I use a rather old-school textual/graphical method, in black, red and white, because those colors and that style are resonant for me. The upper and lower lines are hijacked Psalms. The pythagorean Tetractys at either side, in red (ascendant) and black (descendant) represent the operation in play, also reflected in the red and black triangles of the central hexegram.
The target is a personage of some prominence who has offended me by profiteering on her profanation of Magic in a series of drivelly books that utterly miss out on the chance to deliver useful esoteric teachings under the guise of fiction. But that is not why I am calling on the Dark Gods Below to destroy her.
Rather, she has lately taken a stance, amplified by the considerable reach of her platform, that directly endangers the wellbeing and physical safety of some especially vulnerable, marginalized people, whom I happen to have chosen to take under my protection.
Without saying more in the matter, I will simply mention that her initials, shown fixed in a diminishing arrangement wishing her ruin are J.K.R.