A venusian curse

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 788

A venusian curse

Post#1 » Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:15 pm

There's a chap who owes me some money, I dont even remember how much it was but wasnt much, and swore to myself I would stop losing my time and energy with petty things, so I just put it aside for nearly one year. But, I was in line at the local grossery store, and saw he was just before me. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling down twitter, pretending I didnt see him to see what he would do. He saw me, and pretended he didnt see me either.

I heard from a friend in common he had scammed quite a bunch of people at the time. Maybe I should do something about it after all, and its been a while since the last time I cursed someone, so why not?

The target has a strong venus influence on him. It is very outstanding, he is charismatic and things tend to go his way. He also evaded being arrested once for managing a weed crop, so perhaps the venus influence upon him can dissolve curses.

Well, Im measuring my hand here. I dont want to break havoc in his entire life as I tend to do when I curse someone. Ill be targeting his finances and charisma, he scammed people for money, so I think its a fair target.

The curse

Ill keep it simple. Ill use his venus influence against himself through the power of the 7 of cups, which is the detriment of venus. He likes psychedelics, raves and an expensive lifestyle, so I will use the 7 of cups to corrode his finances and charisma through his own likings. I expect the 7 of cups to blend well through affinity with his own venus, so I will be using his own nature and tendencies against himself. No need to overwhelm him with a massive or multi-layered attack.

I will print his photo and the 7 of cups in the same sheet, drawing a link between the two. Then I will write down on the sheet my intent to corrode his charisma and finances through the 7 of cups, charge it and cast the sheet in the sewer, then wait some months and see what happens. The sheet should bring the putrefaction of the sewer to the targets and rot them.

This cursed tends to act slow, but very consistently when it finally kicks in. An alternative would be to bury the sheet, specially in graveyard dirt if one wants to bring a necromantic aspect to it, but working in the cemetery requires specific protocol and caution, and there's no need for such a force in this case.

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