Consistency and Discipline

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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jeff grayhair
Posts: 66

Consistency and Discipline

Post#1 » Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:44 am

How does one motivate him/herself to consistently practice the invocations daily?Even though results are showing an easily distracted,sort of undisciplined person as myself needs some kind of motivation to keep going on a continuous basis.Any suggestions?

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#2 » Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:37 am

I find myself go into intense days of 'cramming' and super intense deep study, and others Ill lounge around, or pursue other things (other creative pursuits) like painting or making music, with equal 'flare'. I guess I 'rotate' 'back and forth' between them. I do wonder about self-motivating though, cause I certainly need more of a magical work ethic ;D :p
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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#3 » Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:15 am

Oh yes this is the key. I have been struggling with this for many years which is not like me. It gets even harder when there are other life changes like a new relationship, new job etc.

I havn't done any NAP for months but this is because I am using other methods to bring in the goodies. At the mo I am chanting and writing...

Keep thinking of the results that you had from this and one thing that really helped me was to force myself to do it non stop for 30 days, make a time slot eg wake up 20 mins earlier than normal. Each time I done this at first it felt like nothing was happening but then I had a whole stream of endless goodies come my way.

Keep reading and rereading success stories regardless if it NAP or some other magick. One major key that helped me when I started out was a group forum. Everyone was working on the same goal e.g money or relationships and it was a booster reading the things that was happening or not happening. Sadly the forum changed in many ways and it is now closed down. I was thinking of creating a skype group where we could all do a video call group each week to keep the flow going. Of course this would work better if you all got on with each other. If you have some friends here or anything like that why not get together once a week. The plus side of this is when you are in a group working your magick you will seem tenfold with the results.
This is something that I will be doing for sure later on but will make it some kind of paid course to keep out the kill joys.

You can even start of with like 7 days in a row then have 2 days off then build yourself up to 2 weeks, 3 weeks etc.

Sorry about my long post

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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#4 » Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:48 am

Don't forget a lot of the people of this world have to force themself every day to go to a job they do not like. They just have to do it because it will give them the means to live.

Now you have to imagine that your magick practice is as least as important as your work and require as least as much disclipline. This is true, because your magick is your way to a better life.

You need to constantly practice to master a skill, but if its a really good skill the sweat usually pays off.


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Magister Templi
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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#5 » Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:43 am

jeff grayhair wrote:Question...
How does one motivate him/herself to consistently practice the invocations daily?Even though results are showing an easily distracted,sort of undisciplined person as myself needs some kind of motivation to keep going on a continuous basis.Any suggestions?

Well magic teaches a variety of skills and will move you out of your comfort zone (as it did with me and my sewing of robes lol).

Perhaps you need to learn discipline. Don´t be fooled by the liars.. Magic is like being a concert pianist. it looks easy BUT behind the scenes there were years of practice.

IF I had my way only those who have chalked up 10,000 hrs of magical ritual would be considered as magicians.

Just keep going and committ to your work. In time you will get there...
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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#6 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:45 am

Magick should be lived as a mind set and a practice integrated within everyday habits. If you shower everyday, for instance, make a habit of using that shower to cleanse and bless yourself with the water. Take apart your day and decide ways to incorporate magick in big and small ways. It shouldn't be "work".

My favorite daily magick is cooking dinner. My soups heal. Spaghetti is protection night with lots of garlic and basil, salt and pepper. And everyone likes my apple and dill " love chicken". Is it really yummy or do they feel the love? :lol: :D

P.S.- I'm a witch, I personally don't use NAP.
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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#7 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:19 pm

I agree with the habits that fit into your lifestyle which WR mentioned. A huge breakthrough for me was when I learned to do much of my work with smoke and song. I play music all the time, and I like to smoke herb - so discovering how to use these two activities for magic was incredibly helpful for me. Without having to be disciplined and making myself do things, I now have easy daily rituals that I want to do everyday.

"Oh, I need to check in with my spirit guides about something? Well, this is the perfect place to smoke a spliff, lets do it!"

Much better then, "I just woke up, and now I am going to do the same ritual I do everyday that takes up 20 minutes of every morning where I focus on repetition.... Must have sacrificed 2.5 hours this week saying these random words someone else made up!"

There is more then one way to practice magic, but once you understand the basics, you can really create ritual that supports your lifestyle and expresses who you are without having to force yourself into daily repetition. If you are gonna do the same activity everyday, it might as well be something you would do anyways!
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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#8 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:50 pm

I agree with various points made thus far.

Magic is not easy, until it becomes a veritable extension of who you are. Even then it is not easy, it just becomes natural and by definition easier. You must slay the beast of apathy and inertia and take control of yourself, your life, and your decisions. Keeping yourself motivated should not be a concern, either you are or you are not…but it is you and always you who must be in control, not some external source of motivation, or lack thereof.

As mentioned, incorporate magic into your daily activities. Don't fall into the trap of compartmentalizing your life between a sacred and profane. When everything is sacred, every act becomes a magical act.

Additionally, take 2 minutes to simply make an offering of gratitude to nature, your deity(ies), your ancestors, or whoever/whatever. This will serve to keep you attuned to your spiritual and magical current. The more you build up this connection the more natural it becomes and the less ritual practice will feel like something outside your normal day-to-day routine.
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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#9 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:55 pm

Leonardo_Drakon wrote:As mentioned, incorporate magic into your daily activities. Don't fall into the trap of compartmentalizing your life between a sacred and profane. When everything is sacred, every act becomes a magical act.

Additionally, take 2 minutes to simply make an offering of gratitude to nature, your deity(ies), your ancestors, or whoever/whatever. This will serve to keep you attuned to your spiritual and magical current. The more you build up this connection the more natural it becomes and the less ritual practice will feel like something outside your normal day-to-day routine.

Even though this seems so simple and easy, I find much more benefit with simple intention and mindfulness like described here then reciting fancy old languages or waving around fancy swords or staffs or whatever. Of course, there can be a time and place for everything, and you can balance the two as well - they do not exclude each other in any way!
Life is a continuous string of miracles =)

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Re: Consistency and Discipline

Post#10 » Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:07 pm

Just to speak for the unconscious here :thinking ; that "resistance" may need to be more thoroughly investigated with compassion and clarity. To do so would perhaps be as powerful in its yield of practical results as powering through with "will" exercises (although important in their place I think). Journaling, Bardons black and white mirror exercises, and many other insight type thingies are good, yes?

Personal demon evocation might be useful as in calling up, naming and conversing with one's demon-complexes of sloth and inactivity. Finding out why they don't let us do regular work is certainly useful info. Some magicians seem to be able to make deals with these personal demons and get them to work for them. I've not had too much luck with that. I've had more success in unlocking problems by finding out the positive intentions of my resistances-complexes-demons. I just assume they haven't had a way of telling me that they want to help and its coming out wrong. :geek:
Good luck!

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