Working with the "Awesome Deathmaker of Naples"

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Magister Templi
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Working with the "Awesome Deathmaker of Naples"

Post#1 » Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:26 am

Thanks to Brother Moloch, who pointed out this work.

This spell is from a book by Tarostar a great author:

"Awesome Deathmaker of Naples"

This is the original book:
"Witch's Spellcraft" by Tarostar.
Witchs Spellcraft Tarostar 20220804_161018____ - Edited RESIZE.jpg

The text here I copied from, but the images show the idea and the results were always fully fantastic.
Not cited in the original text, but for The God of War name call for "El Shaddai”.

To destroy an enemy.
(Edited because some typos):

On a Night of Mars, as Luna waxeth in a Fire Sign, take into Thy strongest
hand a lemon firm and ripe. With a sharp blade, carve Thy enemy's name
upon the skin thereof. Thou should then sprinkle water and salt upon it and
name it for the soon to be deceased.

In the light of a single red candle with an incense of Dragon's Blood burning
in Thy brazier, call Thou our to the just God of War to help Thy power
destroy Thy tormentor.

In Thy strongest hand hold firm five nails of iron and breath Thy hatred
and venom into them. When Thou feel the power be at its peak, forcefully
plunge the nails into the through the lemon,

Sit then and twine red thread around and around the nails as Thy mind sees
Thy enemy's death in agony. By the red thread, hang the gruesome charm out
of doors to dry up and rot in the sun and dry wind. As the ancient Wizards say.
Thy enemy will also dwindle away.

20211229_214209 - EDITADO Imagem Marca Dagua - Cópia.jpg

Few months results...

20220628_153027____Imagem Marca Dagua.jpg

This is what is happening to the target.

I got some interesting results, even the death of a rapist drug dealer son of an ATR (African Traditional Religions) priestess who protected him. This one was a good example, he literally rotted from his health to death.

However, I want to comment that I had lower results when charging people who owe me very large amounts who received services in services even for the destruction of their enemies, which in my view deserve a greater punishment.

So, I will observe what will happens ahead.

Others who have used this spell I would appreciate your feedback.
Last edited by Gilbertopb on Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:49 am, edited 2 times in total.

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