Blank Lead Sheets

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 595

Blank Lead Sheets

Post#1 » Mon May 29, 2023 2:18 pm

Where do you guys get your blank lead sheets for your defixiones aka curse tablets? The only one I ever had was given to me by someone who had about a 1.5 pound chunk of lead which he beat out flat for me on his anvil.

I've noticed lead has REALLY gone up in price these days. I was looking on amazon and about fell over at the sticker shock. I knew copper was outrageously expensive but LEAD??? Oy vey I used to gather that up as a kid out of old, dead car batteries and sold it to junk yards for a nickel a pound. Too bad you can't use lead from car batteries what with them being formerly charged and all, might make for some cool Saturn talismans. ;^)

I had other Saturnian experiments I wanted to try out with lead sheets. Thus the interest in non-price gouging sources sought.
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