And then I did 2 divinations with thoth tarot. Strange thing is that after shuffling the deck alot, and cutting, I drew the devil 2 times as the first card.
Thanks for posting this curse.
Silenciumetaurum wrote:This is a basic procedure. It has never failed me. Embellish it according to your will.
Get or make:
- 1 female figural candle (black preferred). I like to pour my own but if you don't have the mold, just buy one at a botanica online. If this isn't feasible, use a simple altar candle.
- 13 pins
- some kind of personal concern (taglock) Best are hair, nails, bodily fluids. But since that isn't likely, try to get a picture. Signatures and names can work, but they are last on the list of effective ingredients.
- Optional: destruction oil and incense, rubbing alcohol, matches.
To do:
1. If you have it, scan / copy the person's picture (so you have two).
2. Baptize the candle ("Yea, thou art _________ and _________ thou shall be . . . ")
3. Dress it with the oil and smoke it in the incense.
4. Put it down on the person's picture (if you know how to "cross and cover" a name on a paper, I would do that on the back with some appropriately damning injunction. The photo itself will do at bare minimum.
5. Light the candle and focus your ire into the flame. When you feel an emotional connection, start sticking the pins in. My preferred method runs in this order: head, eyes, ears, mouth, throat, chest, genitals, hips, knees, and feet. But you'll have to choose if you want it symmetrical. I would think that a person this annoying should get the head, eyes, mouth, knees and feet done first. I stay away from the hands just because they tend to break off--which is not necessarily bad but you want the pins sticking in there and causing agony for a good while. But if you can do the hands, feel free. They would be symbolically appropriate.
6. Put the second picture down in front of the burning candle with the pins. Douse it with rubbing alcohol while calling down curses on this peson. Be angry. Let yourself go. Pitch a lit wooden match (has to be big enough to fall and stay lit) at the picture and let it burn. Keep up the cursing. If it burns the candle, so be it. Otherwise, you can burn the candle a little bit every day in the hour of Saturn but only do the alcohol burn once.
- If the pins fall out during the burn, don't put them back in. That's a sign that their work in that area of the spell is complete. Dispose of all remains in running water--even if this means hosing them down in the back yard before burying them. Remember: water first. This is a fire spell and fire spirits can be . . . persistent.
- Purify yourself regularly while doing this work. It can get rather violent.