice results

Post#1 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:52 am

So I've been reading through a lot of the Elubatel posts here in SA, as well as the evocations posted on Planetary Magick subforum (most fascinating read if you ask me) and somewhere along the reading someone pointed out that working with Elubatel and Nitika, by asking them to work together yielded very nice results.

So I went for it.
Burned some Sandalwood,
Wrote in my Journal
did the NAP relaxation method,
then Invocation for Success, stating that Elubatel stay at the end
then Invoccation for Money
then asking them both to work together so I could enjoy both lessons toward my success but with more room to breathe (aka money)
Thanked and ended and went to bed


Things are much harder for me as a street musician during Winter because of Rain and Cold and less tourism in Lisboa. I had only a spot to play near the Metro, where I was having a lot of issues because of a magazine that works in the area and are always complaining about the noise and making me feel bad.
I also asked for a license to play in a more secluded place near Carmel Convent Ruins, that would be really nice for me, but two months later only did they give me the spot, and I tested it with very meager results. The spot seemed excelent in Autumn but was very empty now. Went back to the problematic Metro spot, where I could at least make some money.
I had some Bills and little money coming in. Using the money to only buy food and daily train tickets.


The next day after the ritual, as I was getting ready to start my usual routine, 4 guys appear. They were the guys from the magazine that worked near the spot. They went on to intimidate me and threaten me, and I had to leave. Even though I was not afraid of them, the threat of a complain to the Police was very real as I did not have a license for that spot. So I left and looked for a new spot all day long. No money in my pocket, hungry, sad with the threats, but thinking that there was a plan.
At the end of the day, I went back to the spot I had a license now, the Carmel Convent. It was the end of the day, played for 40 minutes. At the end I had made the ammount I usually make in a day. Was very confusing because very few people gave me money. They just gave much more than average. Saw it as a clear sign to play in that spot even though it's very empty.

All week it rained, but the rain would stop in the morning and get back at 4/5 p.m. so I was always able to play and make a very decent ammount of money, not much but at least as much as in the Metro spot, and without the stress of the other spot.

Then rain came strong and I had to abort mission this Friday. Went back to my place and I received a phone call. A lover from my past: her father needed a translation done to French. It was some important confidential documents and they would pay me really well if I could do it until Sunday. I accepted it even though I'm not 100% native french and only lived there as a kid. So I knew I would need a French to review the document after I ended it. Saturday was all about getting it done until 1h30 am. All of a sudden I realised I knew the perfect French girl to review my document. I met her this summer, and had a sudden urge to reconnect to her this week. Yeah, after the spell. So I sent her a long text about some stuff we talked about when we met. It was about her interest in ritual magick actually. When I ended the document I realised she had a degree in the area of what I just translated. How could I not have seen it? I sent it to her. When I wake up in the morning she had corrected it, commented on the corrections, and in such a way that it only took me 1 hour to correct the document and write the email to the company owner that hired me. He was thrilled with the high quality translation in such a short time, and I even received by mistake the message he sent to his daughter thanking her for recommending me. At lunch time we met and I received an amount of money that would take me 10/15 days to make on the street. He asked me if I could make translations to portuguese and french in future and we agreed on terms.

Sunday (yesterday) was the birthday party of a friend. For some reason he wanted to celebrate by hosting a Poker game. So I went, and won the whole table.

This was only one week, I kid you not.

I didn't expect to be capable of doing such a good quality job translating even though I am very at ease with words very influenced by my parents that both teach languages. Realised that it could be a very effective and free way of making the extra money when needed.

I learned that I should be more patient when testing spots flow. If I had moved to the Carmel Convent sooner I would have saved myself from a lot of stress. Also must be careful when playing in urban areas too frequently as it will surely irritate the people that work/live near so I should take a "Hit and Run" approach when I play in urban areas in the future, not giving time for such issues to arrise.

Also learned that knowing the right people can be the difference between a successful business, and a failed one. Kindness for someone I met this summer ended up with someone that barely knows me giving me a huge help. Connecting with others is also a big part of success.

:Thank You for reading. Thoughts?
Last edited by Nahash on Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Doing is learning what you need to do

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Posts: 10

Re: Elubatel + Nitika very nice results

Post#2 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:09 pm

Hey! Nice one! Congratulations!
It's amazing how the world is moving on in silence.
Are you a NAP student for a long time?
What's about sandalwood? Just incense?
Thank you so much for share your experience

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