vengeance and selfishness...

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: vengeance and selfishness...

Post#21 » Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:50 am

With regard to the original post, the examples the author gives in the book about what people did with the techniques he showed them are what those people did. No one is saying you should use the same things to do exactly the same things. There are many tools, some I would never use the way others do. Much of the things described in NAP I've said to myself "wow, I would never want to do that." That's not judging the other people's situations, but a reflection of me. I recently looked at the things in the back of the book anew, and I see them differently to some extent. I see the concept of defensive armor and the idea of turning away a force that is directed at someone. If a mad bull is charging you, you'd want to redirect it. I think you can find, if the need arises, uses for the tools in the book; and those uses wouldn't necessarily look like the uses he describes.

It's interesting the original poster says no one looked into the original hebrew. He should poke around here more. Raum and others have shared a lot of that, putting these entities and practice into very rich contexts. Arzel's connection to Ethiopian texts, Labezerin being part of Zechariah and “Turn ye to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope”. Just a little digging, and one can find these spirits/energies/entities are generally not one-trick ponies at all.

But if you want to knock what you see as misuse of these arts (and thus judging people without "walking a mile in their shoes, and honestly a mile isn't very far), NAP is not the best example of that, I don't think. And it's clear from his other writings that he's more in line with your way of thinking than you seem to acknowledge, original poster dude.

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