Possible Result with Demons?

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 518

Possible Result with Demons?

Post#1 » Tue Dec 27, 2022 11:59 am

This time last year I crushed hard on a girl I met. We went on a date, and I brought her back to my place, but I bottled it before we could bump uglies (nice guys finish last). I didn't initiate sex or blow her mind so I never got a second date. I didn't feel good about that rejection. It had been years since I genuinely liked someone so it kind of stung.

Naturally I resorted to what I knew and got to work conjuring some demons. I conjured Zepar a couple of times with no manifestation or signs of success. Months later I would do longer more involved workings with Sitri toward the same end. I could see images of the spirit in the smoke and ball when scrying but again, no obvious external signs of success.

I found that she would blow hot and cold with me. Sometimes she would talk to me, others she would ignore me. When at the gym she would sometimes come and use equipment next to me. It's a big gym, she could have worked out anywhere, why next to me? These felt like indicators of interest. However, I had asked her out again after doing the aforementioned workings and was rejected. So I didn't pay her any heed or give her any attention. I felt like she wasn't interested, and I was a little crushed that nothing had worked. I had the slightest shred of dignity left and she had already rejected me twice so I wasn't going to ask again. I just left it alone.

Fast forward six months from our first date and she randomly texts me on a Saturday night to set up a date. Note at this point that I had mentally given up hope and was over it. But when she text I suddenly gained interest again like a simp. I got my hopes up and set the date. I text her when the day rolled around and she didn't respond. I felt stupid for letting her play me. I felt bitter about it all too and stopped feeling the same way about her.

Fast forward to this past weekend. Our first date was almost exactly a year ago. I'm heading out for Boxing day. It's a big day where I'm from, the bars are rammed. I had arranged to meet some friends inside, but after waiting in line for an hour I gave up and went to another bar on my own. I was pissed at the time, but fate had other plans in store for me I guess.

By chance I bumped into her there. She was VERY drunk. And I was sober. I said hello and she took me by the hand to the dancefloor where she said she was going home with me later. Then she tried to drag me into the toilet with her. I was far too sober though. I had never fucked anyone in a toilet before, and her level of intoxication made me nervous. In short, I bottled it and refused to go in with her (yes, I know, I cock blocked myself again, I'm an idiot, I really regret not doing it). We kissed and went our separate ways. I thought I would have bumped into her again later in the night but she must have left early.

Anyways, even though nothing happened, it very nearly did. I almost seen her naked. It could have been Sitri. But I don't want to accept that possibility. My workings with Sitri where months ago. I remember Stephen Skinner saying that when you do a working the results should come within days or weeks. Anything later is owed to chance. I'm inclined to agree with him. It shouldn't have taken this long to work. And we both had chemistry before any magic was involved and I fluffed the first date. I'm leaning towards believing that this was simple mundane attraction between two people. But I could be wrong. What are your thoughts?
Last edited by Riva626 on Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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