Dieties similar to Erzulie Freda (but nicer) (wealth/luxury/glamour)?

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Dieties similar to Erzulie Freda (but nicer) (wealth/luxury/glamour)?

Post#1 » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:23 pm

I was reading and researching Palo Mayombe and I came across the description of Ezrulie Freda. I feel really drawn to her because she seems to stand for a lot of things I would like to increase in my life: luxury, childfree love relationships, glamour. She reminds me of Aphrodite but Aphrodite had kids which always seemed to be off putting for me. Erzulie Dantor seems like a much more helpful spirit for women but her imagry seems to carry the emotional current of struggle and strife. Not looking to attract struggle. I want to make my life EASIER. Please no lectures on the higher side of magic. I spent all of my life up to this point under the influence of striving for Agape. Now it's time to satisfy some other needs.

But the downside is that Erzulie Freda doesn't seem to like women (rivalries) very much and prefers men (straight and gay). She's super demanding and apparently will jack a person up really bad if they neglect her or break their marriage vows to her. Or sometimes she will just be a taker and not fufill requests even after multiple offerings. Multiple sources seem to confirmed these personality traits, making this spirit not a good fit for me in REALITY.

The descriptions of her remind me of over demanding celebrities and narcissists. Those people make millions and get cars and clothes and trips for free and they have no problem ever taking more but in reality if there was no system requiring them/ benefitting them to give back, they wouldn't give at all. For example: They'll sell a bs makeup or antiaging cream but will never tell women how they REALLY got their look (good genes, surgeries, strict diets, exercising 2-5 hours a day!) This leaves their followers in a perpetual state of disatisfaction that they haven't followed their way up to that star's level. I made a vow to myself to not extend myself to people who don't help me in return and that goes to deities and spirits too.

I suppose there are probably multiple Venusian type spirits or dieties one could work with in a similar capacity to be disciplined trained and benefit from. Any ideas or experience?

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