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To protect a property

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 5:41 pm
by Astral Eye
Dragon’s Blood powder or oil
Ground sea salt
Cinnamon stick
Peppermint leaves
Bowl of water (at least 2qt size, like a mixing bowl)
Optional: red food coloring or hibiscus tea bag
Note: If Dragon’s Blood is not available, you can substitute chili peppers, hot chili powder, or tabasco sauce.

Make an infusion with the cinnamon stick and the peppermint leaves, about a cup’s worth. Combine this with the Dragon’s Blood and ground sea salt in the bowl of water. If desired, add a few drops of red food coloring or swirl the hibiscus tea bag in the water to add red color.

Stir slowly, pouring your will to protect your home and property into the bowl as you do.

Take the bowl outside to your property line. Walk all the way around your property, sprinkling the water along the line. Invoke whatever deities, ancestors, or personal or household spirits you feel are appropriate and ask them to help protect your home, or simply reinforce the casting with your own will. Say whatever words you choose. If it helps, imagine the droplets of water springing up as tongues of fire when they hit the ground.

Reserve some water and use it to wash the thresholds and windowsills. If there is anything left, keep a little bit in a bottle in your kitchen, on your altar, or wherever you feel is appropriate.