Hey all looking for some pointers or signpost for stuff to learn for wiccan degrees. A board like this might benefit from having that sort of information collected together in one place. I did a little search and kept coming up with very practical ritualistic stuff but little actually related to the degree itself.
So I have come from very ceremonial background where there was soooo much to meditate on for each degree. No matter where you do the initiation you it is the same and most places had degree packs with a reading list and we could study the ritual itself which was long complicated and very wordy. The wiccan one was very short and simple. What should I be learning? I have other things going on in my life right now so not looking for anything too heavy.
I recently took initiations with a local coven to explore what I didn't know, but I wasn't very Gerald Gardiner or Alex Saunders more Open Source wicca if there is such a thing and the priestess has been saying she will send me some stuff to study for over a year, but still hasn't so I'm currently enjoying Peter Grey's Apocalyptic Witchcraft.
I was wondering since there is a witchcraft board in here whether I could collect some signposts to stuff I can do or study to fulfill my degree wicca-base initiations. Most using these degrees to help me focus on my earth element right now while I lose weight and get physically fitter and learn to be a little more green fingered.