
Cursing, Hexing, Self Defense, the Qlippoth, Typhonion Magic, and other dark currents.
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Posts: 69


Post#1 » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:04 am


I've been having difficulty with a colleague for some time now. Without going into detail, this guy is easily the most vile, twisted, petty, and narcissistic individual I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Out of what I assume is some form of unconscious envy, he has spread vile, malicious rumours about me. He has boasted about his manipulation tactics, and sewn discord throughout the workplace. All whilst keeping his own hands clean.

I've tried to be stoic about his actions. They are great way to test my own personal fortitude, philosophy, and resolve. However, the reality is that if I don't crush him totally, he will keep coming back to nip at my heels, and I don't get paid enough to deal with this kind of stress.

I renounced doing baneful magic a long time ago. I don't like hurting people. I don't like having guilt on my conscience, and I really don't like the thought of suffering for my sins in another life (if that's what happens). For these reasons I rarely pick up the wand anymore. We can never predict how our magic might work or influence the actions of others, so for most part I just leave it alone. That being said, I think I reached breaking point with my enemy. After some contemplation I decided that I needed to do something about it.

Last night I conjured Andromalius and asked it to make my enemy recognise the evil they have done and to repent for it. I also asked it to have him leave our workplace within the next four weeks. This was a relatively tame request in my opinion. Most people in my situation would probably have inflicted great evil back upon this man. I know in my younger days I certainly would have. Fortunately I appear to have matured a little.

I disregarded the operation as failure. The spirit showed no signs of appearance. I had even brought a pendulum board and asked it to move the pendulum for me, but it was to no avail.

I understand some people here think it's disrespectful to ask a high ranking demon to perform parlour tricks, but I don't care. I think it's equally disrespectful for it to ignore my request to appear visibly, audibly, and affably under every power from heaven and hell.

Anyways, I packed up my things and went to bed. This morning I had an incredibly vivid dream. I was in a home I knew as a child, except the interior was that of a mansion and I was in the library. There was a plaque with a sigil above the fireplace. It might have been made out of lead. I was on a ladder perusing a book from one of the higher shelves.

I could sense an ominous presence around me. I could feel the imminent approach of a powerful demon. Crocell and Decarabia came to mind, which is strange because these are two demons that have never been of interest to me in any way. Then I could feel that Andromalius was coming to protect me from the other two. I don't know how or why, but I think the book I was reading said as much, it specified Andromalius' role as protector from the others. However, I woke in terror before any spirits arrived.

I take this as a sign that something certainly worked, but time will tell if my request actually comes to fruition.

The dream has me wondering though, what is the connection between these three spirits, if any? I thought maybe they shared the same king, but they don't. Does anyone have any insight on this? Is there something I'm missing?

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